CAA News Today
News from the Art and Academic Worlds
posted Sep 12, 2018

Codex Forster II , Leonardo da Vinci, late 15th – early 16th century, Italy. Museum no. Forster MS.141. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London, via Colossal
Here’s How You Can Help Document Rio’s National Museum Collections after the Catastrophic Fire
Museum officials are asking the public for help. (Forbes)
Can You Train Your PhDs for Diverse Careers When You Don’t Have One?
“Being a professor is the only job I ever tried to get. How can I teach my students about something I don’t know?” (Chronicle Vitae)
How to Teach Ancient Art in the Age of #MeToo
Misogynist imagery in ancient art raises questions that demand addressing today. (Hyperallergic)
These Cultural Treasures Are Made of Plastic. Now They’re Falling Apart.
Museum conservators are racing to figure out how to preserve these artworks. (New York Times)
More High School Grads Than Ever Are Going to College, but One in Five Will Quit
New data re-emphasizes the importance of student retention efforts. (The Hechinger Report)
Recently Digitized Journals Grant Visitors Access to Leonardo da Vinci’s Detailed Engineering Schematics and Musings
The Victoria and Albert Museum in London has made in-depth scans of da Vinci’s notebooks available online. (Colossal)