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CAA News Today

Revised Procedures for Task Forces

posted by Christopher Howard — Apr 23, 2012

At its February meeting, the CAA Board of Directors approved a revised statement on the formation of task forces. The Revised Procedures for Task Forces (2012) added the step of the Executive Committee’s review and prioritization of all task-force proposals prior to their presentation to the board for discussion and approval. The revision will ensure the streamlining of the task-force approval process.

The board periodically establishes task forces to gather information and provide recommendations concerning areas of importance to the organization. Any CAA member may suggest the formation of a task force by sending a request to develop a proposal to the board president or to the chair of a standing committee. Once the board adopts a resolution establishing the task force, the task-force chair will work with the executive director to determine staff involvement, frequency of meetings, and division of responsibilities for the team. The task force will prepare a report based on its research to the board and may also recommend additional work to be undertaken to complete its task.