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CAA News Today

In Memory of David Raizman

posted by Allison Walters — Feb 25, 2021

David Raizman at CAA’s 108th Annual Conference in Chicago, speaking at Columbia College, Chicago. Photo: Stacey Rupolo

The board and staff of CAA wish to express our profound sorrow at the passing of David Raizman. We are deeply grateful that he was part of our lives. During his time at CAA as interim executive director and treasurer and member of the board of directors, we had the privilege to witness firsthand what an exceptional man he was. His commitment to CAA, his leadership acumen, generosity of spirit, scholarship, and importantly, his great kindness lifted all who had privilege to know and work with him. He is and will be greatly missed.

David Raizman and Elizabeth Glassman at CAA’s 108th Annual Conference in Chicago. Photo: Stacey Rupolo


David Raizman presenting Convocation at CAA’s 108th Annual Conference in Chicago. Photo: Stacey Rupolo


Filed under: Obituaries