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CAA News Today

News from the Art and Academic Worlds

posted by CAA — Dec 11, 2019

Credit: Torbakhopper/Wikimedia Commons, via Education Dive

At Women’s Colleges, Rules Vary Widely for Trans and Nonbinary Students

Admissions criteria can vary widely from institution to institution and is not always publicly posted, leaving students floundering for answers. (Education Dive)

How to Feel like You Have Enough: Overcoming a Scarcity Mindset 

“Time, money, status, security, respect. You name it, we’ve felt scarce around it. As artists, we are constantly having to advocate for our value—at work, in galleries, within academia, and in society at large.” (The Creative Independent)

Harvard’s Only Latina Professor on the Tenure Track Was Rejected & Students Are Protesting

Students held a sit-in to protest the tenure denial of professor Lorgia García Peña and called for the creation of an ethnic studies department. (Remezcla)

Black Scholars Are Not ‘Rare Creatures’

“When Purdue’s president said this, I had to respond because this myth is so pervasive.” (New York Times)

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