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The 2011 Annual Conference in New York boasted an incredibly diverse array of sessions. Audio recordings for sixty-three of the panels—including “Performative Tendencies,” “Color and Nineteenth-Century American Painting,” and “The Erasure of Contemporary Memory”—are now available for sale.

A set of MP3 audio recordings from the New York conference is available for only $149.95, either as a download or on CD-ROMs. Individual sessions, available only as downloads, are $24.95 each. Please visit Conference Media to view the list of sessions and to order.

The full range of art history is represented in sessions such as “The Afterlife of Cubism,” “The Global Eighteenth Century,” and “(Re)Contextualizing Precolumbian Art in the Twenty-First Century.” CAA also recorded many other popular 2011 sessions, such as “Parallel Practices: When the Mind Isn’t Focused on Art,” which featured the artists Robert Gober, Vija Celmins, Petah Coyne, Janine Antoni, and Philip Taafe, as well as the two-part “Dark Matter of the Art World.” Other topics about contemporary art include “Contemporary Drawing: Purpose, Practice, Performance,” “Textiles and Social Sculpture,” and “The Art of Pranks.” Curators will be especially interested in “Recurating: New Practices in Exhibition Making” and “Artist as Curator.”

Whether you took part in, attended, or missed a particular conference session, these recordings are a must-have for your library, research, or teaching. Listen to them while walking across campus, while driving in your car or using public transportation, or while relaxing in your home.

In addition to the New York sessions, you can also purchase recordings from the past five conferences: Boston (2006), New York (2007), Dallas–Fort Worth (2008), Los Angeles (2009), and Chicago (2010). See CAA’s Conference Audio section for details.

Filed under: Annual Conference