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CAA News Today

Spring Meiss Grant Winners

posted by Christopher Howard — May 29, 2009

CAA has awarded three grants from the Millard Meiss Publication Fund for spring 2009. Thanks to the generous bequest of the late Prof. Millard Meiss, these grants are given twice annually to publishers to support the publication of scholarly books in art history and related fields.

The grantees are:

  • Anna Arnar, The Book as Instrument: Stéphane Mallarmé, the Artist’s Book, and the Transformation of Print Culture, University of Chicago Press
  • Nehabat Avcioglu, Turkish Architecture in Europe, 1737–1876, Ashgate
  • Bissera Pentcheva, The Sensual Icon: Ritual, Space, and the Senses in Byzantium, Pennsylvania State University Press

Books eligible for a Meiss grant must already be under contract with a publisher and be on a subject in the arts or art history. Authors must be current CAA members.

Please note that the Millard Meiss Publication Fund has been suspended for fall 2009–spring 2010.