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Apply to be a Mentor or Mentee at CAA 2020

posted by November 25, 2019

Attendee at the 2019 Annual Conference in New York. Photo: Ben Fractenberg

We invite you to participate in CAA’s mentorship program during the 108th Annual Conference, taking place February 12-15, 2020 in Chicago.

Mentoring appointments offer support for current CAA members at any stage of their career, regarding professional development and portfolio review. Applicants are paired in one-on-one meetings with an experienced professional from within the membership for individual twenty-minute consultations. Topics are open and may include: how to conduct a thorough job search; present cover letters, CVs, and digital images; and prepare for interviews. Whenever possible, CAA matches participants and mentors based on medium or discipline.

Conference registration, while encouraged, is not necessary to participate. Meetings are made by appointment only, in advance of the conference. Participants are chosen by a lottery and are notified of their scheduled date and time slot by email in early 2020. Limited slots may be available during the conference. Visit the CAA Information booth in Registration during the conference for more information.

As part of a pilot to expand CAA mentorship, CAA will support pairs that choose to continue their dialog for the following six months after meeting at the conference. Please consider if you might be able to commit to a minimum of three check-ins and to give feedback via online form at the end of September 2020.

To sign up for an appointment, complete this form:


To volunteer to mentor, please complete this form:


Ends on July 9, 2017

CAA seeks Professional Development Workshop leaders for the 2018 Annual Conference taking place at the Los Angeles Convention Center from February 21–24. The Association seeks active members who are well-established in their respective fields to serve as leaders for ninety-minute Professional Development Workshop offerings at the conference. The Annual Conference Committee and Programs Department have provided sample titles and/or subjects below, but welcome innovative topics and formats.


  • Completed Submission form (see below) with related attachments and a succinct description of workshop
  • Detailed syllabus for the workshop that outlines both activities and a proposed timeline for the ninety minutes (the selection committee encourages workshops that have active components such as guided discussions, writing exercises, and hands-on activities; the committee discourages lecture formats)
  • List of required materials workshop participants should bring (laptops, resumes, etc.)
  • An active CAA Membership ID number (All workshop leader(s) must be current individual CAA members through February 24, 2018.)


  • Complimentary Full-Conference Registration
  • 1 year of Premium Level Membership (renewal or upgrade to commence upon current membership’s expiration date)

Please visit CAA’s page on the Submittable website for more information and to apply. Questions regarding submission? Contact Katie Apsey at or 212-392-4405.

List of Sample Topics, Subjects, or Titles:

Activating Audiences and Cultivating Engagement
Assessing and Comparing Citation Management Systems: Scrivner, Refworks, Retero
Basic Finance for Artists and Academics
Business Strategies and Negotiation for the Arts
Creating an Online Presence: Using Social Media Professionally
Creating Online Exhibitions
Finding Grants and Fellowships
Freelance Lecturing: A Guide
Fundraising Fundamentals for Academics
Get Out of the Office/Studio!: A Public Speaking Workshop
Getting a Job in the Arts in the Current Economic Climate
Getting into the Digital Humanities…
Interdisciplinary Practice: Successful Collaboration across Disciplines
International Post-Doctoral/Post-MFA Funding Opportunities
Legal Issue Primer for Artists and Art Historians
Marketing 101 for the Arts
Post-Doc Position:  Right or Wrong Choice for You?
Record Keeping and Archiving: Importance and Efficiency
Researcher and Artist: How They Can Collaborate
Strategies for Teaching Assistants
Syllabus Development
Technologies for Teaching: Canvas, Piazza, M+Box, Google Suite
The Great Divide(s): Bridging the Museum, Gallery, and Academic Worlds
Thinking Outside or Beyond the Tenure Track
Working with Images: Copyright and Digitization

CAA extends a warm thank-you to all of the artists, scholars, curators, critics, educators, and other visual-arts professionals who served as Career Services mentors during the 2017 Annual Conference. Your knowledge and expertise helped to enrich the Artists’ Portfolio Review, Career Development Mentoring, and Mock Interviews. We also appreciate the efforts of the members who created and led Professional Development Workshops and Brown Bag Sessions based on members’ needs.

Artist’s Portfolio Review

Susan Canning, Sculpture; Jill Conner, Artists Studios; Carrie Ida Edinger, Independent Artist; Nancy Hart, Artist/263 Gallery; Richard Heipp, University of Florida; David Howarth, Zayed University; Paul Hunter, Artist/Painter; Jason Lahr, University of Notre Dame; Suzanne Lemakis, Citibank, retired; Sharon Lippman, Art Without Walls; Craig Lloyd, Mount St. Joseph University; Yelena McLane, Florida State University; Dinah Ryan, Principia College; Paul Bernard Ryan, Mary Baldwin University, Emeritus; and Greg Shelnutt, Clemson University.

Career Development Mentoring

Susan Altman, Middlesex County College; Michael Aurbach, Vanderbilt University, Emeritus; Roann Barris, Radford University; Colin Blakely, University of Arizona; Leda Cempellin, South Dakota State University; Crista Cloutier, The Working Artist; Rebecca J. DeRoo, Rochester Institute of Technology; James Farmer, Virginia Commonwealth University; Reni Gower, Virginia Commonwealth University; Antoniette (Toni) Guglielmo, Getty Leadership Institute; Dennis Ichiyama, Purdue University; Zach Kaiser, Michigan State University; Ann B. Kim, University East; Carol Herselle Krinsky, New York University; Emmanuel Lemakis, CAA, retired; Jeffery Cote de Luna, Dominican University; Heather McPherson, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Liliana Milkova, Oberlin College; Mark O’Grady, Pratt Institute; Doralynn Pines, CAA; Thomas Post, Ferris State University; Heather Snyder Quinn, DePaul University; Jack Risley, University of Texas at Austin; Andrew Svedlow, University of Northern Colorado; Joe A. Thomas, Kennesaw State University; Ann Tsubota, Raritan Valley Community College; and Barbara Yontz, St. Thomas Aquinas College.

Mock Interview Sessions

Megan Koza Mitchell (Student and Emerging Professionals Committee Chair), Prospect New Orleans; Amanda Wainwright (Student and Emerging Professionals Committee), University of South Carolina; Tamryn Mcdermott, Temple University; Annie Storr, Brandeis University; Lauren Puzier, Sotheby’s; Abbey Hepner, University of Colorado; Rachel Kreiter, Spelman College; Nathan Manuel (Student and Emerging Professionals Committee); Lauren O’Neal, Lamont Gallery, Phillips Exeter Academy; DeWitt Godfrey, Colgate University; Dennis Ichiyama, Purdue University; Rachel Stephens, University of Alabama; Matt King, VCU School of the Arts; Carol Garmon, University of Mary, Washington; Craig Lloyd, Mount St. Joseph University; Maile S. Hutterer, University of Oregon; Mark O’Grady, Pratt Institute; Thomas Post, Kendall College of Art and Design; Greg Shelnutt, Clemson University; Maria Ann Conelli, Brooklyn College, City University of New York; Rebekah Beaulieu, Bowdoin College Museum of Art ; David LaPalombara, Ohio University; Arthur Blake Pierce, Valdosta State University; Michael Lobel, Hunter College; Susan Altman, Middlesex County College; David Howarth, Zayed University; and Colin Blakely, University of Arizona.

Brown Bag Lunches and Sessions

Megan Koza Mitchell (Student and Emerging Professionals Committee Chair), Prospect New Orleans; Amanda Wainwright (Student and Emerging Professionals Committee), University of South Carolina; Tamryn Mcdermott, Temple University; Annie Storr, Brandeis University; Lauren Puzier, Sotheby’s; Abbey Hepner, University of Colorado; Rachel Kreiter, Spelman College; Nathan Manuel, SEPC; Andrea Kirsch, Rutgers University; and Mattie M. Schloetzer, National Gallery of Art.

Professional Development Workshops

Maria Michails, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Susana Sevilla Aho, Modern Language Association; Susan Altman, Middlesex County College; Michael Aurbach, Vanderbilt University, Emeritus; Emily Pugh, Getty Research Institute; Elizabeth Buhe, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University; Petra ten–Doesschate Chu, Seton Hall University; Kate Kramer, University of Pennsylvania; Shannon Connelly, Lebanese American University; Craig Dietrich, The Claremont Colleges; Jon Ippolito, University of Maine; John Bell, Dartmouth College; Molly Fox, Indiana University; Rebekah Beaulieu, Bowdoin College Museum of Art; Deborah Lutz, Pamela Lawton, Annie Leist, and Emilie Gossiaux, all from the Metropolitan Museum of Art; Alexa Sand, Utah State University; Sara Orel, Truman State University; Jenn Karson, University of Vermont FabLab; Martha Schwendener, New York Times/New York University; Jack Henrie Fisher, University of Illinois, Chicago; and Alan Smart, University of Illinois, Chicago.

CAA Seeks Part-Time Program Assistant

posted by December 06, 2016

Job Title: Program Assistant Date: February 25, 2016
Department: Programs
Supervisor: Manager of Programs

Part-time position with approximately 20 hours per week, schedule may vary with flexible hours.


The College Art Association Annual Conference is the largest international gathering of professionals in the visual arts. The conference brings together 4,000 of its members to participate in over 250 presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and special events on a wide range of topics on art scholarship and practice; to engage in in-depth discussions on new scholarship, innovative art, and issues in the arts today; and to connect with colleagues from across the country and around the world. The 105th annual conference will be held in New York, February 15- 18, 2017.


Reporting to the director of programs, the program assistant provides assistance to both the assistant director for annual conference and manager of programs with all daily operations of the department.


  • Assists with data entry support (e.g. NetFORUM membership database), detailed record keeping, database document production, and producing reports.
  • Assists with the coordination of the scheduling of the CAA conference sessions and events. This includes, but is not limited to, data entry, preparing spreadsheets, proof reading, and creating reports. Communicates with CAA departments on conference details as requested.
  • Corresponds with conference participants, service providers, book and trade fair exhibitors, and general membership on conference-related matters.
  • Provides internet research to source prospects for the CAA conference book and trade fair.
  • Prepare mailings sent to conference participants, exhibitors, advertisers, jurors, committee members, and volunteers. Document production and photo-copying.
  • Assist with the development of all conference publications.
  • Assists with the coordination of temporary conference staff including, scheduling, correspondence, and training.
  • Provides on-site conference support, including but not limited to assisting with all aspects of conference logistics, checking set-up arrangements, posting signs, and providing hospitality as needed.
  • Staffs Speaker Ready Room during the conference providing assistance to conference presenters and chairs as needed.
  • Provides post-conference support including compiling and summarizing event statistics.
  • Assists with financial recording keeping, including but not limited to, processing purchase orders and transactions, creating invoices, tracking expenses, and preparing ledgers and reconciliation reports.
  • Provides research and creates reports as requested.
  • Performs various administrative and clerical duties for the director of programs. Other duties as assigned.


  • Bachelor’s degree required, Master’s degree in art history or MFA preferred.
  • Ability to work independently, organize multiple concurrent tasks, work efficiently, and follow through on details.
  • Experience with spreadsheets, systems and database management, and generally accepted programs and office equipment required.
  • Excellent customer services skills, and writing and editing skills, and oral communication.
  • Should possess tact, discretion, and the ability to work confidentially.
  • The capacity to remain poised under pressure.
  • The ability and willingness to work on-site at annual conference as well as hours outside typical business day, as needed.

Send resume and cover letter to

This job description is intended as a summary of the primary responsibilities of and qualifications for this position. The job description is not intended as inclusive of all duties an individual in this position might be asked to perform or of all qualifications that may be required either now or in the future.

The College Art Association is an equal opportunity employer and considers all candidates for employment regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, creed, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression or political affiliation.

The Artist as Entrepreneur

posted by November 14, 2016

sponsoredpost_275New York Foundation for the Arts, 20 Jay Street, Seventh Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Participants: 60
Pricing: $50
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2017
9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

This Valentine’s Day, the College Art Association (CAA) and the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) are showing their love for artists by partnering to offer professional development programming, “The Artist as Entrepreneur,” the day before the CAA Annual Conference. This day-long event has been customized to fit the needs of CAA artist members but is open to all artists. It allows participants the opportunity to attend part of the CAA Annual Conference with a ticket to a session of their choice. Participants are also welcome to join numerous conference events that are open to the public.

NYFA’s “The Artist as Entrepreneur” is a course that teaches the fundamental principles of sustainability—and ultimately profitability—in the arts. This includes topics such as strategic planning, finance, and marketing. Additional material is drawn from NYFA’s popular textbook which accompanies this curriculum, The Profitable Artist (Allworth Press, 2011). The structure is a blend of formal lectures, breakout groups, and one-on-one meetings. Participants work through a flexible and dynamic “action plan,” which provides a blueprint for their practice or specific projects. Each receives specific feedback from experts in the field as well as their peers in the course.

Register for “The Artist as Entrepreneur.”

First come, first served.

To learn more about NYFA Learning, please see a list of programs on their website.

CAA Seeks Mock Interviewers

posted by September 26, 2016

ram_6759Participants in the Interview Hall at the 2016 Annual Conference (photograph by Bradley Marks)

CAA’s Student and Emerging Professionals Committee seeks established professionals to volunteer as practice job interviewers for the Mock Interview Sessions at the 2017 Annual Conference in New York. Participating as an interviewer is an excellent way to serve the field and to assist with the professional development of the next generation of artists and scholars.

In these sessions, interviewers pose as a prospective employer, speaking with individuals in a scenario similar to the Interview Hall at the conference. Each session comprises approximately 10–15 minutes of interview questions and a quick review of the application packet, followed by 5–10 minutes of candid feedback. Whenever possible, the committee matches interviewers and interviewees based on medium or discipline.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members and prepared to give six successive twenty-minute interviews with feedback in a two-hour period during one of the following times:

Thursday, February 16: 11:30AM–1:30 PM
Thursday, February 16: 3:00–5:00 PM
Friday, February 17: 9:00–11:00 AM
Friday, February 17: 2:00–4:00 PM

Interviewers should be art historians, art educators, designers, museum-studies professionals, critics, curators, and studio artists with significant experience in their fields or experience on a search committee.

You may volunteer for one, two, three, or all four Mock Interview Sessions. All sessions occur in the SEPC Lounge. Please send your name, affiliation, position, contact information, and the days and times that you are available to Megan Koza Mitchell, chair of the Student and Emerging Professionals Committee. Deadline: January 31, 2017.

The Mock Interview Sessions are not intended as a screening process by institutions seeking new hires.

In a competitive job market, everyone could use the opportunity to get feedback on interviewing and presentation. Take advantage of this opportunity to have a twenty-minute interview/mentoring session from a seasoned professional.

Students and emerging professionals have the opportunity to sign up for a twenty-minute practice interview at the 2017 Annual Conference in New York. Organized by the Student and Emerging Professionals Committee, the Mock Interview Sessions give participants the chance to practice their interview skills one on one with a seasoned professional, improve their effectiveness during interviews, and hone their elevator speech. Interviewers also provide candid feedback on application packets. Mock Interview Sessions are offered free of charge, but you must be a CAA member to participate. Sessions are filled by appointment only and scheduled within the SEPC Lounge for the following times:

Thursday, February 16: 11:30 AM–1:30 PM
Thursday, February 16: 3:00–5:00 PM
Friday, February 17: 9:00–11:00 AM
Friday, February 17: 2:00–4:00 PM

Conference registration, while encouraged, is not necessary to participate. To apply, fill out the Google Registration Form. You may enroll in one twenty-minute session. The deadline to register is February 6, 2017. You will be notified of your appointment day and time by email. Please bring your application packet, including cover letter, CV, and other materials related to jobs in your field. The Student and Emerging Professionals Committee will make every effort to accommodate all applicants; however, space is limited. There will be VERY limited registration onsite. If you have any questions, please email the Student and Emerging Professionals Committee.

Receive Career Advice or Feedback on Your Art

posted by September 20, 2016

ram_6759An interview at the 2016 Annual Conference in Washington, DC (photograph by Bradley Marks)

CAA is committed to supporting and advancing the careers of professionals in the visual arts. As a CAA member, you have free access to a diverse range of mentors at Career Services during the 105th Annual Conference, taking place February 15–18, 2017, in New York.

All emerging, midcareer, and even advanced art professionals can benefit from one-on-one discussions with dedicated mentors about artists’ portfolios, career-management skills, and professional strategies. You may enroll in either the Artists’ Portfolio Review or Career Development Mentoring. Participants are chosen by a lottery of applications received by the deadline; all applicants are notified of their scheduled date and time slot via email in January 2017. Conference registration, while encouraged, is not necessary to participate; appointments are offered free of charge. Deadline: December 16, 2016.

Artists’ Portfolio Review

The Artists’ Portfolio Review offers CAA members the opportunity to have images of their work reviewed by artists, critics, curators, and educators in personal twenty-minute consultations. Whenever possible, CAA matches artists and mentors based on medium or discipline. You must bring a charged battery-powered laptop or hard copy of your portfolio to review your work. Sessions are filled by appointment only and scheduled for 8:30 AM–noon and 1:30–5:00 PM each day.

To apply, complete and submit the Artists’ Portfolio Review Enrollment Form. Contact Katie Apsey, CAA manager of programs, if you have any questions. Deadline: December 16, 2016.

Career Development Mentoring

Artists, art historians, art educators, and museum professionals at all stages of their careers may apply for one-on-one consultations with veterans in their fields. Through personal twenty-minute consultations, Career Development Mentoring offers a unique opportunity for participants to receive candid advice on how to conduct a thorough job search; present cover letters, CVs, and digital images; and prepare for interviews. Whenever possible, CAA matches participants and mentors based on their career area or discipline. You must bring your résumé or CV, your other job-search materials, and your specific career goals to discuss during these appointments. Sessions are filled by appointment only and scheduled for 8:30 AM–noon and 1:30–5:00 PM each day.

To apply, complete and submit the Career Development Mentoring Enrollment Form. Contact Katie Apsey, CAA manager of programs, if you have any questions. Deadline: December 16, 2016.

Become a Mentor or Reviewer for the 2017 Conference

posted by September 13, 2016

ram_6759An interview at the 2016 Annual Conference in Washington, DC (photograph by Bradley Marks)

For the 2017 Annual Conference in New York, CAA seeks established professionals in the visual arts to volunteer as mentors for two Career Services programs: Artists’ Portfolio Review and Career Development Mentoring. Participating as a mentor is an excellent way to serve the field and to assist the professional growth of the next generation of artists and scholars. Art historians, studio artists, critics, museum educators, and curators are especially requested by mentees. All mentors and reviewers must demonstrate significant experience in their fields.

Artists’ Portfolio Reviewers

CAA seeks artists, critics, curators, and educators to serve as reviewers for the Artists’ Portfolio Review. In this program, mentors review and provide feedback on digital images of work by artist members in personal twenty-minute consultations. Whenever possible, CAA matches artists and mentors based on medium or discipline. Mentors provide an important service to artists, enabling them to receive professional criticism of their work.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members with experience mentoring or advising and be prepared to give between four and nine successive twenty-minute critiques in a three-hour period. Reviewing shifts may occur between Wednesday, February 15, and Saturday, February 18, 2017, from 8:30 AM to noon and from 1:30 to 5:00 PM each day. Conference registration, while encouraged, is not required to be a reviewer. Preference will be given to reviewers who can serve multiple shifts or multiple days

Please send your CV and a brief letter of interest (outlining your specialty or field and your scheduling availability during the conference) to Katie Apsey, CAA manager of programs. Deadline: December 2, 2016.

Career Development Mentors

CAA seeks mentors from all areas of studio art, art history, art education, film and video, graphic design, the museum professions, and other related fields to serve as mentors for Career Development Mentoring. In this program, mentors give valuable advice to emerging and midcareer professionals, reviewing cover letters, CVs, digital images, and other pertinent job-search materials in personal twenty-minute consultations. Whenever possible, CAA matches participants and mentors based on medium or discipline.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members with experience mentoring or advising and be prepared to give between four and nine successive twenty-minute critiques in a three-hour period. Reviewing shifts may occur between Wednesday, February 15, and Saturday, February 18, 2017, from 8:30 AM to noon and from 1:30 to 5:00 PM each day. Conference registration, while encouraged, is not required to be a mentor. Preference will be given to mentors able to serve multiple shifts or multiple days.

Please send your CV and a brief letter of interest (outlining your specialty or field and your scheduling availability during the conference) to Katie Apsey, CAA manager of programs. Deadline: December 2, 2016.

Career Development Mentoring is not intended as a screening process by institutions seeking new hires. CAA does not accept applications from individuals whose departments are conducting a faculty search in the field in which they are mentoring. Mentors should not be attending the conference as candidates for positions in the same field in which mentees may be applying.

CAA Seeks Membership Specialist

posted by August 18, 2016

CAA seeks a Membership Specialist to support membership growth at the organization.

Approximately 10 to 20 hours per week – flexible hours with some nights and weekend hours available. $16 per hour – September through December 2016

Founded in 1911, the College Art Association (CAA) is the preeminent international leadership organization in the visual arts, promoting the field through intellectual engagement, advocacy, and a commitment to the diversity of practices and practitioners. Each year, CAA offers an Annual Conference, publishes three scholarly journals, and offers a variety of other programs. Visit for a complete description of programs and offerings.

CAA has more than 9,000 members worldwide. The majority of members are curators, art historians, scholars, visual artists, and designers. Each year, members renew their membership to CAA. The Membership Specialist will reach out to CAA members whose membership has lapsed and seek to renew that individual’s membership. Selected applicant(s) will receive a one-year complimentary CAA student membership.

Responsibilities include:

  • Understanding the core mission, purpose, and programs offered by CAA
  • Understanding the various membership levels offered by CAA
  • Understanding the benefits assigned to membership levels offered by CAA
  • Telephoning members and requesting they renew their annual memberships
  • Recording meaningful feedback (both positive and negative) about CAA
  • Imparting current information about CAA and its Annual Conference to the individuals called
  • Updating objective information (i.e., address, phone, email, etc.) in CAA’s database about the individual
  • Processing the payment for renewal of the individual’s membership
  • Transmitting information to supervisors with feedback from Members about CAA

Required Qualifications:

  • Minimum of two years of college, preferably in the visual arts, art history, or related fields
  • Ability to speak in a pleasant professional manner over the phone
  • Ability to type with speed and accuracy
  • Sufficient computer knowledge (PC) to allow for the successful processing of membership renewals
  • Ability to work independently and in collaboration with others
  • Ability to convey to the individuals the value of renewing Membership with CAA
  • Flexibility, creativity, and initiative

The College Art Association is an equal opportunity employer and considers all candidates for employment regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, creed, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression, or political affiliation.

Application Instructions / Public Contact Information

Interested individuals should submit a cover letter and resume to Denise Williams via email at Applications will be accepted until all positions are filled. Please include the names and contact information for three references who can speak to your ability to perform the tasks requested.