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CAA News Today

CAA is pleased to announce a new travel grant for emerging women scholars presenting as speakers at the Annual Conference. Established by Mary D. Edwards with the help of others, the CAA Travel Grant in Memory of Archibald Cason Edwards, Senior, and Sarah Stanley Gordon Edwards will support the costs of roundtrip travel (plane, train, and ground transportation) and accommodation for the CAA Annual Conference and for conference registration fees to women who are emerging scholars at either an advanced stage of pursuing a doctoral degree (ABD) or who have received their PhD within the two years prior to the submission of the application. The applicants must be presenting research papers at an art-history session at the conference, with a strong preference for papers on any topic pertaining to the art of ancient Greece and Rome, medieval Europe from 400 to 1400, or Europe and North America from 1400 to 1950.

Conference session chairs will identify and nominate appropriate candidates and facilitate the submission of the applications to CAA.

CAA offers Annual Conference Travel Grants to graduate students in art history and studio art and to international artists and scholars. In addition, the Getty Foundation has funded the third year of a program that enables applicants from outside the United States to attend the 2015 Annual Conference in New York, which takes place February 11–14, 2015. Applicants may apply for more than one grant but can only receive a single award.

CAA-Getty International Program

The CAA-Getty International Program, generously supported by the Getty Foundation, provides funding to fifteen art historians, museum curators, and artists who teach art history to attend the 103rd Annual Conference in New York. The grant covers travel expenses, hotel accommodations for eight nights, per diems, conference registrations, and one-year CAA memberships. The program will include a one-day preconference colloquium on international issues in art history on February 10, at which grant recipients will present and discuss their common professional interests and issues. Deadline: August 18, 2014.

CAA Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant

CAA will award a limited number of $250 Graduate Student Conference Travel Grants to advanced PhD and MFA graduate students as partial reimbursement of travel expenses to attend the 103rd Annual Conference in New York. To qualify for the grant, students must be current CAA members. Successful applicants will also receive complimentary conference registration. Deadline: September 14, 2014.

CAA International Member Conference Travel Grant

CAA will award a limited number of $500 International Member Conference Travel Grants to artists and scholars from outside the United States as partial reimbursement of travel expenses to attend the 103rd Annual Conference in New York. To qualify for the grant, applicants must be current CAA members. Successful applicants will also receive complimentary conference registration. Deadline: September 14, 2014.

Donate to the Annual Conference Travel Grants

CAA’s Annual Conference Travel Grants are funded solely by donations from CAA members—please contribute today. Charitable contributions are 100 percent tax deductible. CAA extends a warm thanks to those members who made voluntary contributions to this fund during the past twelve months. recently published the authors and titles of doctoral dissertations in art history and visual studies—both completed and in progress—from American and Canadian institutions for calendar year 2013. You may browse by listing date or by subject matter. Each entry identifies the student’s name, dissertation title, school, and advisor.

Each institution granting the PhD in art history and/or visual studies submits dissertation titles once a year to CAA for publication. The list also includes dissertations completed and in progress between 2002 and 2012, making basic information about their topics available through web searches.

At its May 4, 2014, meeting, the Board of Directors agreed to suspend the Professional-Development Fellowships in Art History and Visual Arts until a thorough analysis of the program and an exploration into other professional-development opportunities take place. When CAA’s newly approved Strategic Plan 2015–2020 begins on July 1, 2014, the board will, among the plan’s priorities, investigate the full range of possibilities that might best serve the professional-development needs of CAA’s membership.

CAA’s fellowship program began in 1993 and, with the exception of 2009, when it was suspended for a year due to the global financial crisis, has provided grants to worthy graduate students about to receive their terminal PhD or MFA degrees. The program has benefitted 51 graduate students in the last seven years and 154 since 1993.

The board hopes to reinstate the fellowships by May 2015 or to design another program to help professionals in the visual arts and art history.

While the College Art Association (CAA) continues to affirm that the Master of Fine Arts (MFA) is the terminal degree in visual arts and design practice, a growing number of PhD and other doctoral degree programs in the arts are being offered by institutions within the United States and abroad. Consistent with its commitment to offer guidance to its members, their institutions, and other professional arts organizations, CAA recognizes the need to develop a statement regarding terminal degree programs in the visual arts and design. In February 2013 CAA’s Professional Practices Committee (PPC) outlined a twenty-month course of action to develop a Statement on Terminal Degree Programs in the Visual Arts and Design. This process began with the formation of an ad hoc committee to lead the project.

The committee worked over the past year on collecting and comparing information about terminal degree programs and developing draft statements. The most recent draft was presented to members at the CAA Annual Conference in Chicago in February 2014. The session was extremely well attended and included an open discussion period and a mechanism for collecting post-conference feedback. In addition, the committee presented an earlier draft at the September 2013 National Council of Arts Administrators Annual Conference and many committee members attended an open hearing on the same subject at the October 2013 National Association of Schools of Art and Design Annual Meeting.

The committee continues its work on a timetable to submit a final draft statement for PPC review by June 1, 2014; for CAA staff and legal counsel review by September 1, 2014; and for CAA Board of Directors review in October 2014.

Please review the current draft statement. Members can offer responses, comments, and suggestions at until April 22, 2014. All submissions will be reviewed and considered. Please be aware that the committee will be unable to respond directly to members.




Linda Downs
Executive Director

If you are planning to attend CAA’s 102nd Annual Conference in Chicago, taking place February 12–15, 2014, and have not yet made your hotel reservations, CAA is offering discounted room rates for conference attendees. While the Hilton Chicago is sold, out, CAA has arranged an overflow block of discounted rooms at the Palmer House.

It is strongly encouraged that you book your stay at one of the official conference hotels. CAA commits to a block of rooms at these hotels on behalf of its members and has a financial obligation to fill those blocks. Please help us to avoid potential penalties and control costs for future events by staying at the official conference hotels.

Palmer House
17 East Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60603 (Map)
Reservations: 877-865-5321

Overflow Block

CAA has setup an overflow block of discounted rooms at the Palmer House. Please use the group code “CAO” to receive the special discount.

Discount Rates:
Single $149
Double $149
Triple $179
Quad $209


Student Block

A discounted block of rooms has also been set aside at this hotel exclusively for students. A VALID STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARD WILL BE REQUIRED AT CHECK IN.

Student Rates:
Single $120
Double $120
Additional Person: $30 each


Directions to Hilton Chicago

The Palmer House is about a fifteen minute walk to the Hilton Chicago. As an alternative, take the #6 bus at State and Monroe Streets five stops to Balbo and Michigan. Walk east on Balbo to Michigan. Or, take the red line at Monroe-Red (State and Monroe Streets) two stops to Harrison. Walk one block south to Balbo, then east on Balbo to Michigan.

Filed under: Annual Conference, Students

CAA is no longer taking applications for projectionists and room monitors.

Working as a projectionist or room monitor at the 102nd Annual Conference, taking place February 12–15, 2014, in Chicago, is a great way to save on conference expenses. All candidates must be US citizens or permanent US residents. CAA encourages students and emerging professionals—especially those in the Chicago area—to apply for service.


CAA seeks applications for projectionists for conference program sessions. Successful applicants are paid $12 per hour and receive complimentary conference registration. Projectionists are required to work a minimum of four 2½-hour program sessions, from Wednesday, February 12 to Saturday, February 15; they must also attend a training meeting on Wednesday morning at 7:30 AM. Projectionists must be familiar with digital projectors. Please send a brief letter of interest to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs.

Room Monitors

CAA needs room monitors for two Career Services mentoring programs (the Artists’ Portfolio Review and Career Development Mentoring), several offsite sessions, and other conference events, to be held from Wednesday, February 12 to Saturday, February 15; they must also attend a training meeting on Thursday morning at 7:30 AM. Successful candidates are paid $12 per hour and receive complimentary conference registration. Room monitors are required to work a minimum of eight hours, checking in participants and facilitating the work of the mentors. Please send a brief letter of interest to Lauren Stark, CAA manager of programs.

Filed under: Annual Conference, Students

New editions of CAA’s comprehensive directories of graduate programs in the arts are now available for purchase, featuring updated information about 630 schools in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and beyond.

Entries from the following eight program types are available: History of Art and Architecture; Studio Art and Design; Curatorial and Museum Studies; Arts Administration; Art Education; Library Science; Film Production; and Conservation and Historic Preservation.

The directories are currently available for purchase as customized PDFs, created on demand based on the customer’s preferred search criteria. Anyone can search the directories online by program type, faculty specialization, degrees awarded, country, region, state, availability of health insurance, and whether or not part-time students are admitted; you may also browse by institution. Search results include the program type, its location, and the program name and description, while the purchased PDF gives an in-depth profile of each program (see sample entries). Printed volumes and ebooks will be available for purchase in early November.

CAA’s directories provide prospective graduate students with the information they need for the application process and beyond. The publications are also key professional references for career-services representatives, department chairs, graduate and undergraduate advisors, librarians, professional-practices educators, and professors interested in helping emerging generations of artists and scholars find success.

For questions about purchasing, please contact Roberta Lawson at or 212-392-4404.

Filed under: Books, Education, Publications, Students

THATCamp CAA 2014

posted by October 17, 2013

Registration is now open for THATCamp CAA, a free “unconference” on digital art history that is taking place during the week of the 2014 Annual Conference in Chicago. THATCamp CAA is open to scholars, artists, and graduate students with an active interest in digital art history, defined as scholarship and education in art history, architectural history, and archaeology that is supported by digital technology. The 2014 event will build on the great work done at CAA’s THATCamp in New York in 2013. Full details of the upcoming event, including information on how to register online, can be found in the About section of THATCamp’s website.

THATCamp CAA will be held at Columbia College Chicago on the days immediately preceding the main conference: Monday, February 10 (11:45 AM–5:15 PM); and Tuesday, February 11 (9:30 AM–5:00 PM). A follow-up session intended to reflect on the discussion is scheduled for Thursday, February 13 (9:30 AM–NOON) in the Marquette Room of the Hilton Chicago. Participants should be able to attend all sessions.

Registration is now open! The organizers also ask that you begin proposing session ideas. Approximately sixty participants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is limited. Only those who can commit to attending all days should register.

Filed under: Annual Conference, Students — Tags: