CAA News Today
Vote for CAA’s 2020 Board of Directors
posted by CAA — January 06, 2020
As a CAA member, voting is one of the best ways to shape the future of your professional organization. Thank you for taking the time to vote! Scroll down to meet this year’s candidates and submit your online voting form.

2020 CAA Board of Directors candidates, clockwise from top left: Ixchel Ledesma, Janet Bellotto, Scherezade Garcia-Vasquez, Lara Ayad, Tiffany Holmes, Mora Beauchamp-Byrd, Robin Landa, and Nada Shabout
2020 CAA Board of Directors Election
The CAA Board of Directors comprises professionals in the visual arts who are elected annually by the membership to serve four-year terms. The Board is charged with CAA’s long-term financial stability and strategic direction; it is also the Association’s governing body. The board sets policy regarding all aspects of CAA’s activities, including publishing, the Annual Conference, awards and fellowships, advocacy, and committee procedures. For more information, please read the CAA By-laws on Nominations, Elections, and Appointments.
Meet the Candidates
The 2019–20 Nominating Committee has selected the following candidates for election to the CAA Board of Directors. Click the names of the candidates below to read their statements and resumes before casting your vote.
Board of Director Candidates (Four-Year Term, 2020-2024)
• Mora Beauchamp-Byrd
Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, Oklahoma
• Janet Bellotto
College of Arts & Creative Enterprises,
Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
• Scherezade Garcia-Vasquez
Interdisciplinary visual artist
Assistant Professor, Parsons School of Design
New York, New York
• Tiffany Holmes
Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Studies
Maryland Institute College of Art
Baltimore, Maryland
• Robin Landa
Distinguished Professor of Design
Kean University
Union, New Jersey
• Nada Shabout
Professor of Art History
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas
Emerging Professional Board of Director Candidates (Two-Year Term, 2020-2022)
• Lara Ayad
Assistant Professor, Art History
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, New York
• Ixchel Ledesma
Independent Curator
Mexico City, Mexico
CAA members must cast their votes for board members online using the form below; no paper ballots will be mailed. The deadline to vote is 6:00 p.m. (Central Time) on Thursday, February 13, 2020.
Submit Your Vote Below
Use the scroll bar on the right side of the form to scroll down, make your choices, and submit.
Questions? Contact Vanessa Jalet, executive liaison, at (212) 392-4434 or
Notice of CAA 108th Annual Business Meeting
posted by CAA — December 11, 2019
College Art Association
Notice of 108th Annual Business Meeting
Hilton Chicago, 720 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60605
Wednesday, February 12 and Friday, February 14, 2020
The 108th Annual Business Meeting of the members of the College Art Association will be called to order at 6:00 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, February 12th, during Convocation at the 2020 Annual Conference, in the Grand Ballroom (2nd Floor) of the Hilton Chicago.
CAA President, Jim Hopfensperger, will preside. As is CAA’s custom, the Annual Business Meeting will be held in two parts:
The Agenda for the first part of the Annual Business Meeting is as follows:
I. Welcome – Jim Hopfensperger, CAA President
II. Interim Executive Directors Report – David Raizman – Presentation of CAA Awards for Distinction
III. 2019 Professional Development Fellowships in Visual Arts and Art History — Anne Collins Goodyear, Suzanne Blier, DeWitt Godfrey
IV. Keynote Address – Amanda Williams
After the Keynote Address, the Annual Business Meeting will be recessed and will re-convene on Friday, February 14, from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. CDT on the 4th floor, Room 4A of the Hilton Chicago. The Agenda for Part II of the Annual Business Meeting is as follows:
V. Approval of Minutes of 107th Annual Business Meeting, February 23, and 25, 2019
VI. Financial Report: Roberto Tofolo, CAA Chief Financial Officer
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
- Results of Election of New Directors — Jim Hopfensperger, CAA President
IX. Open discussion with members, Board and staff
If you are unable to attend the Annual Business Meeting, kindly complete a proxy online to appoint the individuals named thereon to (i) vote, as directed by you, for directors, and, at their discretion, on such other matters as may properly come before the Annual Business Meeting; and (ii) to vote in any and all adjournments thereof. CAA Members will be notified when the proxy for casting votes becomes available — online in late December 2019. A proxy, with your vote for directors, must be received no later than 6:00 p.m. CDT, Thursday, February 13, 2020.
Next Meeting – 2021
The 109th Annual Business Meeting of the College Art Association will be held in New York in 2021, and again will be divided into two parts – Part I at Convocation on Wednesday, February 17, and Part II a meeting and open discussion on Friday, February 19, 2021.
December 6, 2019
CAA 107th Annual Business Meeting Minutes
posted by CAA — December 11, 2019
NY, NY 10019
Annual Business Meeting – Part One
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
6:00–7:30 p.m.
Hunter O’Hanian, CAA’s Executive Director and CEO, welcomed attendees to the Convocation and to the Association’s 107th Annual Meeting of its members.
O’Hanian introduced Thomas Finkelpearl, Commissioner of New York City’s Department of Cultural Affairs, who greeted the attendees on behalf of Mayor Bill de Blasio.
O’Hanian then introduced N. Elizabeth Schlatter, CAA’s Vice President for Annual Conference, who extended greetings on behalf of CAA President, Jim Hopfensperger, who was unable to attend due to the cancellation of his flight.
Awards were presented by past CAA presidents: Paul Jaskot, Nicola Courtwright, Dewitt Godfrey, Judy Brodsky and Anne Collins Goodyear.
The keynote address was given by Joyce C. Scott, sculptor, craftsperson and 2016 MacArthur Fellow.
Annual Business Meeting – Part Two
Friday, February 15, 2019
2:00–3:00 p.m.
On Friday, February 15, 2019, at 2:00 p.m., President Hopfensperger called to order Part Two of CAA’s Annual Business Meeting.
Hopfensperger called on Executive Director, Hunter O’Hanian, to report the number of proxies received by the Executive Committee from CAA’s membership. The Executive Committee received 247 proxies, thus creating a quorum to allow voting at the meeting.
Hopfensperger called for the approval of the minutes of the February 21, 2018 Annual Business Meeting held in Los Angeles, California. Tiffany Dugan moved to approve the minutes and Nick Obourn seconded the motion; the minutes were approved.
O’Hanian called on Teresa Lopez, CAA’s Chief Financial Officer, to give the financial report for
Fiscal year 2018. Lopez stated that the Association ended fiscal year 2018 with a deficit of $58,145.
The deficit was lower than the preceding two years since the Association, in 2018, made a 25% reduction in permanent staff costs. CAA’s efforts to match budget expenses to projected revenues continue.
As of June 30, 2018, there were 8,435 individual members, 461 organizational members, and an additional 651 subscribers to The Art Bulletin and/or Art Journal handled through CAA’s co-publisher, Taylor & Francis.
The fair market value of CAA’s investment portfolio on June 30, 2017 was $9,838,150. On June 30, 2018 the balance was $9,514,313.40. The portfolio continues to be handled by the investment firm of Boston Trust and Investment Management Company under the supervision of the Finance Committee of CAA’s Board of Directors.
Copies of the audited financial statement for FY 2018 compared with FY2017 are available from Ms. Lopez or as a pdf on CAA’s website.
The Board of Directors has elected a new Treasurer, David Raizman, for a four-year term beginning in October 2018.
The number of attendees for this Annual Conference stood at 5,462 as of Friday afternoon, February 15th, 2019.
Hopfensperger called for Old Business. There was none.
Hopfensperger called for New Business and announced the results of the election for new members of the Board of Directors. With 416 votes cast by the CAA membership, the following four individuals were elected to the Board to serve a 4-year term starting in May 2019.
Lynne Allen
Niku Kashef
Ugochukwu-Smooth C. Nzewi
Jennifer Rissler
Hopfensperger expressed appreciation for the candidates’ willingness to serve CAA.
Hopfensperger then reported on the resolution to amend the by-laws. With 416 votes cast by the members, the proposed amendments passed, as presented, with 82% of those voting voted in favor of the amendments, 5% voted against and 13% abstained. Therefore, the by-laws of College Art Association were amended as presented.
With all official business completed, and no other discussion items proposed, President Hopfensperger called the meeting to a close.
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Hilliard Potter, Secretary
College Art Association
March 6, 2019
Next Meeting
Part One of the 108th Annual Business Meeting of the College Art Association in 2020 will take place in Chicago, Illinois – Part I during Convocation on Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. and Part Two on Friday, February 14, 2020.
Announcing N. Elizabeth Schlatter as President-Elect of CAA
posted by CAA — November 11, 2019
We’re delighted to announce that N. Elizabeth Schlatter was elected at our October Board meeting as the new President of the CAA Board of Directors. She will succeed Jim Hopfensperger and serve a two-year term beginning May 1, 2020.
N. Elizabeth Schlatter is Deputy Director and Curator of Exhibitions at the University of Richmond Museums, Virginia. A museum administrator, curator, and writer, she focuses on modern and contemporary art and on topics related to curating and issues specific to university museums. At UR, she has curated more than 20 exhibitions, including recent group exhibitions of contemporary art such as “Crooked Data: (Mis)Information in Contemporary Art,” “Anti-Grand: Contemporary Perspectives on Landscape,” and “Art=Text=Art: Works by Contemporary Artists,” She also serves on and chairs various University and School of Arts & Sciences committees. Prior to the University of Richmond, she worked with exhibitions at the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) in Washington, D.C, and in fundraising at the Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston. She is author of Museum Careers: A Practical Guide for Novices and Students (Left Coast Press, Inc.) and a contributor to A Life in Museums: Managing Your Museum Career (American Association of Museums). She has a B.A. in art history from Southwestern University in Texas, and an M.A. in art history from George Washington University.
Prior to this elected position, Schlatter was completing a 4-year term as a CAA board member, elected in February 2016. During that time, she served as Vice President for Annual Conference for two years, and in 2019 she served on the Nominating Committee and the Strategic Plan Task Force. She jointly initiated and assisted with the development of CAA’s Resources for Academic Art Museums Professionals (RAAMP), and prior to joining CAA’s board, she was chair of the Museum Committee.
Announcing New CAA Board Appointments
posted by CAA — May 14, 2019
We’re delighted to announce new officer appointments for the following individuals on CAA’s Board of Directors.
Left to right: Alice Ming Wai Jim, Melissa Potter, Peter Lukehart, Audrey G. Bennett, and Colin Blakely.
Alice Ming Wai Jim, Vice President for External Relations
Professor, Concordia University Research Chair, Montreal
Melissa Potter, Vice President for Annual Conference & Programs
Associate Professor, MFA, Columbia College Chicago
Peter Lukehart, Vice President for Publications
Associate Dean, Center for Advanced Study in Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art
Audrey G. Bennett, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
Professor, University of Michigan
Colin Blakely, Secretary
Director and Professor, School of Art, University of Arizona
About the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is charged with CAA’s long-term financial stability and strategic direction; it is also the Association’s governing body. The board sets policy regarding all aspects of CAA’s activities, including publishing, the Annual Conference, awards and fellowships, advocacy, and committee procedures.
Lynne Allen, Niku Kashef, Ugochukwu-Smooth C. Nzewi, and Jennifer Rissler were elected to the board earlier this year.
Meet the New CAA Board Members
posted by CAA — February 21, 2019
The results of the 2019 CAA Board of Directors Election and Proposed Changes to CAA’s By-Laws were presented at the CAA Annual Business Meeting, Part II on Friday, February 15 at 2:00 PM at the 107th CAA Annual Conference in New York.
We are grateful to all the candidates who put forward their names for consideration this year. Six candidates were selected for election by the 2018-19 Nominating Committee for a four-year term running from 2019–23.
CAA Board of Directors Election
We congratulate Lynne Allen, Niku Kashef, Ugochukwu-Smooth C. Nzewi, and Jennifer Rissler on their election by CAA membership to the CAA Board of Directors.
Read more about the new board members:
Lynne Allen statement and resume
Niku Kashef statement and resume
Ugochukwu-Smooth C. Nzewi statement and resume
Jennifer Rissler statement and resume
About the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is charged with CAA’s long-term financial stability and strategic direction; it is also the Association’s governing body. The board sets policy regarding all aspects of CAA’s activities, including publishing, the Annual Conference, awards and fellowships, advocacy, and committee procedures.
Proposed Changes to CAA’s By-Laws
The proposed amendments to the bylaws were adopted by 81% of the voting membership, and those changes will go into effect immediately. Read more about the changes here.
Thank you to all those who voted!
Vote for CAA’s 2019 Board of Directors and Proposed By-Law Changes
posted by CAA — December 10, 2018
As a CAA member, voting is one of your most important responsibilities in shaping the future of the organization. Thank you for taking the time to vote.
For 2019, there are two items to vote on: the 2019 CAA Board of Directors Election and Proposed Changes to CAA’s By-Laws.
Scroll down to learn more and submit your online voting form.
2019 CAA Board of Directors Election
The CAA Board of Directors comprises professionals in the visual arts who are elected annually by the membership to serve four-year terms. The Board is charged with CAA’s long-term financial stability and strategic direction; it is also the Association’s governing body. The board sets policy regarding all aspects of CAA’s activities, including publishing, the Annual Conference, awards and fellowships, advocacy, and committee procedures. For more information, please read the CAA By-laws on Nominations, Elections, and Appointments.
Meet the Candidates
The 2018–19 Nominating Committee has selected a slate of six candidates for election to the CAA Board of Directors for the 2019–23 term. Click the names of the candidates below to read their statements and resumes before casting your vote. The candidates are:
CAA members may vote for up to four (4) candidates, including one write-in candidate (who must be a CAA member). The four candidates receiving the most votes will be elected to the board.
CAA members must cast their votes for board members and submit their proxies online using the form below; no paper ballots will be mailed. The deadline to vote for the board is 6:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Thursday, February 14, 2019.
Proposed Changes to CAA’s By-Laws
In addition, on November 16, 2018, the CAA Board of Directors voted to recommend that the membership amend the Association’s By-laws, as described here by Jim Hopfensperger, CAA president, and Hunter O’Hanian, CAA chief executive officer and executive director. Click here to review the proposed changes before voting.
To vote on the proposed changes, CAA members may either cast their votes online using the form below or in-person at the 2019 Annual Conference.
Submit Your Vote Below
You can use the form below to vote for both the 2019 CAA Board of Directors Election and Proposed Changes to CAA’s By-Laws. Please have your CAA user/member ID# and password handy when you are ready to vote.
Use the scroll bar on the right side of the form to scroll down, make your choices, and submit.
The election results will be announced at CAA’s 107th Annual Conference during the second segment of the Annual Business Meeting scheduled from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM on Friday, February 15, 2019 in the Hudson Suite at The New York Hilton Midtown.
Questions? Contact Vanessa Jalet, executive liaison, at (212) 392-4434 or
Notice of CAA 107th Annual Business Meeting
posted by CAA — December 10, 2018
College Art Association
Notice of 107th Annual Business Meeting
New York, New York
Wednesday, February 13 and Friday, February 15, 2019
The 107th Annual Business Meeting of the members of the College Art Association will be called to order at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, February 13th, during Convocation at the 2019 Annual Conference, in the Grand Ballroom Foyer, 3rd Floor, New York Hilton Midtown Hotel, 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019.
CAA President, Jim Hopfensperger, will preside. The Annual Business Meeting will be held in two parts.
The Agenda for the first part of the Annual Business Meeting is as follows:
I. Welcome – Hunter O’Hanian, CAA Executive Director and CEO
II. Presentation by Jim Hopfensperger, CAA President
III. Executive Director’s Report – Hunter O’Hanian
IV. Presentation of CAA Awards for Distinction
V. 2019 Professional Development Fellowships in Visual Arts and Art History
VI. Keynote Address – Joyce Scott
After the Keynote Address, the Meeting will be recessed and will re-convene on Friday, February 15, 2019 from 2:00 – 3:30 PM in the Hudson Suite at the New York Hilton. The Agenda for the second part of the Annual Business Meeting is as follows:
VII. Approval of Minutes of 106th Annual Business Meeting, February 23, and 25, 2018 – see
VIII. Financial Report: Teresa Lopez, CAA Chief Financial Officer
IX. Old Business
X. New Business
- Announcement of election results by Jim Hopfensperger
- Amendments to the By-laws: Jim Hopfensperger
The proposed changes, set out in red on the attached version of the By-Laws, are a result of the work of two Governance Task Forces (2015-2018) that examined CAA’s governance structure to make the Association more responsive to the needs of its members and the changing demographics in the field. The Board of Directors submits these changes to the membership with the recommendation that they approve them. Members may vote on-line or at the Annual Business Meeting.
XI. Open discussion with members, Board and staff
If you are unable to attend the Annual Business Meeting, please complete a proxy online to appoint the individuals named thereon to (i) vote, as directed by you, for directors, and, at their discretion, on such other matters as may properly come before the Annual Business Meeting; and (ii) to vote in any and all adjournments thereof. CAA Members will be notified when the proxy for casting votes becomes available online in early January 2019. A proxy, with your vote for directors, must be received no later than 6:00 PM EST, Thursday, February 14, 2019.
Next Meeting – 2020
The 108th Annual Business Meeting of the College Art Association will be held in Chicago in 2020, and again will be divided into two parts – one at Convocation on Wednesday, February 12, and a second meeting and open discussion on Friday, February 14, 2020.
CAA 106th Annual Business Meeting Minutes
posted by CAA — December 10, 2018
College Art Association 106th Annual Business Meeting
Part One – Room 502 A + B
Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, February 21, 2018: Convocation, 6:00 PM
Part Two – Room 403B, Los Angeles Convention Center,
Friday, February 23, 2018: myCAA, 2:00 – 3:30 PM
Part One
CAA’s President, Suzanne Preston Blier, welcomed attendees to CAA’s Convocation and to the Association’s 106th Annual Business Meeting. The Annual Business Meeting will be held in two parts.
The Convocation proceeded with President Blier’s opening comments followed by the Annual Awards for Distinction ceremony. The Keynote Address was given by Charles Gaines of Cal Art, School of Art.
Part Two
I. Call to Order
President Suzanne Blier called to order Part Two of the Annual Business Meeting. With 400+ proxies, there was a quorum for reconvening the Annual Business Meeting.
II. President Blier called for approval of the minutes from the 2017 Annual Business Meeting. The approval of the minutes of the 2017 Annual Business Meeting was moved and second. The minutes were approved.
III. President Blier called on Teresa Lopez, CAA’s Chief Financial Officer, to give the financial report for fiscal year 2017.
Ms. Lopez noted that the Association ended fiscal year 2017 with a deficit of $176,152. The CAA staff, with Board participation, was developing a budget to eliminate deficits in future years. Reducing the full-time staff from 27 to 22 employees would assist in reducing deficits in future years.
As of June 30, 2017, the Association had 8,712 individual members and 1,229 institutional members (including 718 subscribers handled via Taylor & Francis), for a total of 9,941 members.
Lopez reported that the fair market value of CAA’s investment portfolio increased from $9,398,571 on July 1, 2016 to $9,838,150 on June 30, 2017.
Copies of the audited financial statement for FY 2017 were made available as handouts and a pdf was posted on CAA’s website.
IV. President Blier called for old business. There was none.
V. President Blier called for new business. There was none.
VI. Results of Board Election: President Blier announced the results of the election to the Board of Directors. The following were elected as directors:
Laura Anderson Barbata
Audrey Bennett
Dahlia Elsayed
Alice Ming Wai Jim.
President Blier congratulated all the candidates and thanked them for their willingness to serve CAA.
VII. President Blier and CAA Executive Director Hunter O’Hanian opened the discussion to all attendees. There was no discussion.
VIII. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Potter, Secretary
November 15, 2018
Next CAA Annual Business Meeting in 2019
The 107th Annual Meeting of the College Art Association will take place during Convocation on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 6:00 PM and on Friday, February 15, 2019 from 2:00 – 3:30 PM at the New York Hilton Midtown Hotel, in New York City.
Notice to CAA Members on Proposed By-Law Changes
posted by CAA — December 03, 2018
On November 16, 2018, the CAA Board of Directors voted to recommend that the membership amend the Association’s By-laws, as described in the below letter from Jim Hopfensperger, CAA president, and Hunter O’Hanian, CAA chief executive officer and executive director. The complete set of proposed amendments is set out in “Recommended Changes to Membership Association By-laws,” which shows the changes to the current By-laws.
Members may vote at CAA’s Annual Business Meeting on Friday, February 15, 2019, at 2:00 PM in the Hudson Room at the New York Hilton Midtown, 1335 6th Avenue, New York, NY 10019.
November 29, 2018
Dear CAA Members,
On November 16, 2018, the Board of Directors voted to recommend that the membership adopt the changes to the Association’s By-laws set out in the attached. The last time CAA amended its By-laws was in 2013.
These proposed changes, set out in red on the attached version of the By-laws, come as a result of two governance task forces (2015–18) [1] that examined CAA’s governance structure to make CAA more responsive to the needs of its members and the changing demographics in the field. Members can vote on the proposed changes online or at the CAA Annual Meeting on Friday, February 15, 2019, at 2:00 PM.
The principal proposed changes include:
- Creating a Board Position for an Emerging Professional, Criteria for Candidates for Election, Changes to the Nominating Committee: In an effort to allow CAA to empower emerging professionals, the board recommends that up to two directors be emerging professionals. They would be elected by the membership (pages 3, 5, and 9). The Nominating Committee is charged with nominating recommend candidates who reflect CAA’s “Values Statement on Diversity and Inclusion” with particular attention to the balance of professions of the membership, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, diversity of geographical location, field of scholarship or practice, and employment type, including the type of institution and independent scholars/practitioners (page 9). The Nominating Committee will also maintain a list of vetted candidates to review in the event that it has to fill a vacancy on the board (page 12). The amendments formalize the current practice of nominating at least six candidates for election to the board each year (other than the emerging professionals), of whom the membership will elect four. This will give choices to members as they vote for new directors (page 9). Instead of the Vice President for Committees serving as the chair of the Nominating Committee, as today (although that person will still be an ex officio member), the By-laws would provide that the Nominating Committee select its own chair from among all past board members (page 13). In addition, the terms of service on the Nominating Committee will increase from two to three years (page 13). It is hoped that these changes will create a more cohesive Nominating Committee, which can work on a year-round basis to recruit and vet candidates (page 20).
- Creation of the Position of Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion: Recognizing CAA’s dedication to the importance of human, geographic, professional diversity, and inclusion, the board recommends the creation of a new officer, the Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion (page 7).
- Creation of an Audit Committee: Although CAA has had its Finance Committee serve as the Audit Committee in the past, the By-laws would establish an independent Audit Committee, consistent with best practices. Its members will not include those who have direct financial oversight of CAA’s finances (page 14).
In addition to the above, the board also recommends the following changes to ensure that the By-laws are consistent with the Association’s current practices and mission:
- Expanding the Purpose of CAA: CAA serves not only art historians, studio artists, curators, librarians, and scholars, but also members of the design community, especially those in the design history field. To recognize this reality, the By-laws would be amended to add the words “design” and “visual art” (defined to include “design”), a term that is used throughout, in the purpose section (pages 1–3).
- Process for Approving Affiliated Societies: This change codifies the Association’s current practice of requiring the Executive Committee to approve organizations’ applications to become Affiliated Societies. If the Executive Committee turns down the application, the amended By-laws would provide that the organization would be able to appeal that decision to the entire board (page 3).
- Removal of a Board Member: The current By-laws do not have a mechanism for the board to remove a director “for cause.” The By-laws would be amended to allow the board to remove a director for cause upon a two-thirds vote (page 5).
- Name Changes to Vice President for Annual Conference and Vice President for External Affairs: The By-laws would be amended to add the words “and Programs” to the title of the Vice President for Annual Conference. In addition, in the title of the Vice President for External Affairs, “Relations” would replace “Affairs” (page 7).
- Term of the President: The By-laws would be amended to clarify the present practice with respect to the expiration of the president’s term just prior to the May meeting of the board (page 11).
- Renaming the Professional Interests, Practices, and Standards Committees: This class of committee will be known as Professional Committees (page 12).
- Consultation with Executive Director Prior to Appointing Members of Professional Committees: Following current practice, the executive director will be consulted before Professional Committees’ appointments are made by the president (page 12).
- Requirement of a Majority Vote for Actions to Be Taken by the Executive Committee: The By-laws would be amended to clarify that a majority of the Executive Committee is necessary to take action (page 13).
- Changes to the Appointed Directors Members Nominating Committee The By-laws would be amended to clarify that whether a majority of the Appointed Directors Nominating Committee is necessary to take action (page 13).
If you have any questions about these proposed changes, we encourage you to reach out to either of us or any member of the Board of Directors.
We wish to express our sincere gratitude to the members of the governance task forces whose hard work has led to these well-crafted changes to CAA’s By-laws.
Jim Hopfensperger Hunter O’Hanian
CAA President CAA Executive Director
[1] Governance Task Force Members – 2015 to 2018: Dina Bangdel, 2017; Colin Blakely, 2017-18; Suzanne Blier, 2016-18, Task Force Chair; Nicole Dearmendi, 2015; Jeffrey P. Cunard, CAA Counsel, 2015-18; Linda Downs, 2015; Linda Earle, 2016; Gail Feigenbaum, 2016-17; Helen Frederick, 2015-18; Jackie Francis, 2016-18; DeWitt Godfrey, 2015-17, Task Force Chair, 2015-16; Mark Golden, 2015; Carma Gorman, 2016-18; Jim Hopfensperger, 2016-18; Betty Leigh Hutcheson, 2015-16; Jack Hyland, 2015; Paul Jaskot, 2016-18; Thomas Lawson, 2015; Ed Liebow, 2016-17; Arthur Liou, 2017-18, Catherine Lord, 2016; Peter Lukehart, 2017-18; Denise Mullen, 2015-16; Guna Nadarajan, 2015-17; Hunter O’Hanian, 2016-18; Doralynn Pines, 2015-17, Anne Imelda Radice, 2016-17; Douglas Richardson, 2016; Jack Risley, 2015; N. Elizabeth Schlatter, 2016-18; Andrew Schulz, 2017-18; Julia Sienkewicz, 2017-18; Larry Silver, 2015; Stefanie Stebich, 2016-17; Roberto Tejada, 2016-17; David Terry, 2017-18; Rachel Weiss, 2016-18; Andres Zervigon, 2017-18.