CAA News Today
Coalition on the Academic Workforce Publishes Issue Brief on Fair Treatment of All Teachers in Higher Education
posted Feb 08, 2010
The Coalition on the Academic Workforce (CAW)—of which CAA is a member organization—has released a new issue brief calling on institutions of higher education to work toward ensuring that all college and university faculty members are recognized and supported as professionals committed to providing a quality education to all students. Called “One Faculty Serving All Students,” the brief calls for improvements in the current staffing ratios at colleges and universities, increased support for faculty serving in contingent positions, and inclusion of all faculty members in the work and life of their institutions.
“The public has a large investment in higher education and expects a solid return on that investment,” said Rosemary Feal, executive director of the Modern Language Association. “For four decades, however, institutions have increasingly shifted teaching responsibilities to an ever-larger body of dedicated but underpaid and undersupported contingent faculty. It’s time for institutions to shift priorities by increasing the number of full-time faculty members in the academic workforce and by providing equitable pay, working conditions, and job security to both full- and part-time teachers whose work with students is at the core of the college experience.”
The brief sets forth four broad principles:
- All faculty members need to receive compensation and institutional support and recognition commensurate with their status as professional
- All faculty members should be aware of the recommended standards and guidelines for the academic workforce issued by their professional associations and faculty organizations
- All faculty members should have access to key information on academic staffing in their departments and institutions and use this information to advocate for change
- All long-term faculty members need to be fully enfranchised to participate in the work and life of the department and institution
“Many of the organizations in CAW have being working extremely hard on these issues and have adopted policy statements of their own,” said Linda Downs, CAA executive director. “We felt that it was important to identify areas that we could also work on as a coalition, particularly in terms of activating our collective memberships.”
CAW will work to promote adoption of the goals of this issue brief and will continue to advocate equitable and fair treatment for all members of the higher-education academic workforce.
The Coalition on the Academic Workforce (CAW) is a group of higher-education associations, disciplinary associations, and faculty organizations committed to working on the issues associated with the deteriorating conditions of faculty working conditions and the impact of these trends on the success of college and university students in the United States. A complete list of CAW members is available at
Please feel free to download and distribute the issue brief.
Read more discussion about the story at Inside Higher Ed and the Chronicle of Higher Education.