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CAA News Today

The website for the 103rd Annual Conference in New York City, to be held from Wednesday, February 11 to Saturday, February 14, 2015 at the Hilton New York Midtown, is now live. Get a taste of conference highlights and discover all that comes with registration, including access to all program sessions and admission to the Book and Trade Fair.

The CAA Annual Conference is the world’s largest international forum for professionals in the visual arts, offering more than two hundred stimulating sessions, panel discussions, roundtables, and meetings. CAA anticipates that more than five thousand artists, art historians, students, curators, critics, educators, art administrators, and museum professionals will be in attendance at the New York Hilton Midtown, where most sessions and events will take place.

Online registration is now open, and hotel reservations and travel accommodations can be booked—don’t forget to use the exclusive CAA discount codes to save money! Register before the early deadline, December 12, to get the lowest rate and ensure your place in the Directory of Attendees. You may also purchase tickets for special events such as the Opening Reception at the Museum of Modern Art following the presentation of the annual Awards for Distinction, as well as for professional-development workshops on a variety of topics for artists and scholars.

CAA will regularly update the conference website in the months leading up to the four-day event, so please be sure to check back often.

Averaging more than 40,000 unique visitors per month, the Annual Conference website is the essential source for up-to-the-minute updates regarding registration, session listings, and hotel and travel discounts, and more. For those interested in reaching this captive audience, please download the Website Advertising Reservation and Contract for rates and terms.

We look forward to seeing you in New York!

Filed under: Annual Conference