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CAA News Today

2009 Annual Conference Website Goes Live

posted by Emmanuel Lemakis — Oct 14, 2008

The website for the 2009 Annual Conference in Los Angeles, which contains registration information, travel and hotel details, Career Services features, reception and meeting listings, special events, and more, has been launched. You can also register for the conference online.

The conference website expands the Conference Information and Registration booklet that was mailed to all members earlier this month. A new feature is a list of frequently asked questions about the conference; more details will be added between now and February.

Complete session listings, including those held in ARTspace, will be posted soon. You will be able to sample the approximately 150 sessions in detail, search by keyword and browse by conference day, and find out who is speaking and the titles of their papers.

Online registration has begun. You can also buy tickets for other events, such as the Gala Reception, Professional Development Workshops, and postconference tours. Alternatively, you may use the printed forms in Conference Information and Registration.

Filed under: Annual Conference