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P.C. Skovgaard’s View of the Harbour from Mons Klint, 1850, Skovgaard: Skovgaard Museet, via The Art Newspaper.

The Way You See Color Depends on What Language You Speak

It’s less about seeing what is there and more about how the brain interprets. (The Conversation)

Art Institute Lands Largest Announced Cash Donation, $70 Million in Total

The museum’s long-range plan has included hopes to put up a new building, possibly devoted to Asian art. (Chicago Tribune)

Are Undergraduate Degrees in Curating Useful?

Is curating something that can, or should, be taught to undergraduate students? (Apollo Magazine)

Romanticism Show Surveys Landscapes of Northern Europe

The first major exhibition of its kind includes Turner and Friedrich as well as less familiar Romantics. (The Art Newspaper)

It Matters a Lot Who Teaches Introductory Courses. Here’s Why.

A new paper combines administrative data from six community colleges with a detailed faculty survey. (Chronicle of Higher Education)

Frida Kahlo Barbie Doll Banned from Shop Shelves in Mexico

A court has barred sales in Mexico of the doll, ruling that members of her family own the sole rights to her image. (BBC)

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