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CAA News Today

New Committee Members

posted Mar 16, 2009

The following individuals have been ap­pointed to serve on CAA’s nine Pro­fes­sional Interests, Practices, and Standards Committees for 2009–12. New committee members began their terms at the 2009 Annual Conference in Los Angeles. Those marked as chair are previous committee members newly appointed to that position. Members of the CAA Board of Directors have also been appointed as liaisons between the board and the committee.

Committee on Diversity Practices: Jacqueline Francis, California College of the Arts and San Francisco State University, chair; Art Jones, University of North Dakota; Peggy Jones, University of Nebraska, Omaha; Edward Noriega, Troy University, CAA board; Douglas Rosenberg, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Committee on Intellectual Property: Kenneth Cavalier, art historian and lawyer, British Columbia; Joy Garnett, independent artist, New York.

Committee on Women in the Arts: Diane Burko, Philadelphia Community College, chair; Maria Elena Buszek, Kansas City Art Institute; Rebecca Rushfield, independent conservator, New York; Andrea Rusnock, Indiana University, South Bend; Amy Ingrid Schlegel, Tufts University, CAA board; Kathleen Wentrack, Queensborough Community College, City University of New York.

Education Committee: Richard Tichich, Western Carolina University, chair; Roseann Gibel, Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale; Martina Hesser, University of California San Diego Extension.

International Committee: Jennifer Milam, University of Sydney, chair; Ann Albritton, Ringling College of Art and Design; Stephanie Dickey, Queen’s University; Sue Gollifer, University of Brighton, CAA board.

Museum Committee: Jay Clarke, Art Institute of Chicago, chair; Virginia Brilliant, Ringling Museum of Art; Maria Saffiotti Dale, Chazen Museum of Art; Holly Harrison, Dallas Museum of Art; Karol Ann Lawson, Sweet Briar College.

Professional Practices Committee: Jay Coogan, Rhode Island School of Design, CAA board; Diane Edison, University of Georgia; Bertha Gutman, Delaware County Community College; Judith Thorpe, University of Connecticut, CAA board.

Services to Artists Committee: Thomas Berding, Michigan State University; Faya Causey, National Gallery of Art, CAA board; Julie Green, Oregon State University; Sabina Ott, Columbia College Chicago; Patricia C. Phillips, Cornell University; Melissa Potter, Columbia College Chicago.

Student and Emerging Professionals Committee: Hilary Batzel, ArtsWestchester, chair; Temma Balducci, Arkansas State University; Randall C. Griffin, Southern Methodist University, CAA board; Dennis Y. Ichiyama, Purdue University; Niku Kashef, California State University, Northridge; Jennifer Stoneking-Stewart, Belmont University.

Questions? Please write to Vanessa Jalet, CAA executive assistant. A call for nominations to serve on CAA’s Professional Interests, Practices, and Standards Committees appears annually in the July and September issues of CAA News and on the CAA website. CAA’s president and vice president for committees review nominations in December and make appointments that take effect the following February.

Filed under: Committees, Governance