CAA News Today
New Issue of Visual Resources Published
posted Jan 13, 2010
“Digital Crossroads: New Directions in 3D Architectural Modeling in the Humanities” is the title of the December 2009 issue of Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation (published by Taylor & Francis/Routledge). This special issue, guest edited by Arne R. Flaten and Alyson A. Gill, includes essays covering a broad range of approaches, periods, regions, and projects that utilize 3D digital models to examine architectural forms.
After the editors’ brief overview of the papers, Gill presents synopses of various innovative programs nationally and worldwide employing digital modeling. Next, David Johnson’s article evaluates the methods of critically assessing the accuracy of computer reconstructions and proposes criteria for such appraisals. An article by Flaten follows with his description of the Ashes2Art program in which 3D models of ancient Delphi are built by undergraduates.
Sheila Bonde and Clark Maines examine movement and uncertainty in digital models and online paradigms through the virtual medieval monastery of Saint-Jean-des-Vignes. Paula Lupkin’s analysis of her reconstructed New York YMCA building raises questions about the diverse role(s) assumed by digital modelers. Finally, Christopher Johanson explores multiple realities and ontologies, and the problems and opportunities presented by geo-referenced models of Republican Rome.
Visual Resources is published in print and electronically. CAA members are eligible for the special reduced subscription rate for individuals.