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CAA News Today

Our Community Guidelines for CAA 2019

posted by CAA — Nov 15, 2018

Conference attendees at the 2018 Annual Conference in Los Angeles. Photo: Rafael Cardenas

As we near the 107th Annual Conference, we want to remind all of our attendees about their rights at the conference. Please review the Community Guidelines on the conference website before attending.

Plagiarism at the CAA Annual Conference is prohibited. As a scholarly organization devoted to the pursuit of independent scholarship, CAA does not condone theft or plagiarism of anyone’s scholarship, whether presented orally or in writing. Participants at the conference are not allowed to make audio or video recordings of any session at the Annual Conference, without the expressed permission of all presenters.

If you believe your work has been stolen or plagiarized by some other person, we encourage you to contact us so that an investigation might be conducted, and, if appropriate, we may contact the involved parties and publishers involved.

Learn more about CAA’s Community Standards here.

Filed under: Annual Conference