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CAA is now accepting applications for the Millard Meiss Publication Fund. Twice yearly, grants are awarded through this fund to support book-length scholarly manuscripts in art history, visual studies, and related subjects which have been accepted by a publisher on their merits but cannot be published in the most desirable form without a subsidy. Thanks to the generous bequest of late Professor Millard Meiss, CAA has been awarding these grants since 1975.    

Visit our website to learn more about the application process, criteria, and to apply.  

Deadline: March 15 

Congratulations to the Meiss Fall 2024 Grantees!  

Yong Cho, The Woven Image: The Making of Mongol Art in the Yuan Empire (1271–1368), Yale University Press  

Robert Maxwell, The Memory of Past Acts: Presence, Loss, and Making History in Illuminated Cartularies, c.1050 – c.1220, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies   

Amanda Cachia, Hospital Aesthetics: Disability, Medicine, Activism, Manchester University Press  

John Peffer, Private Subjects: Family Photography in South Africa and the Right to Opacity, Duke University Press  

Rachel Silveri, The Art of Living in Avant-Garde Paris, University of Chicago Press  

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