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CAA News Today

News from the Art and Academic Worlds

posted by CAA — Nov 07, 2018

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Vincent van Gogh, The Bedroom, 1889. Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection. Courtesy of the Art Institute of Chicago.

The Art Institute of Chicago Is the Latest Museum to Offer Open Access to Thousands of Images in Its Archive

The museum has made 44,313 images available under Creative Commons license. (artnet News)

Remembering an Egyptian Artist Who Was Always Looking East

CAA board member Dahlia Elsayed remembers artist Chant Avedissian, who passed away this week at the age of 67. (Hyperallergic)

Graduate Students’ ‘Fight for $15’

Graduate student assistants across the US are pushing for a minimum living wage. (Inside Higher Ed)

Perspective: Academia Is a Cult

“I escaped a fringe Christian sect when I went to college. Going to grad school felt like joining again.” (Washington Post)

This New Database Aims to Become the World’s Best Resource on the History of Overlooked Women Artists

A Space of Their Own aims to compile the most comprehensive resource to date. (artnet News)

Responding to Misconceptions of Being a Graduate Student

“As a first-generation college student, explaining my day-to-day life as a student was challenging.” (Diverse Education)

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