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CAA News Today

As the preeminent international leadership organization in the visual arts, CAA has an important role to play in public discourse on matters related to visual arts scholarship and practice. The CAA Board of Directors, Executive Director, members, and staff contribute to public understanding of visual arts advocacy through our newsletter, ED letters, social media platforms, special events, and sessions/workshops at our Annual Conference.

When the Executive Director or the Advocacy Committee perceives good reason to publish a statement on behalf of CAA (which may involve requesting endorsements from affiliated member societies/organizations or signing on to advocacy statements drafted by those affiliates), the Advocacy Committee convenes to interrogate the issue. If this issue is deemed in service to CAA’s mission and a majority of Advocacy Committee members agree to act, a member of the committee or staff will draft an original statement depending on capacity. The Advocacy Committee may approve the statement, reject it, or request changes; responses are needed from all members as soon as possible and no later than two days after receipt. The Advocacy Committee and Executive Director will agree on any action to be taken in response to expressed concerns. Once the entire committee reviews and approves the final draft, the statement will go live on the CAA website and will be distributed across social media channels when appropriate. In the case of a sign on to another organization’s advocacy statement, the Executive Director will share the sign on opportunity with the Advocacy Committee, and they will discuss and vote to determine whether to proceed.

The Executive Director is authorized to issue statements on behalf of the organization without review by the Advocacy Committee on time-sensitive matters (see example). At these times, the ED will specify this an ED response, so as not to speak on behalf of the Advocacy Committee, Executive Committee, or Board of Directors without consent.

CAA cannot respond to every advocacy request brought forth by our members. Our goal remains maximum impact when advocating for the field. There are times when calls to advocacy from one constituency directly conflict with another. It is for this reason that it is imperative our Board of Directors, and by extension, our Advocacy Committee remain diverse in background, field, and perspective, to ensure decisions are made as objectively as possible on behalf of membership and the field; advocacy action must also be in direct alignment with our mission, and in accordance with our 501(c)(3) status.

CAA must concentrate its energy and prestige on matters related to the advancement and protection of visual arts and scholarship, including academic infrastructure and professional practice.

Because CAA is the umbrella organization for a diverse membership with varying needs and viewpoints, we cannot engage in party politics and cannot take a stand on issues that are not in direct alignment with our mission.


The CAA Board, Executive Director, and staff agree that due to the limitations of the mode, comments made on social media about visual arts practice or scholarship by CAA staff are most effective when they are constructive and celebratory of the achievements of CAA and members of the CAA community. CAA staff and Board members may wish and indeed are encouraged to share information about CAA and its programs, including on social media.


If you have an advocacy request, please contact with the subject line “Constituent Advocacy Request” and your concern will be escalated to the Advocacy Committee for immediate discussion.

Policy adopted by the CAA Board of Directors on February 18, 2024.

Filed under: Advocacy