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CAA News Today

The CAA Board of Directors welcomes four newly elected members, who will serve from 2015 to 2019:

DeWitt Godfrey, CAA board president, announced the election results during the Annual Members’ Business Meeting, held on Friday, February 13, 2015, at the 103rd Annual Conference in New York.

The Board of Directors is charged with CAA’s long-term financial stability and strategic direction; it is also the association’s governing body. The board sets policy regarding all aspects of CAA’s activities, including publishing, the Annual Conference, awards and fellowships, advocacy, and committee procedures.

For the annual board election, CAA members vote for no more than four candidates; they also cast votes for write-in candidates (who must be CAA members). The four candidates receiving the most votes are elected to the board.

The annual CAA Board of Directors election has begun. Visit the board election page or click the candidates’ names below to read their statements, biographies and endorsements—and to watch their video presentations—before casting your vote.

The six candidates are:

  • Derrick R. Cartwright, Director of University Galleries, University of San Diego
  • Jawshing Arthur Liou, Professor and Director, Hope School of Fine Arts, Indiana University, Bloomington
  • Chika Okeke-Agulu, Associate Professor, Department of Art and Archaeology and Center for African American Studies, Princeton University
  • Katerina Ruedi Ray, Director, School of Art, Bowling Green State University
  • Rachel Weiss, Professor of Arts Administration and Policy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • Andrés Zervigón, Associate Professor, History of Photography, Art History Department Rutgers University

How to Vote

Log into your CAA account with your CAA User ID# and password. Click the “Vote Now” image at the center of your screen to begin the process. If you are already logged in, click the “Home” link at left, and then the link to vote.

You may vote for up to four candidates, including one write-in candidate. Ballots that indicate more than four candidates will be void. The election ends at 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Friday, February 13, 2015.

Send your Proxy

CAA encourages you to attend its Annual Business Meeting at the 2015 Annual Conference in New York. If you cannot attend, please check the box appointing a proxy. By doing so, you appoint the CAA board officers named thereon—DeWitt Godfrey, Maria Ann Conelli, Charles A. Wright, Gail Feigenbaum, Suzanne Blier, and Doralynn Pines, to vote, in their discretion, on such matters as may properly come before such a meeting.

A quorum of 100 members is needed to hold the Meeting; therefore CAA kindly requests your proxy to insure the Annual Business Meeting can take place. Please submit your proxy by 5:00 p.m. EST on Friday, February 13, 2015. Thank you.

Filed under: Board of Directors, Governance

The 2014 Nominating Committee has selected the following slate of six candidates for election to the CAA Board of Directors for the 2015–2019 term. Voting begins in early January 2015. Please go to CAA’s website to read each candidate’s statement, biography, and endorsement – and watch their video comments – before casting your vote. The candidates are:

About the Board

The Board of Directors is charged with CAA’s long-term financial stability and strategic direction; it is also the Association’s governing body. The Board sets policy regarding all aspects of CAA’s activities, including publishing, the Annual Conference, awards and fellowships, advocacy, and committee procedures.

About the Election

CAA members may vote for no more than four (4) candidates (may include one write-in candidate who must be a CAA member). The four candidates receiving the most votes will be elected to the Board. CAA members may cast their votes and submit their proxies online only. CAA holds the Board election on its own website. To vote, members will need only to log into their CAA member account.

All voting must take place prior to 5:00 p. m. EST on Friday, February 13, 2015. During CAA’s 103rd Annual Conference, a computer for voting will be available in the conference registration area at the Hilton New York Midtown Hotel.

The results of the Board election will be announced at the close of CAA’s Annual Business Meeting to be held on Friday, February 13, 2015 from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. (EST) in the Rendezvous Trianon Ballroom, 3rd Floor, Hilton New York Midtown Hotel, 1335 Avenue of the Americas, NY, NY 10010. CAA’s President, DeWitt Godfrey, will preside.

Questions? Contact Vanessa Jalet, executive liaison, at (212) 392-4434 or

Filed under: Board of Directors, Governance

CAA invites you to help shape the future of the organization by serving on the 2015–2016 Nominating Committee. Each year, this committee nominates and interviews potential candidates for the CAA Board of Directors and selects the final slate for the membership’s vote. The candidates for the 2015–19 board election were announced on November 10, 2014.

The Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee strive to find the best candidates that represent the broad subdisciplines and practitioners represented in the membership. The current Nominating Committee will choose the new members of its own committee at its business meeting, to be held at the 2015 Annual Conference in New York in February. Once selected, all committee members must propose, in the spring, a minimum of five and a maximum of ten people for the board. Service on the committee also involves conducting telephone interviews with candidates during the summer and meeting in fall 2015 in New York to select the final board slate. Finally, all Nominating Committee members attend their next business meeting, at the 2016 Annual Conference in Washington, DC, to select the succeeding committee.

Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement of interest and a 3–4 page condensed CV. Please email a statement and your CV as Word attachments, with the subject line “2015–2016 Nominating Committee,” to the attention of Charles A. Wright, CAA vice president for committees, care of Vanessa Jalet, CAA executive liaison. Deadline: December 19, 2014.


CAA Update from the President

posted by November 13, 2014

DeWitt Godfrey, professor of art and art history at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, is president of the CAA Board of Directors.

CAA is moving ahead on several strategic goals. After a year of investigation and discussion with over 200 artists, art historians, curators, editors and reproduction rights officers, Professors Patricia Aufderheide and Peter Jaszi are drafting the new Code of Best Practices in Fair Use in the Visual Arts which will be reviewed by the Task Force on Fair Use, the Committee on Intellectual Property, the Professional Practices Committee, and an independent Legal Advisory Committee. We anticipate that the code will be presented at the Annual Conference in February 2015.

At the October 26th Board meeting, the formation of two task forces was approved: one to review CAA’s governance structure, and one to review its professional committees. As a greater number of faculty are now part-time, the board and committee requirements have to be adjusted so that the best expertise is brought to CAA within the most economical timeframes. The Board also had a lively discussion on the best directions to be taken regarding advocacy and how CAA can respond quickly and efficiently to issues that affect members’ daily work. We are exploring the creation of a task force on advocacy.

The CAA Board and senior staff held a day-long retreat which focused on a vision for the future of the annual conference—a more flexible structure, greater opportunities for interdisciplinary discussion, serving the needs and interests at each stage of a career in the visual arts, and the ability to quickly address issues that arise in the field, have an international perspective and participation, and reach those members who are not able to attend the conferences.

New, updated volumes of the Directories of Graduate Programs are now available through CAA’s website. From the data published in the directories, CAA will draw statistical information about all the visual-arts subdisciplines, mapping important changes in the field regarding enrollment and employment. We plan to make information from the past four years available to members in the coming months.

The September issue of The Art Bulletin features the third essay in the “Whither Art History?” series, as well as essays on Jan van Eyck and commemorative art, Hans Burgkmair and recognition, Watteau and reverie, and contemporary Indian Art from the 1985-86 Festival of India. The latest issue of Art Journal includes a forum called “Red Conceptualismos del Sur/Southern Conceptualisms Network,” featuring articles printed in their original Spanish and Portuguese alongside new English translations—this is the first foray into multilingual publishing for CAA. Art Journal Open’s first web editor, Gloria Sutton, associate professor at Northeastern University, has commissioned features from the artist Karen Schiff and the new-media historian Mike Maizels, as well as a dialogue between the curator Becky Huff Hunter and the artist Tamarin Norwood. The vision for this website is to provide an online space for artists’ works, experimental scholarship, and conversations among arts practitioners. And, now open access, includes nearly 2,500 reviews of books, exhibition catalogues, and conferences on art, as well as an annual list of completed and in-progress art history dissertations. Thirty-four field editors commission reviewers to address new publications, exhibitions, and exhibition catalogues and videos in every area of the visual arts. The new copublishing relationship between CAA and Taylor & Francis that supports all three CAA journals will complete its first year this month with a marked increase in readership. We are encouraging authors to use the multimedia resources offered at Taylor & Francis Online as well as its citation app.

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded CAA and the Society for Architectural Historians a grant to cooperatively carry out research and develop guidelines in digital art and architectural history for promotion and tenure in the workforce. With the increased use of digital platforms in research and publishing there is a need for guidelines that reflect the best practice in evaluating digital art and architectural history. A task force will be formed of two art historians, two architectural historians, a librarian, a museum curator, a scholar from another humanities or social science field with expertise in digital scholarship, and a graduate student or emerging professional in art history or architectural history. CAA will hire a part-time researcher to gather information on current practices from faculty members throughout the country. Please see the Online Career Center for the listing.

CAA, like other learned, membership societies, faces significant challenges and opportunities for the future. The changing landscape of publication, academic workforce issues, advocating for the arts and humanities, serving a changing membership and the field are areas where CAA has and will continue to make a difference, by building on our legacy of leadership and embracing the necessary changes required to meet our mission and vision.

The 2014–15 Nominating Committee has announced a slate of six candidates for the annual election of four new CAA members to serve on the Board of Directors for a four-year term (2015–19). Voting will begin on Monday, January 5, 2015. The webpages for the election, which will include the candidates’ statements, biographies, endorsements, and video presentations, will be published in late December 2014.

The six candidates are:

  • Derrick Cartwright, Director of University Galleries, University of San Diego
  • Jawshing Arthur Liou, Professor and Director, Hope School of Fine Arts, Indiana University, Bloomington
  • Chika Okeke-Agulu, Associate Professor, Department of Art and Archeology and the Center for African American Studies, Princeton University
  • Katerina Ruedi Ray, Director, School of Art, Bowling Green State University
  • Rachel Weiss, Professor of Arts Administration and Policy, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • Andrés Zervigón, Associate Professor, History of Photography, Art History Department, Rutgers University

If you have questions about the Nominating Committee, the candidates, or the voting process, please contact Vanessa Jalet, CAA executive liaison.

The Strategic Plan 2015-2020 was approved by the directors and the following priorities were established by the new president, DeWitt Godfrey:

  • Advocate for workforce issues particularly for part-time faculty;
  • Review the Professional Interests, Practices and Standards committees to ensure addressing critical issues in the visual arts field;
  • Increase membership nationally, internationally and in terms of diversity; increase communication with members, including social communication;
  • Find ways of extending the annual conference to a larger group of members; and
  • Enhance utilization of digital capabilities by journal authors and promote digital expertise.

The directors are grateful to the Strategic Planning Task Force chaired by president emerita Anne Collins Goodyear and all the members who contributed to the development of this new plan.

The directors gratefully approved the endowment gift by Mary Douglas Edwards of $50,000 to support travel and registration to attend the CAA annual conference by women who are emerging scholars pursuing a doctoral degree or who have received their Ph.D. within two years prior to the submission of the application for the award of the grant and who will present research papers at an art history session at the conference with strong preference for papers on any topic pertaining to the art of ancient Greece or Rome, Medieval Europe from 400 – 1400, or Europe and North American from 1400 – 1950.

The directors approved the IRS Form 990 for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013.

The directors approved CAA joining the Partner Program of the Society of Architectural Historians.

The directors also approved the Resolution to commend the Women’s Art Journal requested by the Committee on Women in the Arts for the maintenance of high quality scholarship that serves as a forum for re-examining feminist concerns of the women’s art movement. A letter of commendation was sent to Joan Marter, Professor of Art History, Rutgers University and Editor, Women’s Art Journal.

The directors established a Task Force on Design, chaired by Debra Riley Parr, , to investigate and make recommendations to the directors on 1) tenure and promotion standards for designers; 2) CV guidelines for designers; 3) representation of design fields in all the professional committees; and 4) scheduling sessions at the annual conference on design issues.

The directors decided to evaluate the Professional- Development Fellowships in Art History and Visual Arts in light of the current job market and in the context of the Strategic Plan 2015-2020 and to temporarily suspend the program.

At its May 4, 2014, meeting, the Board of Directors agreed to suspend the Professional-Development Fellowships in Art History and Visual Arts until a thorough analysis of the program and an exploration into other professional-development opportunities take place. When CAA’s newly approved Strategic Plan 2015–2020 begins on July 1, 2014, the board will, among the plan’s priorities, investigate the full range of possibilities that might best serve the professional-development needs of CAA’s membership.

CAA’s fellowship program began in 1993 and, with the exception of 2009, when it was suspended for a year due to the global financial crisis, has provided grants to worthy graduate students about to receive their terminal PhD or MFA degrees. The program has benefitted 51 graduate students in the last seven years and 154 since 1993.

The board hopes to reinstate the fellowships by May 2015 or to design another program to help professionals in the visual arts and art history.

The CAA Board of Directors welcomes four newly elected members, who will serve from 2014 to 2018:

  • Helen C. Frederick, Professor, School of Art and Design, George Mason University
  • Gunalan Nadarajan, Professor and Dean, Stamps School of Art and Design, University of Michigan
  • Dannielle Tegeder, Associate Professor of Art, Art Department, Lehman College, City University of New York
  • David C. Terry, Director of Programs and Curator, New York Foundation for the Arts

Anne Collins Goodyear, CAA board president, announced the election results during the Annual Members’ Business Meeting, held on Friday, February 14, at the 102nd Annual Conference in Chicago.

The Board of Directors is charged with CAA’s long-term financial stability and strategic direction; it is also the association’s governing body. The board sets policy regarding all aspects of CAA’s activities, including publishing, the Annual Conference, awards and fellowships, advocacy, and committee procedures.

For the annual board election, CAA members vote for no more than four candidates; they also cast votes for write-in candidates (who must be CAA members). The four candidates receiving the most votes are elected to the board.

CAA seeks nominations and self-nominations from individuals interested in shaping the future of the organization by serving on the Board of Directors for the 2015–19 term. The board is responsible for all financial and policy matters related to the organization. It promotes excellence in scholarship and teaching in the history and criticism of the visual arts, and it encourages creativity and technical skill in the teaching and practice of art. CAA’s board is also charged with representing the membership on issues affecting the visual arts and the humanities.

Candidates must be current CAA members. Nominations and self-nominations should include a short statement of interest, a condensed résumé of no more than 3–4 pages, and the following information: the nominee’s name, affiliation, address, email address, and telephone number, as well as the name, affiliation, and email address of the nominator, if different from the nominee. Please send all information by mail or email to: Vanessa Jalet, Executive Liaison, College Art Association, 50 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10004. Deadline: Friday, April 4, 2014.