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Hyperallergic‘s original piece included these graphics in lieu of reproducing contested images. Image via Hyperallergic.

In June of 2018, Hyperallergic published a two-part essay by the art historian and critic Steven Nelson about the rejection of his essay about artist Deana Lawson by both Aperture and frieze. In “Intimacy, Distance, and Disavowal in Art Publishing: Conversations with Dushko Petrovich,” arts journalist Dushko Petrovich dissects the situation piece by piece, interviewing representatives from Hyperallergic, frieze, Deana Lawson’s gallery, and Nelson himself. What emerges is a document of the processes that generally don’t get recorded when pieces of arts journalism are rejected or shelved, and what factors into these editorial decisions. Read more on Art Journal Open.

Filed under: Art Journal Open (AJO)