CAA News Today
Apply now for CAA’s Professional Development Fellowships for graduate students!
posted by CAA — September 15, 2023

2022 Professional Development Honorable Mention in Visual Art Alberto Lozano Ruvalcaba in the studio
The Professional Development Fellowships program supports promising artists, designers, craftspersons, historians, curators, and critics who are enrolled in MFA, PhD, and other terminal degree programs. Fellows are honored with $10,000 unrestricted grants to help them with various aspects of their work.
One award will be presented to a practitioner—an artist, designer, and/or craftsperson—and one award will be presented to an art, architecture, and/or design historian, curator, or critic. Fellows also receive a free, one-year CAA membership and complimentary registration to the Annual Conference. Honorable mentions, given at the discretion of the jury, also earn a free one-year CAA membership and complimentary conference registration.
CAA seeks applications from students who are current members; will receive their MFA or PhD degree in the calendar year 2023, following the year of application (2024 for the current fellowship cycle); and have outstanding capabilities and demonstrate distinction in their contribution to art history and the visual arts.
See our website pages for the Professional Development Fellowship in Art History and the Professional Development Fellowship in Visual Arts for the full guidelines for each program and follow the APPLY NOW button.
MFA and PhD Fellowships: November 15, 2023
For more information about the CAA Professional Development Fellowship program, Cali Buckley, Manager of Grants and Awards & Director of the CAA-Getty International Program, at
CAA Signs ACLS Statement on Proposed Cuts at West Virginia University
posted by CAA — September 14, 2023
CAA has signed on to the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) statement, Fighting for an Ambitious Vision of Public Higher Education in America, in response to proposed cuts at West Virginia University. CAA stands with ACLS in the belief that the stewards of the university are “duty-bound to protect the creation and circulation of knowledge for the public good in all its diverse aspects, across disciplines and interdisciplinary areas.”
“By proposing major cuts in its undergraduate and graduate programs, including engineering, environmental planning, languages other than English, law, linguistics, mathematics, music, public administration, and theater, the university is denying its students and the people of West Virginia access to the wide range of knowledge necessary to fulfill that mission. The path WVU is treading is unprecedented for a public flagship and dangerous for American higher education and society.”
Other learned societies and higher education institutions who have signed the ACLS statement:
American Academy of Religion
American Folklore Society
American Historical Association
American Society for Environmental History
Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Association of University Presses
College Art Association
Dance Studies Association
Linguistic Society of America
Medieval Academy of America
North American Conference on British Studies
Rhetoric Society of America
Society for Cinema and Media Studies
Society for Ethnomusicology
Society for Music Theory
Join the Council of Field Editors!
posted by CAA — September 05, 2023
CAA is inviting nominations and self-nominations for an individual to join the Council of Field Editors as Field Editor for Exhibitions—West Coast, for a term that begins immediately and runs through June 30, 2026.
An online journal, is devoted to the peer review of new books, museum exhibitions, and projects relevant to art history, visual studies, and the arts. Candidates may be artists, art historians, art critics, art educators, curators, or other art professionals with stature in the field and experience writing or editing books and/or exhibition reviews; institutional affiliation is not required.
Working with the editor-in-chief, the Editorial Board, and CAA’s staff editor, the field editor selects content to be reviewed, commissions reviewers, and considers manuscripts for publication. Field editors for exhibitions should be aware of current and upcoming exhibitions (and other related projects) in their geographic regions.
The Council of Field Editors meets once a year at the CAA Annual Conference. Members of all CAA committees and editorial boards volunteer their services without compensation.
Candidates must be current CAA members and should not be serving on the editorial board of a competing journal or on another CAA editorial board or committee. Nominators should ascertain their nominee’s willingness to serve before submitting a name; self-nominations are also welcome.
Interested applicants—both self-nominated or nominated by someone else—should submit a CV and a cover letter, in one PDF document, by November 1, to