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NYC Undergraduate Residency Seeks Host Institution

posted by Emmanuel Lemakis — Jul 08, 2013

The New York Center for Art and Media Studies (NYCAMS) offers a one-semester, sixteen-credit-hour undergraduate residency for visual artists, designers, and creative writers in New York. Our programs combine rigorous classroom study with internship and fieldwork experience, providing our students broad and competitive platforms for entering the arts professions. For eight years, NYCAMS has operated successfully as an off-campus program of Bethel University, serving over three hundred students from twenty-two partner institutions. However, current economic and enrollment challenges necessitate the search for a new host institution. NYCAMS is seeking administrative and fiscal oversight from a college or university with a vision for serving the next generation of young artists through interdisciplinary modes of instruction, collaborative models of learning, and dedicated professional mentorship. To learn more, please contact NYCAMS director John Silvis.

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