CAA News Today
Nada Shabout
posted Dec 03, 2019
As a member of CAA, I have been a witness to its progress in different directions and aspects. At this moment of time, however, I am more interested to see CAA further grow in diversity and inclusion of subjects, membership and global connections. Given the current worldwide calls to decolonize art history and practice, CAA can play a pivotal role to facilitate this in the US, and consequently in a wider sphere of influence. For the survival, strengthening and to remain effective, this is the future direction I see for CAA. Moreover, my goal as an art historian who specializes in modern Arab art is to continue to reinforce the field of study that I helped build in academia and push for its further recognition and inclusion in the canon of art history as an equal sphere of knowledge, history and production. It is within these two interrelated scopes that I would locate my contributions and accomplishments as a board member. I want to see CAA become a more active participant in exacting change in the fields it represents and I want to see Arab art become part of its mainstream representation.