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CAA News Today

This year CAA’s three journals—The Art Bulletin, Art Journal, and—brought readers more of what they have come to expect from the world’s leading publisher of art-history journals: exceptional scholarship exploring the full range of the visual arts in formats as diverse as long-form essays, groundbreaking digital-media projects, and critical reviews. In today’s media landscape of repackaged content and 140-character tweets, sustaining the publication of in-depth, thought-provoking content is a challenge—it is the support of readers like you that enables CAA to do so. Because you share our mission of advancing the highest standards of intellectual engagement in the arts, please make a tax-deductible gift to the Publications Fund today.

Here are some highlights from CAA publications over the past year:

In The Art Bulletin:

  • In celebration of The Art Bulletin’s centenary, eight past editors wrote reviews essays reflecting on the critical impact and afterlife of significant books published since the journal’s founding in 1913
  • In the innovative “Notes from the Field,” ten authors took on a new theme in each issue: materiality, mimesis, time, and tradition. The interdisciplinary features, with texts by artists, archaeologists, literary critics, and curators as well as art historians, have proven popular in the classroom, especially at the undergraduate level
  • The Art Bulletin continues to champion the long-form essay, this year including texts by Peter Parshall on Dürer, Namiko Kunimoto on Tanaka Atsuko, and David M. Stone on Caravaggio

In Art Journal:

  • A rare publication of the 1957 Elbe, a series of thirty-one prints by Gerhard Richter, illustrated an essay by Christine Mehring in the Winter 2012 issue
  • Moyra Davey contributed photographs and text for a ten-page artist project titled “Burn the Diaries” to the Spring 2013 issue
  • In the Summer 2013 forum “Conversations on Queer Affect and Queer Archives,” seventeen artists and writers reflected on the vital importance of LGBT archives around the world for both artists and art historians


  • This fall, celebrates fifteen years of publishing critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and projects in all areas and periods of art history and visual studies
  • Using the Scalar digital platform, provided an immersive, multimedia experience of the recent exhibition Bernini: Sculpting in Clay, with an array of critical texts and images as well as a virtual walk-through of the show
  • The essay “Reflections on Photography” by Tanya Sheehan kicked off a new thematic series titled “Re-Views: Field Editors’ Reflections,” in which the journal editors assess—or re-view—their respective fields as seen through the lens of the reviews they have commissioned

With your support, CAA publications will continue to delight, challenge, and engage readers for many years to come. On behalf of the scholars, critics, and artists who publish in the journals, we thank you for your continued commitment to maintaining a strong and spirited forum for the visual-arts community.

With best regards,





Suzanne Preston Blier
Vice President for Publications