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CAA News Today

News from the Art and Academic Worlds

posted by CAA — Nov 27, 2019

A still from Mondo Museum, courtesy of Kitfox Games/artnet News.

Think You’d Make a Great Museum Director? A New Sims-Like Video Game Lets You to Build, Staff, and Run Your Very Own Museum

Mondo Museum aims to “like Sim City or Roller Coaster Tycoon—but for people who want to run the Met.” (artnet News)

The Role of the Artist in the Age of Trump

“What artists can do is bring stories to the table that are unshakably true—the sort of stories that, once you’ve heard them, won’t let you return to what you thought before.” – Lin-Manuel Miranda (The Atlantic)

Seven Ways to Be An Ally to Native Peoples This Thanksgiving

Helpful resources for students and educators alike to celebrate the holiday with a decolonizing lens. (Teen Vogue)

Racist Incidents at Syracuse University Spun Into a Crisis. The Way Its Leaders Communicated Didn’t Help

A string of racist and anti-Semitic incidents on Syracuse University’s campus has prompted student protests, boycotts, and sit-ins. (Chronicle of Higher Ed)

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