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CAA News Today

News from the Art and Academic Worlds

posted by CAA — Dec 18, 2019

A University’s Betrayal of Historical Truth

To settle a lawsuit over toppled Confederate monument Silent Sam, the University of North Carolina agreed to pay the Sons of Confederate Veterans $2.5 million—a sum that rivals the endowment of its history department. (Vanity Fair)

Rebecca Salter Appointed First Female President of London’s Royal Academy of Arts

The painter and printmaker will be the Royal Academy of Arts’ first female president in its 251-year history. (Artforum)

Students in Indian Capital Protest ‘Anti-Muslim’ Citizenship Law

Last week, thousands of students gathered at Jamia Millia Islamia university in New Delhi to protest. (Al Jazeera)

How a Denial of Tenure at Harvard Became a National Controversy

The tenure denial of professor Lorgia García Peña at Harvard has sparked a national conversation on the lack of legitimacy given to ethnic studies. (Vox)

Related: My mentor was denied tenure. Why should I stay in academia? (Boston Globe)

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