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CAA News Today

Changes to the Annual Conference

posted by CAA — Jan 22, 2016

In 2017, CAA will change the format of our Annual Conference as we look to liven up the experience of all our members. The changes highlighted below are the result of a critical look at the event by the organization’s Annual Conference Committee.

  • Proposal submission process for 2017 will open on March 1 and close on April 18
  • New conference submission software: Submittable
  • New time grid: all sessions will be ninety minutes in length, allowing for more sessions during the conference’s four days
  • Individuals may participate in consecutive years, if their proposals are accepted
  • More types of submissions and therefore more ways to participate, such as: complete session proposals, with speakers chosen in advance; proposals to chairs, who will solicit speakers through a call for papers; and independent proposals of papers

You can download and read the full report of recommendations by CAA’s Task Force on the Annual Conference.


Filed under: Annual Conference