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CAA News Today

Adity Saxena

posted Dec 03, 2021


In the past 18 years of my professional journey, I have progressed from a design educator of a vocational training institution to a Dean of Woxsen School of Arts and Design, India. This journey created opportunities for me to understand several art forms in India and global, design communities and their challenges, design students from local communities, society’s perception about art education, and art as a profession are the areas I would like to bring to the Board.

I am a certified design thinker, and I would like to share my knowledge in the implication of the design process and how we can combine strategy and creativity to innovate and add value to society. The social role of art is one of the areas, interests me more.

My KRA as a Dean of Woxsen School of Arts and Design allows me to develop goals and strategic planning for the different committees of the university includes, lead and drive the research publications of the entire school. Contribute and regularly participate in IQAC activities to maintain the quality of the university’s external and internal stakeholders. This role involves understanding and implementation policies and monitors the progress. I am also responsible for leading many innovative initiatives to increase students’ employability by connecting academia and industry.

One of my significant roles is to initiate international collaborations with global universities. The Woxsen University has thirty partner universities across the globe. The main keywords of my role in internationalization are coordination, understanding the policy aspects of the universities in the context of diverse cultures and countries, and set goals. I have constantly been working on creating systems and processes in coordination with senior management. Inclusion of diversity in the school is another lead role required to understand the culture, people, policies, gender, race, politics in a local and global context.

Apart from my academic leadership and administration roles, I am also associated with the national and international Association. My role as an RJED India representative (Restorative Justice Education, a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) corporation) is to promote the practice of Restorative

Justice in Indian schools and colleges. This role challenges me to understand the global perspective of RJED and the implementation challenges in the Indian context ( In addition, I am responsible for resolving the conflict between the shared meaning of local people and international concepts. So, I feel that qualifies me to set policy as well as determine and monitor programs at CAA.

I found the essential duty of the board members is to provide a strategic direction to the inclusion of diversity in art. The inclusion and diversity vision of the association is one of the essential aspects that inspired me to show my interest in joining CAA. Thus, promoting CAA’s vision and mission in India motivates more art educators, artists, and critics to join the community. Promoting awareness to increase the diversity in the art and design industry includes educational institutions, people, parents, and groups with different cultures and ethnicities. To increase diversity, I propose that the Association recruit its members from different places with varied skills, experience, gender, and socio-economical levels.

Read Adity Saxena’s CV


Filed under: Board of Directors