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CAA News Today

The 2012–13 Nominating Committee has announced a slate of six candidates for the annual election of CAA members to serve on the Board of Directors for a four-year term (2013–17). Voting will begin when the webpages for the election, which will include the candidates’ statements, biographies, endorsements, and video presentations, are published in January 2013.

The six candidates are:

  • Elizabeth Conner, Artist and Instructor of Studio Art, University of Washington Tacoma
  • Constance Cortez, Associate Professor, School of Art, College of Visual and Performing Arts, Texas Tech University
  • Jennifer Milam, Associate Professor, Department of Art History and Film Studies, University of Sydney
  • Debra Riley Parr, Associate Professor of Art and Design History and Chair of Fashion Studies, Columbia College Chicago
  • Sheila Pepe, Acting Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Art and Design, Pratt Institute
  • John Richardson, Professor and Chair, Department of Art and Art History, Wayne State University

If you have questions about the Nominating Committee, the candidates, or the voting process, please contact Vanessa Jalet, CAA executive liaison.

Serve on a CAA Committee

posted by September 19, 2012

Get involved in an issue that you care about! CAA invites members to apply for service on one of its nine Professional Interests, Practices, and Standards Committees. These committees address critical issues in the visual arts in an attempt to deal with, and respond to, the pressing concerns of CAA’s members.

Communicating via listserv throughout the year, each committee takes on the objectives it has set for itself, which include: programming ARTspace at the Annual Conference; establishing best practices, standards, and guidelines; sharing and examining pedagogical practices; examining new and developing technologies; addressing issues critical to emerging professionals as well as concerns of diversity and gender; extending the reach of CAA internationally; and clarifying and debating matters of fair use, copyright, and open access. This vigorous exchange of information reveals common goals and leads to solutions that will help CAA members to weather their changing professional landscape.

Committees are active at the Annual Conference in February, where each presents one or two sessions on a subject of its choosing. These sessions, sometimes collaborations between committees and sometimes dealing with workforce issues, are meant to be of immediate value to CAA members. Also at the conference, the committees hold face-to-face business meetings and discuss the past year’s accomplishments while targeting ideas for future projects. Participation on a committee is an excellent and fruitful way to network with other CAA members, and for some individuals it is a stepping-stone to service on the organization’s Board of Directors.

The public face of several CAA committees appears most visibly at the conference. The Services to Artists Committee, for example, conceives nearly all content and programming for ARTspace, ARTexchange, and the Media Lounge, while the Student and Emerging Professionals Committee organizes events on professional-development issues that take place in the Student and Emerging Professionals Lounge.

Online, the Committee on Women in the Arts publishes the monthly CWA Picks of exhibitions and events related to feminist art and scholarship, among other activities. Last year, the Museum Committee conducted a survey of museum-based members; it also advocates greater access to museum image collections. After conducting a survey of its own, the International Committee warmly welcomed and hosted twenty travel-grant recipients who attended the Los Angeles conference from around the world.

The Professional Practices Committee continues to study, develop, and revise CAA’s Standards and Guidelines, so that these documents, once approved by the CAA board, become authoritative, comprehensive documents for art-related disciplines. The Committee on Diversity Practices is compiling syllabi that consider diversity and inclusiveness in curricula and the classroom. The Committee on Intellectual Property completely updated all intellectual-property information on CAA’s website and continues to monitor the tricky terrain of copyright and fair use, which dramatically affects the work lives of artists and scholars.

Committee members serve three-year terms (2013–16), with at least one new member rotating onto a committee each year. Candidates must be current CAA members and possess expertise appropriate to the committee’s work. Members of all committees volunteer their services without compensation. Committee work is not for the faint of heart; it is expected that once appointed to a committee, a member will involve himself or herself in an active and serious way.

The following vacancies are open for terms beginning in February 2013:

CAA’s president, vice president for committees, and executive director review all candidates in early November and make appointments in December, prior to the Annual Conference. New members are introduced to their committees during their respective business meetings at the conference.

Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement (no more than 150 words) describing your qualifications and experience and an abbreviated CV (no more than 2–3 pages). Please send all materials to Vanessa Jalet, CAA executive liaison. Deadline: October 12, 2012.

Image: The Student and Emerging Professionals Committee hosted a breakfast at the American Folk Art Museum during the 2011 Annual Conference (photograph by Bradley Marks)

Filed under: Committees, Governance, Service

CAA Seeks Committee Members

posted by June 13, 2012

Get involved in an issue that you care about! CAA invites members to apply for service on one of its nine Professional Interests, Practices, and Standards Committees. These committees address critical issues in the visual arts in an attempt to deal with, and respond to, the pressing concerns of CAA’s members.

Communicating via listserv throughout the year, each committee takes on the objectives it has set for itself, which include: programming ARTspace at the Annual Conference; establishing best practices, standards, and guidelines; sharing and examining pedagogical practices; examining new and developing technologies; addressing issues critical to emerging professionals as well as concerns of diversity and gender; extending the reach of CAA internationally; and clarifying and debating matters of fair use, copyright, and open access. This vigorous exchange of information reveals common goals and leads to solutions that will help CAA members to weather their changing professional landscape.

Committees are active at the Annual Conference in February, where each presents one or two sessions on a subject of its choosing. These sessions, sometimes collaborations between committees and sometimes dealing with workforce issues, are meant to be of immediate value to CAA members. Also at the conference, the committees hold face-to-face business meetings and discuss the past year’s accomplishments while targeting ideas for future projects. Participation on a committee is an excellent and fruitful way to network with other CAA members, and for some individuals it is a stepping-stone to service on the organization’s Board of Directors.

The public face of several CAA committees appears most visibly at the conference. The Services to Artists Committee, for example, conceives nearly all content and programming for ARTspace, ARTexchange, and the Media Lounge, while the Student and Emerging Professionals Committee organizes events on professional-development issues that take place in the Student and Emerging Professionals Lounge.

Online, the Committee on Women in the Arts publishes the monthly CWA Picks of exhibitions and events related to feminist art and scholarship, among other activities. Last year, the Museum Committee conducted a survey of museum-based members; it also advocates greater access to museum image collections. After conducting a survey of its own, the International Committee warmly welcomed and hosted twenty travel-grant recipients who attended the Los Angeles conference from around the world.

The Professional Practices Committee continues to study, develop, and revise CAA’s Standards and Guidelines, so that these documents, once approved by the CAA board, become authoritative, comprehensive documents for art-related disciplines. The Committee on Diversity Practices is compiling syllabi that consider diversity and inclusiveness in curricula and the classroom. The Committee on Intellectual Property completely updated all intellectual-property information on CAA’s website and continues to monitor the tricky terrain of copyright and fair use, which dramatically affects the work lives of artists and scholars.

Committee members serve three-year terms (2013–16), with at least one new member rotating onto a committee each year. Candidates must be current CAA members and possess expertise appropriate to the committee’s work. Members of all committees volunteer their services without compensation. Committee work is not for the faint of heart; it is expected that once appointed to a committee, a member will involve himself or herself in an active and serious way.

The following vacancies are open for terms beginning in February 2013:

CAA’s president, vice president for committees, and executive director review all candidates in early November and make appointments in December, prior to the Annual Conference. New members are introduced to their committees during their respective business meetings at the conference.

Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement (no more than 150 words) describing your qualifications and experience and an abbreviated CV (no more than 2–3 pages). Please send all materials to Vanessa Jalet, CAA executive liaison. Deadline: October 12, 2012.

Filed under: Committees, Governance, Service

CAA is pleased to announce the members of the 2012–13 Nominating Committee, which is charged with identifying and interviewing potential candidates for the Board of Directors and selecting the final slate of candidates for the membership’s vote. The committee members, their institutional affiliations, and their positions are:

  • DeWitt Godfrey, Colgate University, Vice President for Committees and Chair
  • Brian Bishop, Framingham State University
  • Roger Crum, University of Dayton and CAA Board
  • Kevin Hamilton, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Patricia Mathews, Hobart and William Smith Colleges and CAA Board
  • Sabina Ott, Columbia College Chicago and CAA Board
  • Joseph H. Seipel, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Norie Sato, Independent Artist, Seattle
  • Linda Downs, CAA Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer (ex officio)

The 2011 Nominating Committee chose the new members of the committee at its recent business meeting, held during the 2012 Annual Conference in Los Angeles in February. The Board of Directors also appointed three liaisons. CAA publishes a call for nominations and self-nominations for Nominating Committee service in CAA News and on the website in late fall of every year. Please direct all queries regarding the committee to Vanessa Jalet, CAA executive liaison.

CAA seeks nominations and self-nominations from individuals interested in shaping the future of the organization by serving on the Board of Directors for the 2013–17 term. The board is responsible for all financial and policy matters related to the organization. It promotes excellence in scholarship and teaching in the history and criticism of the visual arts, and it encourages creativity and technical skill in the teaching and practice of art. CAA’s board is also charged with representing the membership on issues affecting the visual arts and the humanities.

Candidates must be current CAA members. Nominations and self-nominations should include the following information: the nominee’s name, affiliation, address, email address, and telephone number, as well as the name, affiliation, and email address of the nominator, if different from the nominee. Please send all information by mail or email to: Vanessa Jalet, Executive Assistant, College Art Association, 50 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10004. Deadline: April 2, 2012.

Filed under: Board of Directors, Governance

The annual election of CAA members to serve on the Board of Directors has begun. Visit the main board election page or click the candidates’ names below to read their statements, biographies, and endorsements—and to watch their video presentations—before casting your vote.

The six candidates for the 2012–16 term are:

To vote, log into your CAA account with your CAA user/member ID# and password. Then click the Vote Now image at the center of the screen to begin the process. If you are already logged in, click the Home link at left, and then the Vote Now image.

You may vote for up to four candidates (including one write-in candidate, if you wish) who will serve on the board for four years. The election ends at 5:00 PM (PST) on Friday, February 24, 2012.

Questions? Contact Vanessa Jalet, CAA executive assistant.

Join the 2012 Nominating Committee

posted by November 28, 2011

CAA invites you to help shape the future of the organization by serving on the 2012 Nominating Committee. Each year, this committee nominates and interviews potential candidates for the CAA Board of Directors and selects the final slate for the membership’s vote. The candidates for the 2012–16 board election will be announced in early December 2011.

The current Nominating Committee will choose the new members of its own committee at its business meeting, to be held at the 2012 Annual Conference in Los Angeles in February. Once selected, all committee members must propose, in the spring, a minimum of five and a maximum of ten people for the board. Service on the committee also involves conducting telephone interviews with candidates during the summer and meeting in September 2012 to select the final board slate. Finally, all Nominating Committee members attend their business meeting, at the New York conference in 2013, to select that year’s committee.

Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement of interest and a two-page CV. Please send all materials to: Maria Ann Conelli, Vice President for Committees, c/o Vanessa Jalet, College Art Association, 50 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10004. Materials may also be sent as Microsoft Word attachments to Vanessa Jalet. Deadline: January 9, 2012.

CAA invites you to apply for service on one of its nine innovative, productive Professional Interests, Practices, and Standards Committees, which address crucial issues in the visual arts and propose solutions that advance CAA’s goals and the profession as a whole. Working on a committee is also an excellent way to network with other members.

Committee activity is busiest at the Annual Conference, where each group usually presents one or two sessions. Other committees do more: the Services to Artists Committee conceives and implements ARTspace, ARTexchange, and the Media Lounge, and the Students and Emerging Professionals Committee puts together lunchtime programming on professional-development topics for the Student and Emerging Professionals Lounge.

Throughout the year, committee activities are more diverse, and you will have the opportunity to bring up topics important to you and your colleagues for discussion and action. If developments in pedagogy interest you, apply for the Education Committee. Worried about artists’ copyright or the high cost of image reproduction? The Committee on Intellectual Property monitors and advises on these pressing issues.

This year, two committees conducted surveys directed at their particular CAA constituencies. The Museum Committee sought input from museum and gallery professionals, and the International Committee queried members based outside the United States and foreign-born artists and scholars working in America. The Professional Practices Committee tackles urgent professional matters such as the increase of adjuncts in higher education; it also writes and revises Standards and Guidelines that, once approved by the CAA Board of Directors, become authoritative and comprehensive documents for art-related disciplines. The Committee on Diversity Practices has added a hitherto underserved area, older and senior professionals, to its list of concerns, and the Committee on Women in the Arts publishes the monthly CWA Picks of exhibitions and events related to feminist art and scholarship, among other projects.

Committee members serve three-year terms (2012–15), with at least one new member rotating onto a committee each year. Candidates must possess expertise appropriate to the committee’s work and be current CAA members. Members of all committees volunteer their services without compensation. The following vacancies are open for terms beginning in February 2012:

  • Committee on Diversity Practices: three members
  • Committee on Intellectual Property: one member
  • Committee on Women in the Arts: two members
  • Education Committee: two members
  • International Committee: two members
  • Museum Committee: three members
  • Professional Practices Committee: two members
  • Services to Artists Committee: four members
  • Student and Emerging Professionals Committee: three members

CAA’s president and vice president for committees will review all candidates in late November 2011 and make appointments in early December, prior to the 2012 Annual Conference in Los Angeles, where CAA will conclude its yearlong Centennial Celebration. All new members are introduced to their committees during their respective business meetings at the conference.

Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement (no more than 150 words) describing your qualifications and experience and an abbreviated CV (no more than two pages). Please send all materials to Vanessa Jalet, CAA executive assistant. Deadline: October 14, 2011.

Image: The Student and Emerging Professionals Committee hosted a breakfast at the American Folk Art Museum during the 2011 Annual Conference (photograph by Bradley Marks)

Filed under: Committees, Governance, Membership

Newly elected members and officers of the CAA Board of Directors will gather at the governing body’s spring meeting on this Sunday, May 1, 2011. Charged with CAA’s long-term financial stability and strategic direction, the board sets policy regarding all aspects of the organization’s activities, including publishing, the Annual Conference, awards and fellowships, advocacy, and committee procedures.

New Directors

The board welcomes four new members, who will serve from 2011 to 2015:

  • Leslie Bellavance, dean of the School of Art and Design in the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University in Alfred, New York
  • Denise Mullen, president of the Oregon College of Art and Craft in Portland
  • Saul Ostrow, chair of Visual Arts and Technologies at the Cleveland Institute of Art in Ohio
  • Georgia Strange, director of the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia in Athens

New Officers

At its February 2011 meeting, the board elected new officers—four vice presidents and a secretary—from among its members to serve one-year terms, from May 2011 to April 2012.

  • Patricia McDonnell, director of the Ulrich Museum of Art at Wichita State University in Kansas, is vice president for external affairs
  • Maria Ann Conelli, director of the American Folk Art Museum in New York, will serve a second term as vice president for committees
  • Anne Collins Goodyear, who was vice president for publications for two years, has been named vice president for Annual Conference
  • Taking over from Goodyear as vice president for publications is Randall C. Griffin, professor of art history at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas
  • DeWitt Godfrey, an artist and associate professor of art and art history at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, was reelected secretary

Appointed Director

Earlier this year, CAA named Anne-Imelda Radice, a senior consultant for the Dilenschneider Group, to the board as an appointed director. She served as director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services from 2006 to 2010 and earned a PhD in art and architectural history from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, as well as an MBA from American University in Washington, DC.

Filed under: Governance, People in the News

At its February 2011 meeting, the CAA Board of Directors elected new officers—four vice presidents and a secretary—from among its members to serve one-year terms, from May 2011 to April 2012. Elected officers (other than the president) hold their positions for one year and may be reelected to a second term. For more information about the election process for officers, please read Article VII, Section 5 of the CAA By-laws.

The new vice president for external affairs is Patricia McDonnell, director of the Ulrich Museum of Art at Wichita State University in Kansas. She will work closely with Linda Downs, CAA executive director, and Nia Page, CAA director of membership, development, and marketing, on fund-raising initiatives and advocacy matters. McDonnell succeeds Andrea Kirsh, an independent scholar and curator based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who will rotate off the board in May.

The board reelected Maria Ann Conelli, director of the American Folk Art Museum in New York, to a second term as vice president for committees. She will act as a liaison between the board and the nine Professional Interests, Practices, and Standards Committees and coordinate committee work that advances CAA’s goals. Conelli will also chair the Nominating Committee, the Professional-Development Fellowships jury, and the Appointed Directors Nominating Committee.

Anne Collins Goodyear, who was vice president for publications for two years, has been named vice president for Annual Conference. She will chair the Annual Conference Committee, which determines conference programming and content, and work with CAA staff to devise and implement flexible session scheduling and formats for the event. Goodyear, who is assistant curator of prints and drawings at the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, DC, succeeds Sue Gollifer, an artist and principal lecturer in fine art at the University of Brighton in England, who served as vice president for Annual Conference for two years.

Taking over from Goodyear as vice president for publications is Randall C. Griffin, professor of art history at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He will oversee CAA’s publications program, serve as chair of the Publications Committee, and be a resource for the editorial boards of The Art Bulletin, Art Journal, and

DeWitt Godfrey, an artist and associate professor of art and art history at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, was reelected secretary. This officer informs each board member of upcoming meetings and notifies all CAA members of the Annual Members’ Business Meeting. The secretary also attends the above meetings, as well as all Executive Committee sessions, and records the votes and the minutes of the proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose.

Filed under: Governance, People in the News