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CAA News Today

New in

posted by March 23, 2018


Susanna Temkin reviews Adiós Utopia: Art in Cuba Since 1950 edited by Ana Clara Silva and Eugenio Valdés Figueroa. Read the full review at

Namiko Kunimoto writes about Bachelor Japanists: Japanese Aesthetics and Western Masculinities by Christopher Reed. Read the full review at

Anne Helmreich explores The Complete Writings and Pictures of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, freely distributed by IATH and the NINES consortium under a Creative Commons License,, edited by Jerome J. McGann. Read the full review at

Cecelia Feldman examines About Antiquities: Politics of Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire by Zeynep Ҫelik. Read the full review at 

David Karmon writes about Drawing and the Senses: An Early Modern History by Caroline O. Fowler. Read the full review at

Nina Dubin discusses Classicisms edited by Larry F. Norman and Anne Leonard. Read the full review at

Manuel Aguilar-Moreno reviews the exhibition catalogue Golden Kingdoms: Luxury Arts in the Ancient Americas edited by Joanne Pillsbury, Timothy F. Potts, and Kim N. Richter. Read the full review at

John Muse writes about the exhibition Yoonmi Nam: Still at The Print Center in Philadelphia. Read the full review at

Meghan Tierney reviews Art and Vision in the Inca Empire: Andeans and Europeans at Cajamarca by Adam Herring. Read the full review at

Naraelle Hohensee explores the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, a digital resource of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Read the full review at

Emily Neumeier discusses The Transnational Mosque: Architecture and Historical Memory in the Contemporary Middle East by Kishwar Rizvi. Read the full review at

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New in

posted by March 16, 2018


Lisa Lee reviews Something to Take My Place: The Art of Lonnie Holley by Bernard Herman. Read the full review at

Frédérique Baumgartner examines Delacroix and His Forgotten World: The Origins of Romantic Painting by Margaret MacNamidhe. Read the full review at 

Scott Volz writes about Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies edited by Heather Davis and Etienne Turpin, as well as Against the Anthropocene: Visual Culture and Environment Today by T. J. Demos. Read the full review at

Alison Syme discusses Otherwise: Imagining Queer Feminist Art Histories by Amelia Jones and Erin Silver. Read the full review at

James A. Doyle considers Art and Myth of the Ancient Maya by Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos. Read the full review at

Ryan Donovan Purcell explores The Urbanism of Frank Lloyd Wright by Neil Levine. Read the full review at

Chelsea Weathers writes about Working Conditions: The Writings of Hans Haacke edited by Alexander Alberro. Read the full review at

Seung Yeon Sang reviews Public Properties: Museums in Imperial Japan by Noriko Aso. Read the full review at

Louise Mayhew examines O’Keeffe, Preston, Cossington Smith: Making Modernism edited by Lesley Harding and Denise Mimmocchi. Read the full review at

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CAA invites nominations and self-nominations for TEN individuals to join the Council of Field Editors for a three-year term, July 1, 2018–June 30, 2021. An online journal, is devoted to the peer review of new books, museum exhibitions, and projects relevant to art history, visual studies, and the arts.

The journal seeks ten field editors in the following areas:

  • Latin American Art NEW CATEGORY
  • Ancient Greek and Roman Art, Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Art
  • Contemporary Art
  • Digital Humanities
  • Islamic Art
  • Photography
  • South/Southeast Asian Art
  • Twentieth-Century Art
  • Exhibitions: New York
  • Exhibitions: Southwest

Working with the editor-in-chief, the Editorial Board, and CAA’s staff editor, each field editor selects content to be reviewed, commissions reviewers, and considers manuscripts for publication. Field editors for books are expected to keep abreast of newly published and important books and related media in their fields of expertise, and those for exhibitions should be aware of current and upcoming exhibitions (and other related projects) in their geographic regions.

The Council of Field Editors meets annually at the CAA Annual Conference. Field editors must pay travel and lodging expenses to attend the conference. Members of all CAA committees and editorial boards volunteer their services without compensation.

Candidates must be current CAA members and should not be serving on the editorial board of a competitive journal or on another CAA editorial board or committee. Nominators should ascertain their nominee’s willingness to serve before submitting a name; self-nominations are also welcome. Please send a cover letter describing your interest in and qualifications for appointment, a CV, and your contact information to: Editorial Board, CAA, 50 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10004; or email the documents to staff editor Joan Strasbaugh,

Deadline extended! New deadline is: Tuesday, May 1, 2018.

Filed under:, Publications, Service

New in

posted by March 09, 2018


Itohan Osayimwese reviews Architecture, Islam, and Identity in West Africa: Lessons from Larabanga by Michelle Apotsos. Read the full review at

Alice Heeren explores the exhibition catalogue México 1900-1950: Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, José Clemente Orozco, and the Avant-Garde by Agustín Arteaga. Read the full review at

Joseph Leo Koerner writes about Albrecht Dürer and the Epistolary Mode of Address by Shira Brisman. Read the full review at

Elizabeth Robles examines British Black Art: Debates on Western Art History by Sophie Orlando. Read the full review at

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New in

posted by March 02, 2018

Joseph Shatzmiller reviews Skies of Parchment, Seas of Ink: Jewish Illuminated Manuscripts edited by Marc Michael Epstein. Read the full review at

Sherry C. M. Lindquist discusses Seeing Sodomy in the Middle Ages by Robert Mills. Read the full review at

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New in

posted by February 16, 2018


Ellen Handy writes about Indecent Exposures: Eadweard Muybridge’s “Animal Locomotion” Nudes by Sarah Gordon. Read the full review at

Alice Correia reviews Artist and Empire: Facing Britain’s Imperial Past, edited by Alison Smith, David Blayney Brown, and Carol Jacobi. Read the full review at

James Farmer discusses The White Shaman Mural: An Enduring Creation Narrative in the Rock Art of the Lower Pecos by Carolyn E. Boyd and Kim Cox. Read the full review at

Katve-Kaisa Kontturi explores Drawing Difference: Connections between Gender and Drawing by Marsha Meskimmon and Phil Sawdon. Read the full review at

Megan Sullivan examines Revolutionary Horizons: Art and Polemics in 1950s Cuba by Abigail McEwan. Read the full review at

Richard Fletcher writes about Reading Cy Twombly: Poetry in Paint by Mary Jacobus. Read the full review at

Daniella Berman reviews Fragonard: Drawing Triumphant by Perrin Stein. Read the full review at

Ikem Stanley Ifejika Okoye writes about Authentically African: Arts and the Transnational Politics of Congolese Culture by Sarah Van Beurden. Read the full review at 

Jacquelyn Coutré explores Jan Lievens: Friend and Rival of the Young Rembrandt by Bernhard Schnackenburg. Read the full review at

Lauren Whitnah discusses The Cult of St Edmund in Medieval East Anglia by Rebecca Pinner. Read the full review at

Heather Layton examines the exhibition catalogue Meleko Mokgosi: Pax Kaffraria by Jonathan P. Binstock and Malick Gaines. Read the full review at

Viêt Lệ looks at the exhibition catalogue Tseng Kwong Chi: Performing for the Camera, edited by Amy Brandt. Read the full review at

Corine Schleif reviews Resounding Images: Medieval Intersections of Art, Music, and Sound, edited by Susan Boynton and Diane J. Reilly. Read the full review at

Anne Hilker writes about The City and the Young Imagination: Art from Studio in a School, an exhibition at The Museum of the City of New York. Read the full review at

Heather McCune Bruhn explores Textile Bildwerke im Kirchenraum: Leinenstickereien im Kontext mittelalterlicher Raumausstattungen aus dem Prämonstratenserinnenkloster Altenberg/Lahn by Stefanie Seeberg. Read the full review at

Wendy Castenell examines Painting the Gospel: Black Public Art and Religion in Chicago by Kymberly N. Pinder. Read the full review at

Richard Wittman reviews The Los Angeles Central Library: Building an Architectural Icon, 1872-1933 by Kenneth A. Breisch. Read the full review at

Danielle Joyner discusses the exhibition catalogue Art and Nature in the Middle Ages, edited by Nicole R. Myers. Read the full review at

Gunnar Swanson reviews The Philosophy of Design by Glenn Parsons. Read the full review at

Amelia Jones and David J. Getsy present Abstract Bodies and Otherwise: A Conversation with Amelia Jones and David Getsy on Gender and Sexuality in the Writing of Art History. Read the full conversation at

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New in

posted by February 09, 2018


Geoffrey Batchen reviews Emanations: The Art of the Cameraless Photograph edited by Philomena Mariani. Read the full review at

Daniel R. Quiles discusses the exhibition catalogue Hélio Oiticica: To Organize Delirium, with contributions by Lynne Zelevansky, Elizabeth Sussman, James Rondeau, Donna De Salvo, and Anna Katherine Brodbeck. Read the full review at

Victoria Rovine writes about The Art of Life in South Africa by Daniel Magaziner. Read the full review at

Patrick Salland explores the exhibition catalogue Ancient Egypt Transformed: The Middle Kingdom edited by Adela Oppenheim, Dorothea Arnold, Dieter Arnold, and Kei Yamamoto. Read the full review at

Jeffrey Abt examines The Invention of the American Art Museum: From Craft to Kulturgeschichte, 1870–1930 by Kathleen Curran. Read the full review at

Francesca Balboni reviews Social Medium: Artists Writing, 2000–2015 edited by Jennifer Liese. Read the full review at

Saisha Grayson discusses Embodied Avatars: Genealogies of Black Feminist Art and Performance by Uri McMillian. Read the full review at

Johanna Függer-Vagts writes about Paul Klee: The Visible and the Legible by Annie Bourneuf. Read the full review at

Dorothy Hoogland Verkerk evaluates Cosmos and Community in Early Medieval Art by Benjamin Anderson. Read the full review at

Joseph Salvatore Ackley reviews The Bronze Object in the Middle Ages by Ittai Weinryb. Read the full review at

Carol Ann Dixon discusses the exhibition catalogue Wifredo Lam: The EY Exhibition, edited by Catherine David. Read the full review at

Anna Tahinci writes about the exhibition catalogue Nina Katchadourian: Curioser, edited by Veronica Roberts. Read the full review at

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Call for Nominations for CAA Publications

posted by February 06, 2018

Self-nominations and nominations are now open for several positions with CAA publications. Click the links below to learn more.


Call for Editor-in-Chief, The Art Bulletin
The Art Bulletin Editorial Board invites nominations and self-nominations for the position of editor-in-chief for a three-year term: July 1, 2019–June 30, 2022, with service as incoming editor designate, July 1, 2018–June 30, 2019, and as past editor, July 1, 2022–June 30, 2023. The candidate should have published substantially in the field and may be an academic, museum-based, or independent scholar; institutional affiliation is not required. The Art Bulletin features leading scholarship in the English language in all aspects of art history as practiced in the academy, museums, and other institutions. From its founding in 1913, the quarterly journal has published, through rigorous peer review, scholarly articles and critical reviews of the highest quality in all areas and periods of the history of art. Click here to learn more.

Deadline: Monday, April 2, 2018; finalists will be interviewed on Friday, May 4.


Art Journal Seeks Reviews Editor – deadline extended!
The Art Journal Editorial Board invites nominations and self-nominations for the position of reviews editor for a three-year term: July 1, 2019–June 30, 2022 (with service as incoming reviews editor designate, July 1, 2018–June 30, 2019). The candidate may be an artist, art historian, art critic, art educator, curator, or other art professional; institutional affiliation is not required. Art Journal, published quarterly by CAA, is devoted to twentieth- and twenty-first-century art and visual culture. Click here to learn more.

Deadline extended! New deadline is: Tuesday, April 17, 2018; finalists will be interviewed on Thursday, May 3.

Art Journal Editorial Board Seeks New Members
CAA invites nominations and self-nominations for two individuals to serve on the Art Journal Editorial Board for a four-year term: July 1, 2018–June 30, 2022. Candidates may be artists, art historians, art critics, art educators, curators, or other art professionals; institutional affiliation is not required. Art Journal, published quarterly by CAA, is devoted to twentieth- and twenty-first-century art and visual culture. Click here to learn more.

Deadline: Monday, April 16, 2018.

CAA.REVIEWS Editorial Board Seeks Candidates
CAA invites nominations and self-nominations for two individuals to serve on the Editorial Board for four-year terms, July 1, 2018–June 30, 2022. Candidates may be artists, art historians, art critics, art educators, curators, or other art professionals with stature in the field and experience writing or editing books and/or exhibition reviews; institutional affiliation is not required. The journal also seeks a librarian to serve in an ex officio capacity to advise the editorial board on technical and distribution issues. Click here to learn more.

Deadline: Monday, April 16, 2018. Seeks TEN Field Editors – deadline extended!
CAA invites nominations and self-nominations for TEN individuals to join the Council of Field Editors for a three-year term, July 1, 2018–June 30, 2021. An online journal, is devoted to the peer review of new books, museum exhibitions, and projects relevant to art history, visual studies, and the arts. Click here to learn more.

Deadline extended! New deadline is: Tuesday, May 1, 2018.

New in

posted by February 02, 2018


Daniel Barber discusses Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space by Keller Easterling. Read the full review at

Ellen Kenney reviews Histories of Ornament: From Global to Local edited by Gülru Necipoğlu and Alina Payne. Read the full review at

Virginia Miller writes about Children of the Plumed Serpent: The Legacy of Quetzalcoatl in Ancient Mexico by Virginia M. Fields, John M. D. Pohl, and Victoria I. Lyall. Read the full review at 

Renée Ater examines Suffering and Sunset: World War I in the Art and Life of Horace Pippin by Celeste-Marie Bernier. Read the full review at

Thomas F. X. Noble discusses A Saving Science: Capturing the Heavens in Carolingian Manuscripts by Eric M. Ramírez-Weaver. Read the full review at 

Anne-Marie Bouché reviews Painting the Hortus Deliciarum: Medieval Women, Wisdom, and Time by Danielle B. Joyner. Read the full review at 

Cesar Cornejo discusses On Kawara—Silence by Jeffrey Weiss, Daniel Buren, and Whitney Davis. Read the full review at

Leslie Wilson writes about After Year Zero: Geographies of Collaboration edited by Annett Busch and Anselm Franke. Read the full review at 

Ariel Evans reviews Kathryn Andrews: Run for President edited by Julie Widholm and Kristine Stiles. Read the full review at

Alicia Guzman examines SITElines.2016: much wider than a line by Rocío Aranda-Alvarado. Read the full review at

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New in

posted by January 26, 2018


Earnestine Jenkins discusses Clementine Hunter: A Sketchbook by Richard Gasperi. Read the full review at

Rashmi Viswanathan reviews the exhibition After Midnight: Indian Modernism to Contemporary India, 1947/1997. Read the full review at

Peter Christensen examines Noah’s Ark: Essays on Architecture by Hubert Damisch. Read the full review at

Lozana Rossenova writes on Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and Fiona Banner. Read the full review at

Fred Rush discusses The Brain-Eye: New Histories of Modern Painting by Éric Alliez. Read the full review at 

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