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CAA News Today

Call for Mentors for New York

posted by September 14, 2012

For the 101st Annual Conference, taking place February 13–16, 2013, in New York, CAA seeks established professionals in the visual arts to volunteer as mentors for two Career Services programs: the Artists’ Portfolio Review and Career Development Mentoring. Participating as a mentor is an excellent way to serve the field and to assist the professional growth of the next generation of artists and scholars.

Art historians and studio artists must be tenured; critics, museum educators, and curators must have five years’ experience. Curators and educators must be currently employed by a museum or university gallery.

Artists’ Portfolio Review

CAA seeks artists, critics, curators, and educators to serve in the Artists’ Portfolio Review. In this program, mentors review and provide feedback on digital images or DVDs of work by artist members in personal twenty-minute consultations. Whenever possible, CAA matches artists and mentors based on medium or discipline. Mentors provide an important service to artists, enabling them to receive professional criticism of their work.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members and prepared to give five successive twenty-minute critiques in a two-hour period on one of the two days of the review: Thursday, February 14, and Friday, February 15, 2013, 8:00 AM–NOON and 1:00–5:00 PM each day. Conference registration, while encouraged, is not required to be a mentor. Please send your CV and a brief letter of interest to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs. Deadline: December 14, 2012.

Career Development Mentoring

CAA seeks mentors from all areas of studio art, art history, art education, film and video, graphic design, the museum professions, and other related fields to serve in Career Development Mentoring. In this program, mentors give valuable advice to emerging and midcareer professionals, reviewing cover letters, CVs, digital images, and other pertinent job-search materials in personal twenty-minute consultations. Whenever possible, CAA matches participants and mentors based on medium or discipline.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members and prepared to give five successive twenty-minute critiques in a two-hour period on one of the two days of the review: Thursday, February 14, and Friday, February 15, 2013, 8:00 AM–NOON and 1:00–5:00 PM each day. Conference registration, while encouraged, is not required to be a mentor. Please send your CV and a brief letter of interest to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs. Deadline: December 14, 2012.

Career Development Mentoring is not intended as a screening process by institutions seeking new hires. CAA does not accept applications from individuals whose departments are conducting a faculty search in the field in which they are mentoring. Mentors should not be attending the conference as candidates for positions in the same field in which mentees may be applying.

CAA Seeks Committee Members

posted by June 13, 2012

Get involved in an issue that you care about! CAA invites members to apply for service on one of its nine Professional Interests, Practices, and Standards Committees. These committees address critical issues in the visual arts in an attempt to deal with, and respond to, the pressing concerns of CAA’s members.

Communicating via listserv throughout the year, each committee takes on the objectives it has set for itself, which include: programming ARTspace at the Annual Conference; establishing best practices, standards, and guidelines; sharing and examining pedagogical practices; examining new and developing technologies; addressing issues critical to emerging professionals as well as concerns of diversity and gender; extending the reach of CAA internationally; and clarifying and debating matters of fair use, copyright, and open access. This vigorous exchange of information reveals common goals and leads to solutions that will help CAA members to weather their changing professional landscape.

Committees are active at the Annual Conference in February, where each presents one or two sessions on a subject of its choosing. These sessions, sometimes collaborations between committees and sometimes dealing with workforce issues, are meant to be of immediate value to CAA members. Also at the conference, the committees hold face-to-face business meetings and discuss the past year’s accomplishments while targeting ideas for future projects. Participation on a committee is an excellent and fruitful way to network with other CAA members, and for some individuals it is a stepping-stone to service on the organization’s Board of Directors.

The public face of several CAA committees appears most visibly at the conference. The Services to Artists Committee, for example, conceives nearly all content and programming for ARTspace, ARTexchange, and the Media Lounge, while the Student and Emerging Professionals Committee organizes events on professional-development issues that take place in the Student and Emerging Professionals Lounge.

Online, the Committee on Women in the Arts publishes the monthly CWA Picks of exhibitions and events related to feminist art and scholarship, among other activities. Last year, the Museum Committee conducted a survey of museum-based members; it also advocates greater access to museum image collections. After conducting a survey of its own, the International Committee warmly welcomed and hosted twenty travel-grant recipients who attended the Los Angeles conference from around the world.

The Professional Practices Committee continues to study, develop, and revise CAA’s Standards and Guidelines, so that these documents, once approved by the CAA board, become authoritative, comprehensive documents for art-related disciplines. The Committee on Diversity Practices is compiling syllabi that consider diversity and inclusiveness in curricula and the classroom. The Committee on Intellectual Property completely updated all intellectual-property information on CAA’s website and continues to monitor the tricky terrain of copyright and fair use, which dramatically affects the work lives of artists and scholars.

Committee members serve three-year terms (2013–16), with at least one new member rotating onto a committee each year. Candidates must be current CAA members and possess expertise appropriate to the committee’s work. Members of all committees volunteer their services without compensation. Committee work is not for the faint of heart; it is expected that once appointed to a committee, a member will involve himself or herself in an active and serious way.

The following vacancies are open for terms beginning in February 2013:

CAA’s president, vice president for committees, and executive director review all candidates in early November and make appointments in December, prior to the Annual Conference. New members are introduced to their committees during their respective business meetings at the conference.

Nominations and self-nominations should include a brief statement (no more than 150 words) describing your qualifications and experience and an abbreviated CV (no more than 2–3 pages). Please send all materials to Vanessa Jalet, CAA executive liaison. Deadline: October 12, 2012.

Filed under: Committees, Governance, Service

CAA seeks nominations and self-nominations from one member/individual with a specialization in a historic period in Asian, Southeast Asian, American, or Pre-Columbian art to serve on the jury for the Millard Meiss Publication Fund for a four-year term, ending on June 30, 2016. Candidates must be actively publishing scholars with demonstrated seniority and achievement; institutional affiliation is not required.

The Meiss jury awards grants that subsidize the publication of book-length scholarly manuscripts in the history of art and related subjects. Members review manuscripts and grant applications twice a year and meet in New York in the spring and fall to select the awardees. CAA reimburses jury members for travel and lodging expenses in accordance with its travel policy.

Candidates must be current CAA members and should not be serving on another CAA editorial board or committee. Jury members may not themselves apply for a grant in this program during their term of service. Nominators should ascertain their nominee’s willingness to serve before submitting a name; self-nominations are also welcome. Please send a letter describing your interest in and qualifications for appointment, a CV, and contact information to: Millard Meiss Publication Fund Jury, College Art Association, 50 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10004; or send all materials as email attachments to Alex Gershuny, CAA editorial associate. Deadline: August 8, 2012.

CAA wishes to thank the artists, art historians, curators, critics, educators, and other professionals in the visual arts who generously served as mentors in two Career Services programs at the 2012 Annual Conference in Los Angeles: the Artists’ Portfolio Review and Career Development Mentoring. The organization also thanks participants in the Mock Interview Sessions and the leaders of the Roundtable Discussions. Last, CAA acknowledges the efforts of Professional Development Workshops presenters and the speakers at Orientation.

Artists’ Portfolio Review

Michael Bzdak, Johnson & Johnson; Susan Canning, College of New Rochelle; Brian Curtis, University of Miami; Diane Edison, University of Georgia; Peter Kaniaris, Anderson University; Jason Lahr, University of Notre Dame; Suzanne F. W. Lemakis, Fine Arts Department, Citigroup; Craig Lloyd, College of Mount St. Joseph; Margaret Murphy, New Jersey City University; Judith Pratt, Judith Pratt Studio; Habibur Rahman, Claflin University; John Silvis, New York Center for Art and Media Studies; and Steve Teczar, Maryville University of Saint Louis.

Career Development Mentoring

Susan Altman, Middlesex County College; Michael Aurbach, Vanderbilt University; Jeff Downing, San Francisco State University; Ciara Ennis, Pitzer Art Galleries, Pitzer College; James Farmer, Virginia Commonwealth University; Reni Gower, Virginia Commonwealth University; Amy Hauft, Virginia Commonwealth University; Richard Heipp, University of Florida; Jim Hopfensperger, Western Michigan University; Dennis Y. Ichiyama, Purdue University; Sue Johnson, St. Mary’s College of Maryland; Bob Kaputof, Virginia Commonwealth University; Mitch Kern, Alberta College of Art and Design; John Kleinpeter, California State University, Long Beach; Heather McPherson, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Jo-Ann Morgan, Western Illinois University; Anna Novakov, St. Mary’s College of California; Morgan Paine, Florida Gulf Coast University; Pamela Patton, Southern Methodist University; Doralynn Pines, Metropolitan Museum of Art (retired); Andrea Polli, University of New Mexico; Judith Pratt, Judith Pratt Studio; David Raizman, Drexel University; David Sokol, University of Illinois, Chicago (emeritus); Katherine Taylor, Kennesaw State University; Joe A. Thomas, Kennesaw State University; Ann Tsubota, Raritan Valley Community College; Jenifer K. Ward, Cornish College of the Arts; John Watson, Webster University; and Charles Wright, Western Illinois University.

Mock Interview Sessions

Temma Balducci, Arkansas State University; Steven Bleicher, Coastal Carolina University; Susan Bowman, Rowan University; Scott Contreras-Koterbay, East Tennessee State University; Jessica Dandona, Dishman Art Museum, Lamar University; Sara Dismukes, Troy University; Randall C. Griffin, Southern Methodist University; Dottie Habel, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Carolyn Henne, Florida State University; Janet Hethorn, University of Delaware; Dennis Y. Ichiyama, Purdue University; Bob Kaputof, Virginia Commonwealth University; Deborah Karpman, University of Montevallo; Niku Kashef, California State University, Northridge; David LaPalombara, Ohio University; Beauvais Lyons, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Rebecca Nolan, Savannah College of Art and Design; Anna Novakov, St. Mary’s College of California; Kim Russo, Ringling College of Art and Design; Joe Seipel, Virginia Commonwealth University; Amelia Winger-Bearskin, Vanderbilt University; David Yager, University of California, Santa Cruz; and Sam Yates, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.


Michael Aurbach, Vanderbilt University; Diane Edison, University of Georgia; Suzanne F. W. Lemakis, Fine Arts Department, Citigroup; Leo Morrissey, Winston-Salem State University; Edward Shanken, University of Amsterdam; and John Silvis, New York Center for Art and Media Studies.

Professional Development Workshops

Susan Altman, Middlesex County College; Michael Aurbach, Vanderbilt University; Barbara Bernstein, Rhode Island School of Design and Virginia Center for the Creative Arts; Steven Bleicher, Coastal Carolina University; Mika Cho, California State University, Los Angeles; Craig Dietrich, University of Southern California; Tara McPherson, University of Southern California; Nicholas Mirzoeff, New York University; Joan Saab, University of Rochester; Susan Schear, ArtIsIn; David M. Sokol, University of Illinois, Chicago (emeritus); and Blaise Tobia, Drexel University.


Michael Aurbach, Vanderbilt University; Margaret Lazzari, University of Southern California; and David M. Sokol, University of Illinois, Chicago (emeritus).

For the 2012 Annual Conference in Los Angeles, the Student and Emerging Professionals Committee seeks established professionals to volunteer as practice interviewers for the Mock Interview Sessions. Participating as an interviewer is an excellent way to serve the field and to assist with the professional development of the next generation of artists and scholars.

In these sessions, interviewers pose as a prospective employer, speaking with individuals in a scenario similar to the Interview Hall at the conference. Each session is composed of approximately 10–15 minutes of interview questions and a quick review of the application packet, followed by 5–10 minutes of candid feedback. Whenever possible, the committee matches interviewers and interviewees based on medium, discipline, or institution type (school, museum, nonprofit, etc.).

Interested candidates must prepared to give six successive twenty-minute interviews with feedback in a two-hour period on one or both of these days: Thursday, February 23, 10:00 AM–NOON and 4:00–6:00 PM; and Friday, February 24, 10:00 AM–NOON. Conference registration, while encouraged, is not required to be a mock interviewer. Art historians and studio artists should be tenured; critics, museum educators, and curators should have five years’ experience. You may volunteer for one, two, or all three Mock Interview Sessions.

Please send a brief letter of interest, your CV, and the days and times that you are available to Jennifer Stoneking-Stewart, chair of the Student and Emerging Professionals Committee. Deadline: January 18, 2012.

The Mock Interview Sessions are not intended as a screening process by institutions seeking new hires.

Filed under: Career Services, Committees, Service

Call for Mentors for Los Angeles

posted by September 20, 2011

For the 100th Annual Conference in Los Angeles, taking place February 22–25, 2012, CAA seeks established professionals in the visual arts to volunteer as mentors for two Career Services programs: the Artists’ Portfolio Review and Career Development Mentoring. Participating as a mentor is an excellent way to serve the field and to assist the professional growth of the next generation of artists and scholars.

Art historians and studio artists must be tenured; critics, museum educators, and curators must have five years’ experience. Curators and educators must be currently employed by a museum or university gallery.

Artists’ Portfolio Review

CAA seeks artists, critics, curators, and educators to serve in the Artists’ Portfolio Review. In this program, mentors review and provide feedback on digital images or DVDs of work by artist members in personal twenty-minute consultations. Whenever possible, CAA matches artists and mentors based on medium or discipline. Mentors provide an important service to artists, enabling them to receive professional criticism of their work.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members and prepared to give five successive twenty-minute critiques in a two-hour period on one of the two days of the review: Thursday, February 23, and Friday, February 24, 2012, 8:00 AM–NOON and 1:00–5:00 PM each day. Conference registration, while encouraged, is not required to be a mentor. Please send your CV and a brief letter of interest to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs. Deadline: January 6, 2012.

Career Development Mentoring

CAA seeks mentors from all areas of studio art, art history, art education, film and video, graphic design, the museum professions, and other related fields to serve in Career Development Mentoring. In this program, mentors give valuable advice to emerging and midcareer professionals, reviewing cover letters, CVs, digital images, and other pertinent job-search materials in personal twenty-minute consultations. Whenever possible, CAA matches participants and mentors based on medium or discipline.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members and prepared to give five successive twenty-minute critiques in a two-hour period on one of the two days of the review: Thursday, February 23, and Friday, February 24, 2012, 8:00 AM–NOON and 1:00–5:00 PM each day. Conference registration, while encouraged, is not required to be a mentor. Please send your CV and a brief letter of interest to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs. Deadline: January 6, 2012.

Career Development Mentoring is not intended as a screening process by institutions seeking new hires. CAA does not accept applications from individuals whose departments are conducting a faculty search in the field in which they are mentoring. Mentors should not be attending the conference as candidates for positions in the same field in which mentees may be applying.

Thanks to 2011 Career Services Leaders

posted by February 22, 2011

CAA wishes to thank the artists, art historians, curators, critics, and educators who generously served as mentors in two Career Services programs at the 2011 Annual Conference in New York: the Artists’ Portfolio Review and Career Development Mentoring. The organization also thanks the leaders of the Roundtable Discussions, the presenters of the Professional Development Workshops, and the speakers at Orientation.

Artists’ Portfolio Review

Pam Aloisa, US Air Force Academy; Aaron Bible, Robischon Gallery; Michael Bzdak, Johnson & Johnson; Susan Canning, College of New Rochelle; Brian Curtis, University of Miami; Les Joynes, TransContemporary; Peter Kaniaris, Anderson University; Jason Lahr, University of Notre Dame; Julie Langsam, Rutgers University; Suzanne Lemakis, Citigroup; Sharon Lippman, Art Without Walls; Craig Lloyd, College of Mt. St. Joseph; Margaret Murphy, New Jersey City University; Judith Pratt, Judith Pratt Studio; Jeannene Przyblyski, San Francisco Art Institute; Habibur Rahman, Claflin University; John Silvis, New York Center for Art and Media Studies; Katherine Smith, Agnes Scott College; Steve Teczar, Maryville University; and Midori Yoshimoto, Jersey City University.

Career Development Mentoring

Edward A. Aiken, Syracuse University; Susan Altman, Middlesex County College; Michael Aurbach, Vanderbilt University; Roann Barris, Radford University; Ruth Bolduan, Virginia Commonwealth University; Jeffery Cote de Luna, Dominican University; Michelle Erhardt, Christopher Newport University; James Farmer, Virginia Commonwealth University; Reni Gower, Virginia Commonwealth University; Courtney Grim, Medaille College; Amy Hauft, Virginia Commonwealth University; Jim Hopfensperger, Western Michigan University; Simeon Hunter, Loyola University; Dennis Y. Ichiyama, Purdue University; Sue Johnson, St. Mary’s College of Maryland; Arthur Jones, University of North Dakota; Carol Krinsky, New York University; Seth McCormick, Western Carolina University; Heather McPherson, University of Alabama, Birmingham; Mark O’Grady, Pratt Institute; Morgan Paine, Florida Gulf Coast University; Pamela Patton, Southern Methodist University; Doralynn Pines, Metropolitan Museum of Art (emerita); Andrea Polli, University of New Mexico; David Raizman, Drexel University; Martin Rosenberg, Rutgers University; Paul Ryan, Mary Baldwin College; Betsy Schneider, Arizona State University; Gerald Silk, Tyler School of Art, Temple University; David Sokol, University of Illinois, Chicago (emeritus); Kim Theriault, Dominican University; Larry Thompson, Samford University; Ann Tsubota, Raritan Valley Community College; Jenifer K. Ward, Cornish College of the Arts; and Barbara Yontz, St. Thomas Aquinas College.

Roundtable Leaders

Susan Altman, Middlesex County College; Michael Aurbach, Vanderbilt University; John Silvis, New York Center for Art and Media Studies; and Annie V. F. Storr, Corcoran College of Art and Design.

Professional Development Workshops

Michael Aurbach, Vanderbilt University; Barbara Bernstein, Rhode Island School of Design and Virginia Center for the Creative Arts; Steven Bleicher, Coastal Carolina University; Mika Cho, California State University, Los Angeles; Kim Potvin, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC; Susan Schear, ArtIsIn; and David M. Sokol, University of Illinois, Chicago (emeritus).


Emmanuel Lemakis, College Art Association; Sheila Pepe, Pratt Institute; Harriet Senie, Graduate Center and City College, City University of New York; and David Sokol, University of Illinois, Chicago (emeritus).

For the 2011 Annual Conference in New York, CAA seeks established professionals in the visual arts to volunteer as mentors for two Career Services programs: the Artists’ Portfolio Review and Career Development Mentoring. Participating as a mentor is an excellent way to serve the field and assist the professional growth of the next generation of artists and scholars.

Artists’ Portfolio Review

The Artists’ Portfolio Review provides an opportunity for artists to have digital images or DVDs of their work critiqued by professionals in the visual arts. CAA member artists are paired with a critic, curator, or educator for twenty-minute appointments. Whenever possible, artists are matched with mentors based on medium or discipline. Mentors provide an important service to artists, enabling them to receive professional criticism of their work. Art historians and studio artists must be tenured; critics, museum educators, and curators must have five years’ experience. Curators and educators must have current employment with a museum or university gallery.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members and willing to provide at least five successive twenty-minute critiques in a two-hour period on one of the two days of the review: Thursday, February 10, and Friday, February 11, 8:00 AM–NOON and 1:00–5:00 PM each day. Conference registration, while encouraged, is not required to be a mentor. Please send your CV and a brief letter of interest to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs. Deadline: December 3, 2010.

Career Development Mentoring

CAA seeks mentors from all areas of art history, studio art, art education, film and video, graphic design, the museum professions, and other related fields to serve in Career Development Mentoring. In this program, mentors give valuable advice to emerging and midcareer professionals, reviewing cover letters, CVs, digital images, and other pertinent job-search materials in twenty-minute sessions.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members and prepared to give five successive twenty-minute critiques in a two-hour period on one of the two days of the session: Thursday, February 10, and Friday, February 11, 8:00 AM–NOON and 1:00–5:00 PM each day. Conference registration, while encouraged, is not required to be a mentor. Art historians and studio artists must be tenured; critics, museum educators, and curators must have five years’ experience. Curators and educators must have current employment with a museum or university gallery.

Career Development Mentoring is not intended as a screening process by institutions seeking new hires. Applications are not accepted from individuals whose departments are conducting a faculty search in the field in which they are mentoring. Mentors should not be attending the conference as candidates for positions in the same field in which mentoring participants may be applying. Please send your CV and a brief letter of interest to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs. Deadline: December 3, 2010.

Participating as a mentor in CAA’s two Career Services mentoring programs at the Annual Conference—the Artists’ Portfolio Review and Career Development Mentoring—is an excellent way to serve the field while assisting the professional growth of the next generation of artists and scholars.

Artists’ Portfolio Review

CAA seeks curators and critics to participate in the Artists’ Portfolio Review during the 2010 Annual Conference in Chicago. This program provides an opportunity for artists to have slides, digital images, or DVDs of their work critiqued by professionals; member artists are paired with a critic, curator, or educator for twenty-minute appointments. Whenever possible, artists are matched with mentors based on medium or discipline. Volunteer mentors provide an important service to artists, enabling them to receive professional criticism of their work. Art historians and studio artists must be tenured; critics, museum educators, and curators must have five years’ experience. Curators and educators must have current employment with a museum or university gallery.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members, register for the conference, and be willing to provide at least five successive twenty-minute critiques in a two-hour period on one of the two days of the review: Thursday, February 11, and Friday, February 12, 8:00 AM–NOON and 1:00–5:00 PM each day. Send your CV and a brief letter of interest to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs. Deadline: December 4, 2009.

Career Development Mentoring

CAA seeks mentors from all areas of art history, studio art, art education, film and video, graphic design, the museum professions, and other related fields to serve in CAA’s Career Development Mentoring. Mentors give valuable advice to emerging and midcareer professionals, reviewing cover letters, CVs, slides and digital images, and other pertinent job-search materials in twenty-minute sessions.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members, register for the conference, and be prepared to give five successive twenty-minute critiques in a two-hour period on one of the two days of the session: Thursday, February 11, and Friday, February 12, 8:00 AM–NOON and 1:00–5:00 PM each day. Art historians and studio artists must be tenured; critics, museum educators, and curators must have five years’ experience. Curators and educators must have current employment with a museum or university gallery.

This mentoring session is not intended as a screening process by institutions seeking new hires. Applications are not accepted from individuals whose departments are conducting a faculty search in the field in which they are mentoring. Mentors should not attend as candidates for positions in the same field in which workshop candidates may be applying. Send your CV and a brief letter of interest to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs. Deadline: December 4, 2009.

Participating as a mentor in CAA’s two Career Services mentoring programs—the Artists’ Portfolio Review and Career Development Mentoring—is an excellent way to serve the field while assisting the professional growth of the next generation of artists and scholars.

Artists’ Portfolio Review
CAA seeks curators and critics to participate in the Artists’ Portfolio Review during the 2009 Annual Conference in Los Angeles. This program provides an opportunity for artists to have slides, VHS videos, digital images, or DVDs of their work critiqued by professionals; member artists are paired with a critic, curator, or educator for twenty-minute appointments. Whenever possible, artists are matched with mentors based on medium or discipline. Volunteer mentors provide an important service to artists, enabling them to receive professional criticism of their work. Art historians and studio artists must be tenured; critics, museum educators, and curators must have five years’ experience. Curators and educators must have current employment with a museum or university gallery.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members, register for the conference, and be willing to provide at least five successive twenty-minute critiques in a two-hour period on one of the two days of the review: Thursday, February 26, and Friday, February 27, 8:00 AM–NOON and 1:00–5:00 PM each day.

Send your CV and a brief letter of interest to: Lauren Stark, Artists’ Portfolio Review, CAA, 275 Seventh Ave., 18th Floor, New York, NY 10001; or email them to Deadline: December 12, 2008.

Career Development Mentoring
CAA seeks mentors from all areas of art history, studio art, art education, film and video, graphic design, the museum professions, and other related fields to serve in CAA’s Career Development Mentoring. Mentors give valuable advice to emerging and midcareer professionals, reviewing cover letters, CVs, slides, and other pertinent job-search materials in twenty-minute sessions.

Interested candidates must be current CAA members, register for the conference, and be prepared to give five successive twenty-minute critiques in a two-hour period on one of the two days of the session: Thursday, February 26, and Friday, February 27, 8:00 AM–NOON and 1:00–5:00 PM each day. Art historians and studio artists must be tenured; critics, museum educators, and curators must have five years’ experience. Curators and educators must have current employment with a museum or university gallery.

This mentoring session is not intended as a screening process by institutions seeking new hires. Applications are not accepted from individuals whose departments are conducting a faculty search in the field in which they are mentoring. Mentors should not attend as candidates for positions in the same field in which workshop candidates may be applying.

Please send your CV and a brief letter of interest to: Lauren Stark, Career Development Mentoring, CAA, 275 Seventh Ave., 18th Floor, New York, NY 10001; or email them to Deadline: December 12, 2008.