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CAA News Today

News from the Art and Academic Worlds

posted by CAA — Sep 19, 2018

A collection of #FirstDayFirstImage posts, via Exposure

The Pervasive Power of Male Privilege at America’s Elite Universities

Institutions have hired men with predatory reputations and retained them, despite complaints from women students and faculty. (Hyperallergic)

How to Create a Syllabus

And get your students to actually read it. (Chronicle of Higher Education)

Souls Grown Deep Foundation Launches a New Paid Internship Program for Students of Color

New Orleans Museum of Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Virginia Museum of Fine Arts will also participate. (artnet News)

Colleges Face Pressure to Answer a Basic Question: What Are Students Learning?

Measuring learning in college, and reporting the results, is surprisingly hard to do. (PBS News Hour)

Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes: #FirstDayFirstImage

“What if we set the tone on the very first day of class, with the very first image we show our students, by discussing one work from a historically underrepresented artist? And so #firstdayfirstimage was born.” (Exposure)

Eight Ways to Tackle Diversity and Inclusion in Peer Review

Practical suggestions from recent studies on diversity and bias in peer review. (Scholarly Kitchen)

Filed under: CAA News