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CAA News Today

Report on the May 4, 2014, CAA Board of Directors Meeting

posted by Linda Downs — Jun 18, 2014

The Strategic Plan 2015-2020 was approved by the directors and the following priorities were established by the new president, DeWitt Godfrey:

  • Advocate for workforce issues particularly for part-time faculty;
  • Review the Professional Interests, Practices and Standards committees to ensure addressing critical issues in the visual arts field;
  • Increase membership nationally, internationally and in terms of diversity; increase communication with members, including social communication;
  • Find ways of extending the annual conference to a larger group of members; and
  • Enhance utilization of digital capabilities by journal authors and promote digital expertise.

The directors are grateful to the Strategic Planning Task Force chaired by president emerita Anne Collins Goodyear and all the members who contributed to the development of this new plan.

The directors gratefully approved the endowment gift by Mary Douglas Edwards of $50,000 to support travel and registration to attend the CAA annual conference by women who are emerging scholars pursuing a doctoral degree or who have received their Ph.D. within two years prior to the submission of the application for the award of the grant and who will present research papers at an art history session at the conference with strong preference for papers on any topic pertaining to the art of ancient Greece or Rome, Medieval Europe from 400 – 1400, or Europe and North American from 1400 – 1950.

The directors approved the IRS Form 990 for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013.

The directors approved CAA joining the Partner Program of the Society of Architectural Historians.

The directors also approved the Resolution to commend the Women’s Art Journal requested by the Committee on Women in the Arts for the maintenance of high quality scholarship that serves as a forum for re-examining feminist concerns of the women’s art movement. A letter of commendation was sent to Joan Marter, Professor of Art History, Rutgers University and Editor, Women’s Art Journal.

The directors established a Task Force on Design, chaired by Debra Riley Parr, , to investigate and make recommendations to the directors on 1) tenure and promotion standards for designers; 2) CV guidelines for designers; 3) representation of design fields in all the professional committees; and 4) scheduling sessions at the annual conference on design issues.

The directors decided to evaluate the Professional- Development Fellowships in Art History and Visual Arts in light of the current job market and in the context of the Strategic Plan 2015-2020 and to temporarily suspend the program.