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CAA News Today

Arts in Turkey Tour: Yesterday and Today

posted by September 12, 2013

CAA has partnered with Tutku Tours to provide an exclusive offer for its members to spend two weeks exploring the ancient and contemporary sides of Turkey, from May 27 to June 10, 2014. Highlights of the Arts in Turkey Tour: Yesterday and Today trip include stops in Istanbul, Iznik, Canakkale, Troy, Assos, Ayvalik, Izmir, Pergamum, Ephesus, Kusadasi, Pamukkale, Catalhoyuk, Konya, Cappadocia, and Ankara. This tour is a one-of-a-kind experience that takes visitors on a spectacular journey through ancient and modern Turkey. Visit the workshops of local artists, learn about techniques of ancient art, and take in galleries and museums in some of the world’s oldest cities.

The tour begins with three days in Istanbul—the city on seven hills and the capital of two former empires—where travelers will visit the major attractions, including the Hippodrome, Blue Mosque, and Hagia Sophia, and also get to know the city’s vibrant street life and local art scene. The tour will then visit the Iznick Foundation’s tile factory, the archaeological site of ancient Troy, and the Pergamum acropolis. The city of Izmir, which boasts numerous museums and art galleries, comes next, and later the port city of Ephesus and Pamukkale, near the ancient city of Herapolis. A handful of other exciting stops will happen in the several days before the return flight from Ankara.

In addition to access to cultural and historic sites, the Art of Turkey Tour will provide CAA members with time for rest and relaxation. The group will stop at a carpet school in Ephesus, along with an overnight stay at a spa hotel at the Pamukkale hot springs. The end of the trip includes a stop in Cappadocia, where travelers can explore the Göreme Open-Air Museum, a vast collection of painted cave-churches dating from 1000 AD, and also watch a whirling dervishes ceremony. At the final destination, Ankara, the tour will visit the famed Museum of Anatolian Civilizations.

Getting There: Turkish Airlines provides nonstop, direct flights from the United States and Canada from the following cities: New York, Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Chicago, Houston, and Toronto.

Land and Air Rates: $3,990 per person for a double room; $4,780 per person for a single room.

The Arts in Turkey Tour features include:

  • International flight from the US via Turkish Airlines
  • Thirteen nights in superior hotels
  • Comprehensive sightseeing as specified in the program
  • Meals (thirteen dinners, four lunches, daily breakfasts)
  • An official, licensed English-speaking guide throughout the tour
  • Visits to art galleries
  • Transportation in air-conditioned vehicles
  • All entry fees to sites and museums
  • A hot-air balloon flight in Cappadocia
  • Local taxes and service charges

For a detailed, day-by-day tour itinerary, please download and review the Arts in Turkey Tour brochure.

Filed under: Membership, Tours

Herb & Dorothy 50×50 Premieres in New York

posted by September 05, 2013

The new art documentary film Herb & Dorothy 50×50, the sequel to the beloved Herb & Dorothy, opens on September 13, 2013, at IFC Center in New York. Join Fine Line Media on the opening weekend for special appearances and postscreening Q&As by the director Megumi Sasaki, the art collector Dorothy Vogel, and prominent contemporary artists in the Vogel Collection.

Herb and Dorothy Vogel were two ordinary New Yorkers—a postal worker and librarian, respectively—who built a world-class collection of modern and contemporary art with their modest salaries and then donated it, in its entirety, to the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. They never sold a piece for profit, and when the collection grew too large even for the National Gallery, the Vogels launched an unprecedented gift project that distributed fifty works of art to one museum in each of the fifty states in America—a total of 2,500 works.

Early-bird tickets for the screening of Herb & Dorothy 50×50 at IFC Theater can be purchased in advance. Use Facebook and Twitter to keep up with the film’s activities.

Following the New York premiere, the film will screen in forty theaters and museums across the United States; please see the full theater list for a location close to you. Fine Line Media would love to reach out to colleges and universities near these venues to see if there might be the possibility of joining forces to promote the film. Fine Line Media would also deeply appreciate the chance to connect with schools that do not have a screening planned near them to discuss the possibility of showing Herb & Dorothy 50×50 at their institution.

Watch the Trailer

Filed under: CAA News

CAA has been awarded a $20,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to support the next ARTspace, taking place during the 2014 Annual Conference in Chicago. Initiated twelve years ago by CAA’s Services to Artists Committee, ARTspace is a forum for presenting programming designed by artists for artists that is free and open to the public. Held at each conference since 2001, ARTspace is intended to reflect the current state of the visual arts and arts education and is among the most vital and exciting aspects of the yearly meeting.

The grant, which is the NEA’s fifth consecutive award to CAA for ARTspace, will help fund ARTexchange, the popular open-portfolio event for artists, and [Meta] Mentors, which has recently addressed such topics as making a living as an artist with and without a dealer. ARTspace programming at the 2013 conference in New York also included several panels on the intersections of art and ethics, law, and social change.

Designed to engage CAA’s artist members as well as the general public, ARTspace offers program sessions free of charge and includes diverse activities such the Annual Artists’ Interviews (most recently with Mira Schor and Janine Antoni); screenings of film, video, and multimedia works; live performances; and papers and presentations that facilitate a conversational yet professional exchange of ideas and practices.

Image: the painter and writer Mira Schor (left) participated in CAA’s Annual Artists’ Interviews, hosted by ARTspace during the 2013 Annual Conference in New York. Schor was interviewed by Stuart Horodner, artistic director of the Atlanta Contemporary Art Center (photograph by Bradley Marks)

Take the 2013 Annual Conference Survey

posted by March 11, 2013

In an effort to improve our services, we encourage you to complete the following survey about your experiences at the 101st Annual Conference in New York last month. This survey should take only a few minutes to complete. We appreciate your feedback and your support and hope to see you at the 102nd Annual Conference in Chicago, to be held February 12–15, 2014.

Survey link:

Please complete the survey by Friday, March 22, 2013. Thank you.

Filed under: Annual Conference, Surveys

2013 Annual Conference Report

posted by February 27, 2013

CAA hosted its 101st Annual Conference from February 13 to 16, 2013, at the Hilton New York in midtown Manhattan. This year’s program included four days of presentations and panel discussions on art history and visual culture, Career Services for professionals at all stages of their professional lives, a Book and Trade Fair, and a host of special events throughout the region. Preceding the Annual Conference was CAA’s first THATCamp, an “unconference” on digital art history that took place at Macaulay Honors College, City University of New York.


Close to six thousand people from throughout the United States and abroad—including artists, art historians, students, educators, curators, critics, collectors, and museum staff—attended the conference.


Conference sessions featured presentations by artists, scholars, graduate students, and curators who addressed a range of topics in art history and the visual arts. In total, the conference offered over two hundred sessions, developed by CAA members, affiliated societies, and committees.

Career Services

Career Services included four days of mentoring and portfolio-review sessions, career-development workshops, and job interviews with colleges, universities, and other art institutions. Approximately 230 interviewees and forty mentors participated in Career Services.

Book and Trade Fair

This year’s Book and Trade Fair presented 110 exhibitors—including participants from the United States, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Belgium, Mexico, Hong Kong, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, and Canada—that displayed new publications, materials for artists, digital resources, and other innovative products of interest to artists and scholars. The Book and Trade Fair also featured book signings, lectures, and demonstrations, as well as three exhibitor-sponsored program sessions on art materials and publishing.

ARTspace and ARTexchange

ARTspace, a “conference within the conference” tailored to the needs and interests of practicing artists, presented programming free and open to the public, including this year’s Annual Artists’ Interviews with Mira Schor and Janine Antoni. Over three hundred people attended this extraordinary event.

ARTspace also featured four days of panel discussions devoted to visual-arts practice, opportunities for professional development, and screenings of video work curated and produced by graduate students from the New York region. Programmed by CAA’s Services to Artists Committee, ARTspace was made possible in part by a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

ARTexchange, an open-portfolio event in which CAA artist members displayed drawings, prints, photographs, small paintings, and works on laptop computers, took place on Friday, February 15. Nearly fifty artists participated in ARTexchange this year.

Convocation and Awards

More than five hundred people attended CAA’s Convocation and presentation of the annual Awards for Distinction, which honor the outstanding achievements and accomplishments of individual artists, art historians, authors, conservators, curators, and critics whose efforts transcend their individual disciplines and contribute to the profession as a whole and to the world at large. The recipients of the 2013 awards are:

  • Ellsworth Kelly, Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement
  • Elaine Sturtevant, Artist Award for Distinguished Body of Work
  • T. J. Clark, Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award for Writing on Art
  • Hal Foster and Claire Bishop, Frank Jewett Mather Award
  • Harmony Hammond and Martha Rosler, Distinguished Feminist Award
  • Mary K. Coffey, Charles Rufus Morey Book Award
  • Philipp Kaiser and Miwon Kwon, Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award
  • Joanne Pillsbury, Miriam Doutriaux, Reiko Ishihara-Brito, and Alexandre Tokovinine, Alfred H. Barr Jr. Award for Smaller Museums, Libraries, Collections, and Exhibitions
  • Buzz Spector, Distinguished Teaching of Art Award
  • June Hargrove, Distinguished Teaching of Art History Award
  • Lance Mayer and Gay Myers, CAA/Heritage Preservation Award for Distinction in Scholarship and Conservation
  • Yukio Lippit, Arthur Kingsley Porter Prize
  • Julia Bryan-Wilson, Art Journal Award

Robert Storr of Yale University delivered the keynote address. His provocative address will be posted on CAA’s website in the coming weeks.

Special Events

Following Convocation, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum hosted CAA’s Opening Reception on Wednesday evening, February 13. Hundreds of attendees gathered to celebrate the conference while enjoying a preview of the exhibition Gutai: Splendid Playground.

CAA celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of The Art Bulletin and the fifteenth anniversary of after the Annual Members’ Business Meeting on Friday, February 15.

Thank You

Members of CAA’s Board of Directors and staff would like to extend their gratitude to all conference funders and sponsors, attendees, volunteers, and participants; the organization’s committees and award juries; the Hilton New York staff; NYC and Company; the museums and galleries that opened their doors to conference attendees free of charge; and everyone involved in helping to make the 101st Annual Conference such a tremendous success!

Save the Date

CAA’s 102nd Annual Conference will be held in Chicago, Illinois, February 12–15, 2014.

About CAA

The College Art Association is dedicated to providing professional services and resources for artists, art historians, and students in the visual arts. CAA serves as an advocate and a resource for individuals and institutions nationally and internationally by offering forums to discuss the latest developments in the visual arts and art history through its Annual Conference, publications, exhibitions, websites, and other events. CAA focuses on a wide range of issues, including education in the arts, freedom of expression, intellectual-property rights, cultural heritage and preservation, workforce topics in universities and museums, and access to networked information technologies. Representing its members’ professional needs since 1911, CAA is committed to the highest professional and ethical standards of scholarship, creativity, criticism, and teaching.

Filed under: Annual Conference

Art of Turkey: Special Tour for CAA Members

posted by January 15, 2013

CAA has partnered with Tutku Tours to provide an exclusive offer for its members to spend thirteen days exploring the ancient and contemporary sides of Turkey, from April 26 to May 10, 2013. Highlights of the Art of Turkey trip include stops in Istanbul, Izmir, Cappadocia, Troy, Ephesus, and Pamukkale. The tour begins with three full days in Istanbul—the “city located on two continents”—where travelers will visit the major attractions, including the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia, and also get to know the city’s vibrant street life and local art scene.

Next, the tour will visit the ancient city of Troy and the Pergamum acropolis, and also the less-trodden destination of Ayvalık, a small town on the northwestern Aegean coast of Turkey. After several days of immersion in the ancient world, the group will pay a visit to the second International Izmir Art Biennial, one of the largest international art events in the country that will include more than three hundred artists; Seba Uğurtan, the biennial’s founder, will give tour participants an exclusive overview of the exhibition.

The Art of Turkey Tour will also provide CAA members with time for rest and relaxation. It will stop at the port city of Ephesus to visit a carpet school, along with an overnight stay at a spa hotel at the Pamukkale hot springs. The trip will conclude with a full day in Cappadocia, where travelers will explore the Goreme Open Air Museum, a vast collection of painted cave-churches dating from 1000 AD.

Getting There: Turkish Airlines provides nonstop, direct flights from the United States and Canada, leaving from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, DC, and Toronto.

Land and Air Rates: $3,990 per person for a double room; $4,780 per person for a single room.

The Art of Turkey Tour features include:

  • International flight from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, DC, or Toronto
  • Thirteen nights in superior hotels
  • Meals (thirteen dinners, four lunches, daily breakfasts)
  • All entry fees to museums and sites, including the Izmir Art Biennial
  • Transportation and tour guide
  • Hot-air balloon flight and a whirling-dervishes ceremony in Cappadocia

For a detailed, day-by-day tour itinerary, please download and review the Art of Turkey brochure. Tutku Tours will host demonstrations and lectures on art in Turkey at its exhibit booth (#100) in the Book and Trade Fair at CAA’s 2013 Annual Conference in New York.

Filed under: Membership, Tours

CAA has partnered with Tutku Tours to provide an exclusive offer for its members to spend thirteen days exploring the ancient and contemporary sides of Turkey, from April 26 to May 10, 2013. Highlights of the Art of Turkey trip include stops in Istanbul, Izmir, Cappadocia, Troy, Ephesus, and Pamukkale. The tour begins with three full days in Istanbul—the “city located on two continents”—where travelers will visit the major attractions, including the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia, and also get to know the city’s vibrant street life and local art scene.

Next, the tour will visit the ancient city of Troy and the Pergamum acropolis, and also the less-trodden destination of Ayvalık, a small town on the northwestern Aegean coast of Turkey. After several days of immersion in the ancient world, the group will pay a visit to the second International Izmir Art Biennial, one of the largest international art events in the country that will include more than three hundred artists; Seba Uğurtan, the biennial’s founder, will give tour participants an exclusive overview of the exhibition.

The Art of Turkey Tour will also provide CAA members with time for rest and relaxation. It will stop at the port city of Ephesus to visit a carpet school, along with an overnight stay at a spa hotel at the Pamukkale hot springs. The trip will conclude with a full day in Cappadocia, where travelers will explore the Goreme Open Air Museum, a vast collection of painted cave-churches dating from 1000 AD.

Getting There: Turkish Airlines provides nonstop, direct flights from the United States and Canada, leaving from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, DC, and Toronto.

Land and Air Rates: $3,990 per person for a double room; $4,780 per person for a single room.

The Art of Turkey Tour features include:

  • International flight from New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, DC, or Toronto
  • Thirteen nights in superior hotels
  • Meals (thirteen dinners, four lunches, daily breakfasts)
  • All entry fees to museums and sites, including the Izmir Art Biennial
  • Transportation and tour guide
  • Hot-air balloon flight and a whirling-dervishes ceremony in Cappadocia

For a detailed, day-by-day tour itinerary, please download and review the Art of Turkey brochure. Tutku Tours will host demonstrations and lectures on art in Turkey at its exhibit booth (#100) in the Book and Trade Fair at CAA’s 2013 Annual Conference in New York.

Filed under: Membership, Tours

CAA Members Receive Discounts with Zipcar

posted by August 06, 2012

CAA has partnered with Zipcar to bring car sharing to members at a greatly reduced rate. CAA members can join for a $25 annual fee—as opposed to the regular rate of $60 per year. In addition, if you join through CAA, Zipcar will waive the one-time $25 application fee and also give you $25 in free driving credit.

Zipcar is an easy, economical, and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional car-rental programs. With Zipcar you can reserve a vehicle by the hour or the day and select from a wide range of cars, vans, and trucks. Gas, insurance, and 180 miles are included in each reservation. A membership with Zipcar is universal: pick up a car in over fifteen participating cities in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, including New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Toronto, and London. Faculty and students also have the added benefit of being able to access Zipcars right on campus, with more than 250 colleges and universities participating in the car-sharing program.

Join today; don’t forget to use the promotional code member25 to earn $25 in free driving credit to your account.

Filed under: Membership

CAA has received a $20,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to support the next ARTspace, taking place during the 101st Annual Conference in New York, February 13–16, 2013.

The grant, which is the NEA’s fourth consecutive award to CAA for ARTspace programming, will help fund, among other things, ARTexchange, a popular open-portfolio event for artists, as well as [Meta] Mentors programming, which has covered topics such as do-it-yourself curatorial and exhibition practices, international networks for artists, and assistance with grants, taxes, and promotion.

Designed to engage CAA’s artist members and the general public, ARTspace offers program sessions free of charge and includes diverse activities such the Annual Artists’ Interviews, screenings of film, video, and multimedia works, live performances, and papers and presentations that facilitate a conversational yet professional exchange of ideas and practices. Held at each conference since 2001, ARTspace is intended to reflect the current state of the visual arts and arts education.

Image: Art in Odd Places and Performance Exchange sponsored performances outside the Los Angeles Convention Center as part of ARTspace’s Art in the Public Realm, a daylong event at the 2012 Annual Conference (photograph by Bradley Marks)

The results of CAA’s 2012 membership survey, sent to all active individual members, are now in. Over 1,600 members responded to the survey, which was open from January 25 to February 10, 2012, and the results are very enlightening. Several highlights include these findings:

  • Most CAA members (63 percent) joined when they were in graduate school
  • Almost half (48 percent) are faculty members at two- and four-year colleges or universities
  • The number-one reason why people initially joined CAA was to assist their job search
  • Job postings in the Online Career Center are the primary reason why people retain membership, followed by networking opportunities afforded by CAA
  • Most CAA members support a greater internet presence for the journals. About 72 percent would like an expanded online version of Art Journal, and 70 percent want to see The Art Bulletin on the web
  • Advocacy for the visual arts was voted the most important CAA function, with 67 percent of respondents rating it as “extremely important.” The Annual Conference and the Online Career Center tied for second place, with 58 percent each.
  • Only 17 percent of the CAA members who responded participate in CAA’s social networking on Twitter and Facebook
  • After CAA’s own publications, the most-read art periodicals by members are Art in America, ARTnews, and Artforum
  • The top-three advocacy issues for CAA members are government funding for the arts and humanities, freedom of expression and censorship, and intellectual-property rights (including the cost for image reproduction, fair use, and terms of copyright)
  • The majority of write-in comments addressed the costs of membership and the conference, but other recurring themes include the need to broaden CAA’s focus to embrace a wider range of disciplines and areas of interest, the need for further advocacy efforts, and the need for greater support for adjunct faculty

CAA greatly appreciates the feedback of its members.

As a service organization, CAA recognizes that knowing and responding to the professional needs of its constituents is vital to ensuring the effectiveness of the organization. In 2011, CAA contracted the services of an expert consultant, Raym Crow of the Chain Bridge Group, to help determine the future of its publications and membership program. The information gathered in the survey, and the resultant feedback from Crow, will be used by CAA leaders to help determine its priorities and potential directions.

Filed under: Membership, Research, Surveys