CAA News Today
CAA 105th Annual Business Meeting Minutes
posted by CAA — December 15, 2017
The College Art Association 105th Annual Business Meeting Minutes
New York Hilton Midtown Hotel
1335 Avenue of the Americas
NY NY 10019
February 15, 2017: Convocation, 5:30 p.m.
West/East Ballroom, 3rd Floor
February 17, 2017: MY_CAA, 12:15 p.m.
East Ballroom, 3rd Floor
Part One
CAA’s President, Suzanne Preston Blier, welcomed attendees to CAA’s Convocation and to the Association’s 105th Annual Meeting of its members. While the Annual Meeting was scheduled to be held in two parts, Blier advised attendees that official items of the meeting would be covered on Friday, February 17th, from 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. at the “My-CAA meeting, hosted by Hunter O’Hanian, CAA’s new Executive Director and CEO.
Convocation proceeded with the President’s opening comments followed by the Awards ceremony, the Keynote Address with Mary Miller, and cocktails next to the East Ballroom.
CAA’s President, Suzanne Preston Blier addressed Convocation with the subject “Art Matters.” Here follows the link to President Blier’s comments:
Part Two
I. Call to Order – President’s Report – Suzanne Preston Blier
On Friday, February 17, 2017 at 12:15 p.m., President Blier called to order Part Two of the Annual Meeting in the East Ballroom.
II. Blier introduced Judith Rodenbeck the Annual Conference Chair who spoke of the success of the changes to the Annual Conference instituted by the Annual Conference Committee and other parties. Rodenbeck had received much positive feedback on the new, shorter session times (90 minutes) and the multitude of session options available to Conference attendees.
III. Report by Hunter O’Hanian, CAA’s Executive Director and CEO
IV. President Blier asked for the approval of the minutes of the February3, 2016 Annual Business Meeting held in Washington, D. C. A motion was made to approve the 2016 minutes. The motion was seconded and the minutes were approved.
V. Blier/Hunter called on Teresa Lopez, CAA’s Chief Financial Officer, to give her financial report for Fiscal Year 2016.
Due to reduced membership enrollment, as well as lower attendance in at 2016 Washington DC annual conference, the Association ended fiscal year 2016 with a deficit of $326,000 including one-time expenses of $125,000.
As of the end of the last fiscal year, there were 9,027 individual members and 1,311 institutional members, including 735 library subscribers handled through Taylor & Francis. Last year’s deficit was funded from the Association’s reserves. The fair market value of CAA’s investment portfolio decreased from $9,644,074 on July 1, 2016 to $9,399,572 on June 30, 2016. CAA drew down $925,000 in that period.
In July 2016, the CAA Board of Directors hired a new executive director, Hunter O’Hanian. In the current year, we have seen an increase in total membership numbers and revenue. Registrations for this year’s annual conference have not only exceeded last year, but have also exceeded paid registrations from the 2015 annual conference in New York. The number of attendees for this Annual Conference stands at 3,236 as of this afternoon.
Over the next few months CAA staff and board will be working on budgets on for future years which will better match projected expenses to projected revenues.
Copies of the audited financial statements for FY2016 compared with FY2015 are available here and as a pdf on our website.
VI. President Blier called for Old Business. There was none.
VII. President Blier called for New Business. There was none.
VIII. Results of Board Election
President Blier stated that official business was completed and announced the results of the election of new directors. The following members have been elected to CAA’s Board of Directors:
Colin Blakely
Peter Lukehart
Melissa Hilliard Potter
Julia Sienkewicz
President Blier thanked all the candidates for their willingness to serve CAA.
Respectfully submitted,
Roberto J. Tejada, Secretary
College Art Association
March 22, 2017
Next CAA Annual Business Meeting – 2018
The 106th Annual Meeting of the College Art Association will take place during Convocation on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. and on Friday, February 23, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
Candidates for CAA’s 2018 Board of Directors Election
posted by CAA — November 30, 2017
The CAA Board of Directors comprises professionals in the visual arts who are elected annually by the membership to serve four-year terms. Please read the CAA By-laws on Nominations, Elections, and Appointments for more information on the process.
As of January 3, 2018, voting is open! Scroll down to meet the candidates and cast your vote.
The deadline for voting is 6:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) on Thursday, February 22, 2018.
Meet the Candidates
The 2017–18 Nominating Committee has selected a slate of six candidates for election to the CAA Board of Directors for the 2018–22 term. Click the names of the candidates below to read their statements and resumes before casting your vote. The candidates are:
- Laura Anderson Barbata
- Audrey G. Bennett
- Dahlia Elsayed
- Alice Ming Wai Jim
- Richard Lubben
- Walter Meyer
About the Board
The Board of Directors is charged with CAA’s long-term financial stability and strategic direction; it is also the Association’s governing body. The board sets policy regarding all aspects of CAA’s activities, including publishing, the Annual Conference, awards and fellowships, advocacy, and committee procedures.
CAA members may vote for up to four (4) candidates, including one write-in candidate (who must be a CAA member). The four candidates receiving the most votes will be elected to the board. CAA members may cast their votes and submit their proxies online beginning in early January 2018; no paper ballots will be mailed. Please have your CAA user/member ID# and password handy when you are ready to vote.
Please fill out the form below to cast your vote. (Use the scroll bar on the right side of the form to scroll down, make your choices, and submit.)
Create your own user feedback survey
The results of the 2018 Board of Directors election will be announced at CAA’s Annual Business Meeting from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. on Friday, February 23, at the 2018 Annual Conference in Los Angeles.
Questions? Contact Vanessa Jalet, executive liaison, at (212) 392-4434 or
2018-2019 Nominating Committee Seeks Members
posted by CAA — November 27, 2017
CAA invites you to help shape the future of the organization by serving on the 2018-2019 Nominating Committee. Each year, this committee nominates and interviews potential candidates for the CAA Board of Directors and selects the final slate for the membership’s vote. The candidates for the 2018 Board of Directors’ election were announced on Thursday, November 9, 2017.
The Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee strive to find the best candidates that represent the broad sub-disciplines and practitioners represented in CAA’s membership. The 2017-2018 Nominating Committee will select new members of the 2018-2019 committee at its business meeting, to be held at the 2018 Annual Conference in Los Angeles in February. Once selected to serve on the 2018-2019 Nominating Committee, each member, in the spring of 2018, proposes 5 or more people to run for the board. Service on the Nominating Committee involves conducting telephone interviews with candidates during the summer and meeting with the Committee in the fall to determine a final slate for the 2019 Board of Directors’ election. Nominating Committee members attend their own business meeting at the 2019 Annual Conference in New York to select the new members who will replace them on the next year’s Nominating Committee.
Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement of interest and a 3–4 page condensed CV. Please email a statement and your CV as Word attachments, with the subject line “2018-2019 Nominating Committee,” care of Vanessa Jalet, CAA executive liaison. Deadline: Friday, December 1, 2017
The CAA Board in Action
posted by CAA — November 22, 2017

CAA board members at the 105th Annual Conference in New York, 2017. Photo: Ben Fractenberg
This has been a busy time for the CAA Board of Directors. In the end of October, they attended a two-day meeting and retreat, addressing a variety of issues facing the organization and the field.
Under the leadership of President Suzanne Preston Blier, the Board looked at potential changes to the governance structure, updates on finances and membership enrollment, the impact of the Annual Conference, the recent staff reorganization and progress on our 2015-2020 strategic plan.
In addition to hearing detailed reports from the various committees, the Board spent time on the process to rebrand and rename the Association. We have narrowed down the choices and members will be asked for their input in the coming weeks. Many thanks to the 800 members who responded to the survey this summer. That survey feedback was valuable in directing our thinking. We are hopeful that a new name and identity will be launched at the 106th Annual Conference in Los Angeles in February 2018.
The board also elected new officers: Jim Hopfensberger was elected to succeed Suzanne Blier. She finishes her term as president in Spring 2018. Melissa Potter was elected secretary and Peter Lukehart was elected treasurer.
Roberto Tejada was elected to serve in the newly created office of vice president of Diversity and Inclusion.
Candidates for CAA’s 2018 Board of Directors Election
posted by CAA — November 09, 2017
CAA’s Nominating Committee met in early October 2017 to review the candidates who have applied to run in CAA’s Board of Directors election for the term 2018-2022. The Nominating Committee selected the following six candidates, four of whom will be elected to Board service. In the coming weeks, CAA will post their full biographies for consideration by the CAA membership.
Laura Anderson Barbata is a practicing, trans-disciplinary artist living and working in Brooklyn and Mexico City. Her work is intended to connect various cultures through the platform of contemporary art. Her art engages creative practices that promote dignity, shared values, diversity, and collaboration through reciprocal exchange of knowledge. Among many unique projects, she has worked with the Yanomami of the Venezuela Amazon to document their oral history, overseen collaborative work with stilt dancing groups from Trinidad and Tobago, Brooklyn and Oaxaca and directed a 10-year effort to repatriate the remains of a Mexican Opera Singer. Ms. Barbata has extensive business expertise, as director of image and concept designer for a chain of 50 restaurants throughout Mexico. She was Vice President of the company and worked to protect the interests of the shareholders until the business was sold. Ms. Barbata feels she offers a unique perspective – having international business experience as well as maintaining a career as an artist.
Audrey G. Bennett is a full professor in the Department of Communication and Media, and director of the interdisciplinary graduate program in Communication and Rhetoric at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She was a 1996 recipient of a CAA Professional Development Fellowship and is currently a member of CAA’s Inaugural Committee on Design. From 2002-2010 she was a member of the Board of the Upstate New York chapter of the AIGA, the professional association for design where she served in a number of leadership roles. She is a former 2015 Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Scholar, University of Pretoria, South Africa. Prof. Bennett secured funding for and founded the Global Interaction in Design Education (GLIDE), a biennial, virtual design conference. She would like to assist CAA in diversifying its membership culturally and intellectually.
Dahlia Elsayed is an Associate Professor of Fine Arts in the Humanities Dept. at CUNY-LaGuardia Community College. She is a practicing artist who combines text and imagery to create visually narrative paintings that document internal and external geographies. Her work is influenced by conceptual art, comics and landscape painting and cartography. She is particularly interested in attracting and welcoming the vital constituency of community college faculty and students to CAA. Furthermore she sees opportunities to facilitate interactions between community colleges, senior colleges and graduate programs to strengthen best practices and continuity.
Alice Ming Wai Jim is Associate Professor in Contemporary Art and Concordia University Research Chair in Ethnocultural Art Histories at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. She is the founding co-editor of the international scholarly journal, “Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas.” Alice is an art historian, curator and cultural organizer in the fields of diasporic and global art histories, media arts and curatorial studies. Focusing on Asian Canadian and African Canadian artists, she has curated exhibitions of over fifty artists of color and Indigenous artists and organized major scholarly events within academic settings and for the broader arts community in Canada and internationally. She is also involved in a leadership capacity in several formal partnerships involving international networking and community building initiatives, with a strong commitment to research and social justice. Alice would like to work toward increasing the visibility of members from diverse cultural communities, strengthening international exchanges, and expanding critical capacities for art historical scholarship and critical visual culture studies on and by ethnic minority and Indigenous peoples across the Americas and internationally.
Richard Lubben is Dean of the Arts Division at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon. He is a painter, whose recent work consists of a series of large format abstract oil paintings examining visual transitions of landscapes through seasonal changes, memories of nature and delicate ecosystems. He was awarded a Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in Human Rights and Social Justice at the University of Ottawa in 2013. He has served on CAA’s Task Force on Advocacy, been on panels at CAA’s Annual Conference and is currently the Chair of CAA’s Education Committee. Lubben urges the inclusion of representatives from community colleges on CAA’s board but even more importantly attracting to CAA the thousands of 2-year institutional members, and potential individual members, associated with the nearly 1500 community colleges across the United States.
Walter Meyer, Professor of Art History at Santa Monica College, a 2-year community college in California. His degree is early 20th century art, specializing in Eastern Europe and Russia. He has taken on a number of leadership positions at SMC including co-chairing the Technology Planning Committee . He is President of the Art Historians of Southern California, and former board member of the Craft & Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles. Currently, he serves on CAA’s Professional Practices Committee. Meyer believes in the mission of the community college system and its ability to help art and art history programs close the equity gap with under-represented populations on college campuses.
CAA Mourns the Loss of Jack Hyland, its Long-time Treasurer and Friend
posted by CAA — August 15, 2017
Jack Hyland, CAA’s treasurer and close advisor for over 30 years, passed away suddenly on Friday, August 11, 2017. The CAA staff, board, and committees are saddened by this monumental loss. Hyland began his career in investment banking at major financial services firms, including Morgan Stanley, Warburg Paribas Becker, and PaineWebber/Young & Rubicam Ventures. In 2010, he founded Media Advisory Partners with several partners. Hyland was a strident advocate for CAA, ensuring the financial health of the organization and guiding it with sound input and wisdom through three decades.
Hyland was the author of two notable books, Evangelism’s First Modern Media Star, The Life of Reverend Bill Stidger and The Moses Virus. In the former title, Hyland examined the life of his grandfather, the famous preacher, Bill Stidger, who foresaw the possibilities of modern-day media to expand evangelical work. His second book, The Moses Virus, is a fictional thriller set in Rome.
Hyland was born in 1938 in Detroit, Michigan. He majored in Theoretical Physics at Williams College, graduating in 1959; and from Harvard Business School, graduating in 1961.
In addition to serving CAA, Hyland was Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees of Teachers College, Columbia University. He was also Chairman Emeritus of the American Academy in Rome; and Vice President and Director of the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. Formerly, he was also a Trustee and Treasurer of the National Building Museum in Washington.
We offer our condolences to his partner, Larry Wente; to his former wife, Karen Conant Hyland; to his children, Liza, Jonathan and Susannah, and grandchildren.
In Memoriam: Dina Bangdel, Art Historian and CAA Board Member
posted by CAA — July 26, 2017
We were very sad to learn of the early and sudden passing of CAA Board Member Dina Bangdel. Dina, who was a long-standing member of CAA, joined our Board of Directors in 2016. Prior to that, she was on CAA’s Nominating Committee and served as the Board liaison to the Education Committee. In addition, Dina was active in the Student and Emerging Professionals Committee (SEPC) and the Committee on Women in the Arts (CWA). She is survived by her husband, Dr. Bibhakar Shakya, and her children, Deven and Neal.
Dina was Director of the Art History Department at Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar. A more complete obituary can be found here.
In addition, here is a wonderful interview with her.
We will all miss her warm smile and thoughtful participation at CAA.
To send condolences to her family:
Dr. Bibhakar Shakya
3029 Crossfield Road
Richmond, VA 23233
Results from the 2017 Board Election
posted by admin — February 17, 2017
CAA announced the results of the 2017 Board of Directors election on Friday, February 17, 2017, during the second half of the Annual Business Meeting. The four new directors are:
They will take office at the next board meeting, in May 2017, and serve four-year terms. Thank you for voting!
Announcing Candidates for CAA’s Board – Vote in Early January 2017
posted by Vanessa Jalet — December 16, 2016
The CAA Board of Directors comprises professionals in the visual arts who are elected annually by the membership to serve four-year terms. Please read the CAA By-laws on Nominations, Elections, and Appointments for more information on the process.
Meet the Candidates
The 2016–17 Nominating Committee has selected a slate of five candidates for election to the CAA Board of Directors for the 2017–21 term. Click the names of the candidates below to read their statements and resumes before casting your vote. The candidates are:
About the Board
The Board of Directors is charged with CAA’s long-term financial stability and strategic direction; it is also the Association’s governing body. The board sets policy regarding all aspects of CAA’s activities, including publishing, the Annual Conference, awards and fellowships, advocacy, and committee procedures.
CAA members may vote for up to four(4) candidates, including one write-in candidate (who must be a CAA member). The four candidates receiving the most votes will be elected to the board. CAA members may cast their votes and submit their proxies online beginning in early January 2017; no paper ballots will be mailed. Please have your CAA user/member ID# and password handy when you are ready to vote. All voting must take place by 6:00 PM (EST) on Thursday, February 16, 2017.
The results of the 2017 Board of Directors election will be announced at the second part of the Annual Business meeting – the myCAA segment – scheduled from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. on Friday, February 17, 2017, in the East Ballroom, 3rd Floor, at the New York Hilton Midtown Hotel, 1335 Avenue of the Americas, Ny NY 10019
Questions? Contact Vanessa Jalet, executive liaison, at (212) 392-4434 or
New CAA Standards and Guidelines
posted by CAA — December 05, 2016
At the most recent meeting of CAA’s Board of Directors, which took place on October 23, 2016, the following statements and guidelines were revised and approved:
- Statement concerning the Acquisition of Cultural Properties Originating from Abroad, from Indigenous Cultures, and from Private Collections during the Nazi Era
- Guidelines for Museums or Other Not-For-Profit Visual-Arts Institutions Working with Artists on Exhibitions and Commissioned Works
- Guidelines regarding the Hiring of Guest Curators by Museums
- Guidelines regarding the Hiring of Catalogue Essayists