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CAA News Today

Check out details on recent shows organized by CAA members who are also curators.

Exhibitions Curated by CAA Members is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

October 2015

Susan Ball. The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride. Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Connecticut, June 27–October 18, 2015.

Myroslava M. Mudrak. Staging the Ukrainian Avant-Garde of the 1910s and 1920s. Ukrainian Museum, New York, February 15–October 4, 2015.

Tatiana Reinoza and Luis Vargas-Santiago. Counter-Archives to the Narco-City. Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, August 16–December 13, 2015.