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CAA News Today

Humanities Advocacy Day

posted Mar 18, 2022

March 14 – 15, 2022 Hosted by National Alliance for the Humanities

CAA attended Humanities Advocacy Day this March. The event provides the opportunity to connect with a growing number of humanities advocates from around the country. On March 14, we explored approaches to year-round advocacy on college campuses and in local communities. Shelly C. Lowe, Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities, discussed her goals and vision for the NEH with Jim Grossman, president of the National Humanities Alliance and executive director of the American Historical Association.

On Humanities Advocacy Day, March 15, meetings were held with House and Senate offices to make a persuasive case for federal funding for the humanities. CAA staff met with representatives from Senator Schumer’s office as well as Representative Nadler’s office. The programs were all held virtually. Learn more.

For more on CAA’s advocacy efforts, click here.
Filed under: Advocacy