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CAA News Today

Proposed Amendment to the CAA By-Laws

posted by Anne Collins Goodyear — Jan 13, 2014

Dear Colleagues:

Thank you for your membership in the College Art Association. Starting on January 6, 2014, CAA will open its online election. Not only do we have an excellent slate of six candidates to be considered for Board service, but we request your vote on a proposed amendment to the By-laws of College Art Association.

The amendment grows out of a detailed analysis of CAA’s current membership structure, and reflects the results of a recent member survey evaluating the most highly valued aspects of membership. Based on this study, designed in part to assess the needs of contingent faculty, the Board determined that it made sense to streamline the numerous categories of membership now in place and to develop a structure based on benefits rather than on income. Some of the new benefits that will be made available include online journal access, additional online access to a non-CAA publication published by Taylor & Francis (the new co-publisher of CAA’s journals), and JPASS access at a fifty percent discount, as well as discounted, part-time membership for contingent faculty.

Because changing the membership categories requires amending the By-laws, the Board unanimously adopted a resolution at its October 27, 2013 meeting recommending the amendment to the By-laws available at The Board believes that this change will benefit members and sustain the services the Association provides. The amendment also provides for flexibility in enabling the Association to make further changes to the membership structure as may be deemed desirable in the future.

We encourage you to review the proposed amendment to the By-laws and we urge you to cast your vote on January 6th.

With appreciation of your support of CAA, we look forward to welcoming you at the 2014 Annual Conference in Chicago!

All best wishes for the season,

Sincerely yours,

Anne Collins Goodyear
President, College Art Association
Co-Director, Bowdoin College Museum of Art