CAA News Today
Meet the Meiss Fund Recipients for Fall 2017
posted Dec 22, 2017

Eric Huntington’s Creating the Universe: Depictions of the Cosmos in Himalayan Buddhism is a Fall 2017 Meiss grantee. Image: The life of the Buddha (detail), 1700–1800. Tibet. Ink and colors on cotton. Courtesy Asian Art Museum.
Twice a year, CAA awards grants through the Millard Meiss Publication Fund to support book-length scholarly manuscripts in the history of art, visual studies, and related subjects that have been accepted by a publisher on their merits, but cannot be published in the most desirable form without a subsidy.
Thanks to the generous bequest of the late Prof. Millard Meiss, CAA began awarding these publishing grants in 1975.
The Millard Meiss Publication Fund grantees for Fall 2017 are:
- Cranston, Jodi, The Green Worlds of Renaissance Venice (Pennylvania State University Press)
- Drimmer, Sonja, The Art of Allusion: Illuminators and the Making of Middle English Literature, 1403-1476 (University of Pennsylvania Press)
- Gaziambide, Maria C., Retrograde Modernity: The Deliberate Anachronism of Venezuela’s El Techo de la Ballena (University Press Florida)
- Huntington, Eric, Creating the Universe: Depictions of the Cosmos in Himalayan Buddhism (University of Washington Press)
- Lakey, Christopher, Sculptural Seeing: Relief, Optics, and the Rise of Perspective in Medieval Italy (Yale University Press)
- Lerner, Jullian, Graphic Culture: Illustration and Artistic Enterprise in Paris, 1830-1848 (McGill-Queen’s University Press)
- O’Neal, Halle, Word Embodied: The Jeweled Pagoda Mandalas in Japanese Buddhist Art (Harvard University Press)
- Romberg, Kristin, Gan’s Constructivism: Aesthetic Theory for an Embedded Modernism (University of California Press)
- Sturgeon, Justin, Text and Image in Rene d’Anjou’s Livre des tournois, c. 1460: Constructing Authority and Identity in Fifteenth Century Court Culture (Boydell & Brewer)
Read a list of all recipients of the Millard Meiss Publication Fund from 1975 to the present. The list is alphabetized by author’s last name and includes book titles and publishers.
Books eligible for a Meiss grant must currently be under contract with a publisher and be on a subject in the arts or art history. The deadlines for the receipt of applications are March 15 and September 15 of each year. Please review the Application Guidelines and the Application Process, Schedule, and Checklist for complete instructions.
Questions? Please contact Aakash Suchak, CAA grants and special programs manager, at 212-392-4435.