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CAA News Today

At its February 2011 meeting, the CAA Board of Directors approved applications from four organizations to become affiliated societies, which are groups of art professionals and other organizations whose goals are generally consonant with those of CAA, with a view toward facilitating intercommunication and mutual enrichment.

Art, Literature, and Music in Symbolism and Decadence

Established in 2010, Art, Literature, and Music in Symbolism and Decadence (ALMSD) focuses on European culture from the late nineteenth to early twentieth century. Working to demonstrate the philosophical connection between arts in different countries that were affected by Symbolist ideas, the organization facilitates the exchange of ideas among scholars through an annual newsletter and a conference held every four years at the Allerton Park and Retreat Center in Monticello, Illinois, or at other international locations.

Asian American Women Artists Association

The Asian American Women Artists Association (AAWAA), founded in 1989, is dedicated to the visibility and documentation of Asian American women in the arts. Through exhibitions, publications, and educational programs, the organization offers thought-provoking perspectives that challenge societal assumptions and promote dialogue. AAWAA activities include a resource portal; regular lectures in art, ethnic, and Asian American studies classes; thought-provoking exhibitions, panel discussions, literary readings, and workshops; and books and catalogues on Asian American women artists.

The Curator’s Network

A new organization established last year by Independent Curators International, the Curator’s Network brings together curators from around the world who want to share their work and exchange information with other professionals in the field. Among the sponsored activities are an online Curator’s Index; a forum for members to share information, called the Network Directory; and Dispatch, a bimonthly newsletter. More than one hundred curators have joined the network.

National Alliance of Artists from Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Founded in 2000, the National Alliance of Artists from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (NAAHBCU) brings art and art education to the forefront of member institutions. It also provides comprehensive activities that offer opportunities for professional artists employed at member institutions. In addition, NAAHBCU highlights the artistic achievements of artists through exhibitions; provides scholarships for promising art majors; meets annually to confront issues that affect art departments at historically black colleges and universities; shares information on current technology, art history, and art trends; and disseminates employment opportunities.

CAA’s Directory of Affiliated Societies is currently accepting updates. If you are an officer or the official CAA contact for an organization, please send an updated text, in the same format as your current listing, to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs, either as a Word attachment or pasted in the body of an email.

Filed under: Affiliated Societies, Membership

CAA 2012 Call for ParticipationThe 100th Annual Conference in Los Angeles—which concludes CAA’s Centennial year—takes place February 22–25, 2012. Listing more than one hundred sessions, the 2012 Call for Participation will arrive in the mailboxes of all individual and institutional members in March; you can also download a PDF of the twenty-four-page document from the CAA website immediately.

The 2012 Call for Participation describes many of next year’s panels and presentations. CAA and session chairs invite your participation: please follow the instructions in the booklet to submit a proposal for a paper. This publication also includes a call for Poster Session proposals and describes the eleven Open Forms sessions.

The deadline for proposals of papers and presentations for the Los Angeles conference is Monday, May 2, 2011.

In addition to dozens of wide-ranging panels on art history, studio art, contemporary issues, and professional and educational practices, CAA conference attendees can expect participation from many area schools, museums, galleries, and other institutions. The Los Angeles Convention Center is the conference headquarters, holding most sessions and panels, Career Services and the Book and Trade Fair, receptions and special events, and more.

Come one, come all! Renowned for its glamorous parties, the Metropolitan Museum of Art will be hosting the CAA Centennial Reception during the 2011 Annual Conference in New York. Join your friends and colleagues, fellow conference attendees, and special guests for an unforgettable evening that will celebrate the beginning of CAA’s Centennial year.

The reception will take place on Thursday evening, February 10, 7:30–9:00 PM, in the magnificent spaces of the Great Hall and the Temple of Dendur, and the passage of Egyptian art between them. It immediately follows the presentation of CAA’s 2011 Awards for Distinction in the Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium. Wine, beer, soft drinks, and hors d’oeuvre will be served. The Met Store will be open too, making available its excellent inventory of gift items in addition to its superb collection of art monographs, catalogues, and books. CAA is grateful to Thomas Campbell, director of the Metropolitan, for generously opening the museum for this special occasion.

A $35 ticket is required for admission. Although online sales have ended, you may pick up a ticket at the Events Tickets booth in the Registration Area at the Hilton New York, 2nd Floor Promenade. CAA will not be selling tickets at the museum. The awards presentation, however, is free and open to the public.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is located at 1000 Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. To attend the reception, climb the stairs and walk through the main museum entrance. To attend the awards ceremony, taking place 6:00–7:30 PM, enter the auditorium through the 83rd Street entrance.

Conference attendees may also visit the museum free of charge during the week just by showing their registrant badges.

Filed under: Annual Conference, Centennial

Registrants for the 2011 Annual Conference in New York can now download Abstracts 2011. This publication, available as a PDF, summarizes the contents of hundreds of papers and talks that will be presented in program sessions.

Reading the abstracts in advance can help you plan your daily schedule at the conference. Program sessions are alphabetized by the chair’s last name and appear in the contents pages. An index in the back of the publication names the speakers. Alternatively, use your Adobe Reader to conduct a keyword search for terms relevant to your interests.

After registrants log into their CAA account, they can click the “Abstracts” image in the middle of the screen to download the PDF (1.5 MB). Abstracts 2011 is part of the registration package; there is no cost for paid or complimentary registrants.

Conference attendees who purchase single-time slot tickets, or those who want Abstracts 2011 but are not coming to New York, may attain the document for a charge: $30 for CAA members, $35 for nonmembers. Abstracts 2011 will remain on the CAA website for download or sale through July 31, 2011.

Beginning with the 2010 conference in Chicago, CAA offers its Abstracts exclusively as a PDF download. Past issues of the printed publication from 1999 to 2009 are also available. The cost per copy is $30 for CAA members and $35 for nonmembers. For more information and to order, please contact Roberta Lawson, CAA office coordinator.

Filed under: Annual Conference, Publications

The Career Services Guide is designed to inform job seekers and employers about career services at the 2011 Annual Conference in New York. The publication, which will help you navigate Career Services events and provides answers to frequently asked questions, is available now as a PDF. Study this guide carefully so that you will know what to expect from conference interviewing and how best to prepare for a successful experience.

Job candidates can review the basics of the conference employment search. Read about Orientation, the introduction to Career Services where you can ask questions, and the Candidate Center, your home base at the conference. Also, learn more about the Online Career Center, where you can search for position listings, post application materials, and arrange interviews. The guide includes tips for improving your CV, portfolio, and supplemental application materials.

Employers will find details in the guide for renting interview booths or tables as well as recommendations for posting jobs and conducting interviews at the conference. You can begin preparations now for Career Services through the Online Career Center or onsite at the Interviewer Center.

The Career Services Guide will also be handed out at Orientation and in the Candidate Center. All conference Career Services will take place at the Hilton New York. For more information about job searching, professional-development workshops, and more, visit the Career Services section of the conference website.

The recently published Conference Information and Registration booklet provides important details, deadlines, and directions for attending the 99th Annual Conference and Centennial Kickoff, taking place February 9–12, 2011. The booklet was mailed last week to all current individual and institutional CAA members; nonmembers and those wanting a digital file may download a PDF.

Following sections on registration and CAA membership, Conference Information and Registration explains basic processes for candidates seeking jobs and employers placing classified advertisements and renting interview booths. In addition, it lists topics for seven professional-development workshops and content for the Student and Emerging Professionals Lounge. If you want to connect with former and current professors and students, consult the Reunions and Receptions page.

The booklet includes paper forms for CAA membership, conference registration, workshops, special events, and mentoring enrollment. You may also choose to join CAA and register online.

The contents of Conference Information and Registration are published on the conference website, which is being updated continuously between now and the February meeting.

Filed under: Annual Conference, Publications

Celebrate CAA’s one-hundredth anniversary at the 99th Annual Conference and Centennial Kickoff in New York, taking place Wednesday, February 9–Saturday, February 12, 2011. The Hilton New York in midtown Manhattan is the conference headquarters hotel, holding most sessions and panels, Career Services and the Book and Trade Fair, receptions and special events, and more. The hotel is also a half block away from the Museum of Modern Art. Other events will take place throughout the city.

Registration Costs

Early registration is $155 for members, $90 for student and retired members, and $280 for nonmembers. These low registration prices are good through December 10, 2010. Advance registration takes place after this date, until January 21, 2011. Costs are $225 for members, $130 for student and retired members, and $350 for nonmembers. Onsite registration is also available for $270, $155, and $400 respectively.

CAA members can register by completing the online registration form (with your credit-card information) at the conference website in October 2010. Or you may complete the form in the 2011 Conference Registration and Information booklet, which will be sent to you later in the fall; mail or fax the form to CAA with your check or credit-card information.

Institutional Members

Institutional members at the Academic/Corporate or Library/Department/Museum level can register up to ten faculty and staff members at the reduced individual-member rate (early or advance, depending on the deadline). Ask your school or department chair to find out if your institution holds a CAA membership at these levels. Please contact CAA’s Member Services at 212-691-1051, ext. 12, to find out more.

The 2010 Annual Conference in Chicago, one of the best attended in recent years, had an incredibly diverse array of sessions. Audio recordings for eighty-one of those panels are now available for sale.

A set of MP3 audio recordings from the Chicago conference is available for only $149.95, either as a download or on interactive CD-ROMs. Individual sessions, available only as downloads, are $24.95 each. Please visit Conference Media to view the list of sessions and to order.

Available sessions include such timely topics as “Lifeloggers: Chronicling the Everyday” and “Autofictions, Avatars, and Alter Egos: Fabricating Artists.” Thematic art-historical topics, on analyzing repetition in ancient art and on violence and narrative in early modern art, also make appearances, as do state of the field talks on the art history of the African diaspora and on American-art textbooks. Included in the mix are pedagogical sessions involving “Autonomizing Practices in Art, Art History, and Education” and “WTF: Talking Theory with Art and Art-History Undergrads,” among others.

Whether you took part in, attended, or missed a particular conference session, these recordings are a must-have for your library, research, or teaching. Listen to them while walking across campus, while driving in your car or using public transportation, or while relaxing in your home.

In addition to the Chicago sessions, you can also purchase session audio recordings from the 2006–9 conferences in Boston, New York, Dallas–Fort Worth, and Los Angeles. See for details.

Photo: The audience of a 2010 Annual Conference session (photograph by Bradley Marks)

At its February meeting in Chicago, the Board of Directors approved the applications of two groups to join CAA’s affiliated societies. The first new affiliate, the Appraisers Association of America, is a professional organization, while the second, the Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey, is an area-studies organization.

The Appraisers Association of America (AAA) began in 1949; it currently has 650 members. Its purpose is to establish the highest standards of ethical conduct and promote the profession of appraising as a service to the national economy. An admissions committee insures that its members have met the standards of the profession. AAA advances the field though educational seminars, conferences, publications, and other activities. It publishes All About Appraising: The Definitive Appraisal Handbook and a biannual newsletter, and it offers classes in collaboration with New York University’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies. CAA recently partnered with AAA to host a symposium on art authentication in January 2010.

An affiliate of the Middle East Studies Association, the Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey (AMCA) was established in 2007, and it currently has fifty-seven members. This newly formed academic organization aims to advance the study of this emerging field through the creation of an international network of interested scholars and organizations. AMCA facilitates communications by sponsoring conferences, meetings, a website, and a newsletter. It will be launching peer-reviewed exhibition and catalogue reviews on its website.

CAA’s Directory of Affiliated Societies is currently accepting updates. If you are an officer or the official CAA contact for an organization, please send an updated text, in the same format as your current listing, to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs, by March 31, either as a Word attachment or pasted into the body of an email.

Filed under: Affiliated Societies, Membership

CAA’s Services to Artists Committee invites artist members to participate in ARTexchange, an open forum for sharing work at the 2010 Annual Conference in Chicago. To be held Friday evening, February 12, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, ARTexchange is free and open to the public; a cash bar will be available.

The space on, above, and beneath a six-foot table is available for each artist’s exhibition of prints, paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, and small installations; performance, sound, and spoken word are also welcome. Previous ARTexchange participants have found that this parameter sparked creative displays, and the committee looks forward to surprises and inspiring solutions at the upcoming conference. Please note that artwork cannot be hung on walls, and it is not possible to run power cords from laptops or other electronic devices to outlets—bring fully charged batteries.

To participate in Chicago, please write to the ARTexchange coordinators, with the subject heading “CAA ARTexchange.” Include your CAA member number and a brief description of what you plan to present. Please provide details regarding performance, sound, spoken word, or technology-based work, including laptop presentations. You will receive an email confirmation. Because ARTexchange is a popular venue and participation is based on available space, early applicants are given preference.

Participants are responsible for their work; CAA is not liable for losses or damages. Sales of work are not permitted. Deadline: December 18, 2009.

Image: Dennis Olsen (right), an artist and president of the Santa Reparata International School of Art in Florence, Italy, shows his work at ARTexchange during the 2009 Annual Conference in Los Angeles (photograph by Kenna Love)

Filed under: Annual Conference, Exhibitions