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In a new project for Art Journal Open, Zachary Kaiser presents CitationBomb, an app that aims to overflow the Google Scholar algorithm and subvert the systems of metrification that track academic impact, influence, and success.

Pointing to the difficulty, if not impossibility, of opting out of systems that track output and activity, Kaiser presents CitationBomb as one tactic through which academics may push back against algorithmic structures.

Kaiser’s new piece, “Citation Bombing: Tactical and Symbolic Subversion of Academic Metrification,” featuring an introduction by Art Journal Editor-in-Chief Rebecca Brown and a scholarly essay by Kaiser, is up now on Art Journal Open.

Art Journal Open is a forum for the visual arts that presents artists’ projects, conversations and interviews, scholarly essays, and other forms of content from across the cultural field. Published by CAA, Art Journal Open is the online, open-access affiliate to Art Journal, a quarterly journal devoted to twentieth- and twenty-first-century art and art history. 

Filed under: Art Journal Open (AJO)