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Register for CAA Summer Publishing Webinars!

posted by CAA — Jun 10, 2024

This summer, CAA will hold webinars in response to an influx of requests for guidance on and advice about academic publishing. Organized and moderated by Christy Anderson, Editor-in-Chief of The Art Bulletin and professor of the History of Architecture at University of Toronto, a panel of publishing experts will discuss and answer audience questions on the topics of turning longer research into an article and responding to readers reports and revisions. Our aim is to help demystify the academic publishing process, expand access to publishing education and professional development, and ultimately increase diversity in publishing.  

July 31, 2–4 p.m. ET 
In Print: From the Archive to the Essay 
Getting Your Research Into Print 

Shaping a large amount of research into a powerful essay can be more difficult than writing a book. A successful article needs a strong argument, clear organization, and effective use of images. In this workshop we will discuss some guidelines on developing an essay for The Art Bulletin or other journals. Join Christy Anderson, the Editor-in-Chief of  The Art Bulletin and other scholars for a roundtable discussion with time for your questions.  

August 7, 2–4 p.m. ET 
Contending with Critique: How to Effectively Respond to Readers’ Reports 

Each essay in The Art Bulletin has been through multiple revisions in response to comments from readers and the editor. If you are asked to ‘revise and resubmit’ how do you respond to readers’ reports? This workshop will demystify the peer review process and help you to incorporate the best of the advice into your writing.  

Publishing webinars are free for CAA members and students. 

Non-member registration is $15 per webinar or $20 to register for both.   


Not currently a member of CAA? Join for $8 per month to attend both summer publishing webinars for free and receive discounted CAA Annual Conference registration!


Publishing webinars sponsored in part by: