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CAA News Today

Photo courtesy the David C. Driskell Center at the University of Maryland, College Park.

We were saddened to learn of the passing of artist, collector, historian, and lifetime CAA member Dr. David C. Driskell this week at the age of 88. In addition to being a lifetime member, Driskell also served on the CAA Board of Directors and Executive Committee from 1980-1984. His art and scholarship centered African-American art history and had a tremendous impact on the field.

In his honor, we’ve made a selection of articles by him or related to his work available to access for free on Taylor & Francis online until the end of April. Explore below.

Articles from Art Journal and The Art Bulletin

David C. Driskell, “Margaret Webster Plass, African Miniatures: Goldweights of the Ashanti,” Art Journal, 1968 (link)

Jody B. Cutler, Debra Wacks, John P. Bowles, Craig Saper, Michèle C. Cone & Daryl Chin, “Reviews,” Art Journal, 2000 (link)

Monica Blackmun Visonà, “Agent Provocateur? The African Origin and American Life of a Statue from Côte d’Ivoire,” The Art Bulletin, 2012 (link)

Krista Thompson, “A Sidelong Glance: The Practice of African Diaspora Art History in the United States,” Art Journal, 2011 (link)

Read more about Driskell’s life and legacy in ARTnews.

Filed under: Art History, Obituaries