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AC2025 Call for Participation

The 113th Annual Conference CFP in sessions soliciting contributors is now open. Submit your proposal by August 29!

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Register Now for Summer Publishing Webinars

Join us on July 31 and August 7 for publishing webinars hosted by The Art Bulletin Editor-in-Chief Christy Anderson.

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The Color of Joy: A Roundtable Discussion

A roundtable on how the BIPOC subject finds opportunities to experience pleasure and joy in their daily lives.

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A Re-evaluation of Impressions: Shah Garg Foundation’s Making Their Mark

Who does mark-making belong to?

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Explore the Latest Issue of Art Journal

Look through a preview of its content or explore the digital version.

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Explore the Latest Issue of The Art Bulletin

Look through a preview of its content or explore the digital version.

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2023–2024 Podcasts!

An all-new season of podcasts related to the visual arts and education.

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Recent News

Call for Applications: CAA-Getty International Program 2025
CAA is currently accepting applications for the CAA-Getty International Program! Thanks to generous support from Getty, the program—now in its thirteenth year—will enable scholars from all over the world to travel to New York to participate in the CAA 113th Annual Conference, February 12–15, 2025.

Member Spotlight: Hilary Robinson
For over forty years, Dr. Hilary Robinson, CAA’s recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Feminist Award, has been devoted to advancing feminist art history, feminist art education, feminist art theory, and feminist art criticism.

CWA Picks: Summer 2024 
The CAA Committee on Women in the Arts (CWA) curates a seasonal list of must-see exhibitions, screenings, projects, and talks. The CWA Summer 2024 picks highlight individual artists’ observant and expressive art practices that reveal personal and collective stories about the earth, the environment, communities, and members of lesser known, historically marginalized groups. 

More Recent News

Featured News

Register for CAA Summer Publishing Webinars!
This summer, CAA will hold webinars in response to an influx of requests for guidance on and advice about academic publishing.

Apply for CAA Committee Service!
Join one of CAA’s twelve Professional Committees, the Annual Conference Committee, or the Publications Committee as an at-large member!

CAA Signs on to the American Council of Learned Societies Statement on 2024 Campus Protest
CAA has signed on to the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Statement on 2024 Campus Protests, which, like the American Historical Association (AHA) statement last week, was issued in response to recent decisions by colleges and universities to encourage police intervention and suppress protests.

CAA Signs on to the American Historical Association's Statement on 2024 Campus Protests
CAA has signed on to the American Historical Association (AHA) Statement on 2024 Campus Protests, in response to recent decisions by colleges and universities to encourage police intervention and suppress protests.


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July 31, 2024

Deadline to nominate for CAA Publications Awards.

August 8, 2024

Deadline to apply for CAA committee service.

August 15, 2024

Deadline to apply to the CAA-Getty International Program.

August 28, 2024

Deadline to apply for the CAA Support Grant in Memory of Archibald Cason Edwards, Senior, and Sarah Stanley Gordon Edwards and the Samuel H. Kress Foundation Travel Fellowship.

August 29, 2024

Deadline to submit a paper during the CFP.

September 1, 2024

Deadline to nominate for CAA’s Distinguished Awards for individuals.

All Deadlines