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CAA News Today

News from the Art and Academic Worlds

posted by CAA — Oct 07, 2020

Hank Willis Thomas, Colonialism and Abstract Art, 2019, image courtesy the artist via Hyperallergic

The Mellon Foundation Will Invest a Staggering $250 Million Over Five Years to Overhaul America’s Public Monuments

The “Monuments Project” is the biggest initiative in the foundation’s history. (artnet News)

What It Takes to Make Museum Boards More Diverse

“When an institution says that they are down for Black Lives Matter, I know that I, and most of my friends, started looking up who that institution is. Who’s on their corporate board, who are their managers?” (Artsy)

Hank Willis Thomas Gives an Infamous Modern Art Diagram a Postcolonial Update

The conceptual artist updated the well-known chart by Alfred J. Barr, Jr. for a new exhibition in Brussels. (Hyperallergic)

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