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Art Law Blogs

posted by Christopher Howard — Jul 01, 2007

Two websites, the Law Portal and the Art Law Blog, publish on issues of importance to the intersections of art and the law.

The Law Portal provides access to primers–relatively brief summaries of the law for nonlawyers–on legal matters that affect the arts, artists, and arts institutions. The materials have been created by a wide variety of nonprofit organizations, government entities, and for-profit businesses. The Law Portal was created by Sandra Braman at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, with support from the Rockefeller Foundation.

The Art Law Blog is written by Donn Zaretsky and published by John Silberman Associates, a New York-based law firm. It follows the art and legal worlds by linking to published articles and commenting on issues of copyright, artists and art institutions, and more.

CAA provides descriptions of the two websites for general-information purposes only; the websites do not constitute legal advice or reflect CAA policy, guidelines, or recommendations. If you have specific legal questions, please contact an intellectual-property attorney

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