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CAA News Today

The New #CAA2016 Social Media Wall

posted by CAA — Dec 09, 2015

We are very excited to announce a new digital platform for this year’s Annual Conference that will bring together the online conversations taking place before, during, and after the big event. The new platform is part of CAA’s strategic plan for better serving the membership and offering improved communications.

We are pleased to introduce the #CAA2016 Conference Social Media Wall.

The Social Media Wall will be a space where attendees and the public can make contributions and follow the conversation on a single, updating page. The Social Media Wall will gather any Twitter or Instagram posts using any of the #CAA2016 conference hashtags below.

Conference Hashtags:
#caa2016 [Official Conference Hashtag]
#caabtf [Book and Trade Fair]
#caacareers [Mentoring, Workshops, and Interview Hall]
#caaarttspace [ARTspace]
#caainternational [Getty Travel Fellowship and International News]
#caasepc [Student and Emerging Professional Committee]
#caafairuse [Fair Use Code of Conduct]
#caaadvocacy [Advocacy Work]

How your posts will appear on the #CAA2016 Social Media Wall:

  • Post a witty observation or proclaim your excitement about the conference to your Twitter or Instagram account using one of the hashtags above
  • Wait a few minutes…
  • Watch your post appear alongside the collection of other amusing and astute comments about the 104th Annual Conference in Washington, DC, February 3-6, 2016.
  • Repeat!

Lastly, our Instagram account is new, so please do follow us and tag us in posts.

We are happy to bring this improved communication feature to the CAA membership, and we hope you enjoy using it.

We look forward to seeing you in DC!

Filed under: Annual Conference, Social Media