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CAA News Today

On February 14, 2014, CAA members voted to approve an amendment to the organization’s By-laws that will permit the Board of Directors to streamline the current categories of membership and develop a structure based on benefits rather than on income. The amendment also provides for flexibility in enabling CAA to make further changes to the membership structure as may be deemed desirable in the future.

The amendment grew from a detailed analysis of CAA’s current membership structure and reflects the results of a recent survey evaluating the most highly valued aspects of membership as well as the needs of contingent faculty. New benefits will include: online access to The Art Bulletin, Art Journal, and; additional online access to a non-CAA publication published by Taylor & Francis (the new copublisher of CAA’s journals); and JPASS access at a 50 percent discount. CAA will also offer part-time membership for contingent faculty.

Filed under: Governance, Membership