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CAA News Today

Institutional News

posted by February 15, 2017

Read about the latest news from institutional members.

Institutional News is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

February 2017

The Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, California, has acquired the archive of the artist, writer, curator, and scholar Harmony Hammond. The donation includes correspondence, photographs, original source material for her art, professional papers, publication drafts, editioned prints, original artwork, files, and a slide registry devoted to lesbian artists.

The Harvard Art Museums in Cambridge, Massachusetts, have been awarded a $506,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to establish a new Summer Institute for Technical Studies in Art. The program, designed for graduate students from art-history programs across North America who are interested in broadening their experience with object-focused technical inquiry, methodologies, and instruction, will begin in June 2017.

The Harvard Art Museums in Cambridge, Massachusetts, have received a $1 million gift from a Harvard Business School alumnus, Ken Hakuta, to establish the Hakuta Family Endowment Fund, enabling the creation of the Nam June Paik Fellowship at the Harvard Art Museums. Hakuta is the nephew of the pioneering artist Nam June Paik.

John Cabot University in Rome, Italy, has inaugurated a new MA program in art history to begin in fall 2017. Accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, the degree is the first US-accredited master’s degree in the history of art based entirely in Rome. The program can be completed in approximately fifteen months of full-time study.

The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia has received a generous $500,000 gift from Julie Jensen Bryan and Robert Bryan to name the PAFA Printmaking Shop. This transformative commitment ensures that printmaking will remain one of the school’s core artistic disciplines.

The Princeton University Art Museum in Princeton, New Jersey, has posted to its website more than five thousand images and related photographic material by the seminal American modernist Minor White. The two-year digitization and cataloging project, funded in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, provides online access for the first time to the most significant photographic content of the Minor White Archive, which includes finished prints, artist’s proof cards, and bibliographic history.

The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, DC, has surpassed its campaign goals for both financial gifts and significant art gifts, amassing a combined total of $105 million with more than one year remaining in the campaign. The $65 million cash goal was exceeded by $3 million, funds supporting the Renwick Gallery renovation, an education center for the museum’s National Historic Landmark building, and the museum’s endowments. The campaign will continue through 2017 with a focus on additional artworks and endowments to support curatorial, technology, and education initiatives.


Grants, Awards, and Honors

posted by February 15, 2017

CAA recognizes its members for their professional achievements, be it a grant, fellowship, residency, book prize, honorary degree, or related award.

Grants, Awards, and Honors is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

February 2017

Tatiana Flores, associate professor in the Department of Art History at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, with a joint appointment in the Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies, has won a 2016 award from the Arts Writers Grant Program, coordinated by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. Her grant will support a book, titled Art and Visual Culture under Chávez.

Marina Kassianidou, an artist and writer based in Boulder, Colorado, has received a $25,000 award from the Joan Mitchell Foundation’s 2016 Painters and Sculptors Grant Program.

Beili Liu, an artist based in Austin, Texas, has accepted a $25,000 grant from the Joan Mitchell Foundation through the 2016 Painters and Sculptors Grant Program.

Christina Michelon, a doctoral candidate in art history at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, has received a $8,500 project grant via the 2016–17 Craft Research Fund, supervised by the Center for Craft, Creativity, and Design. The funds will support a dissertation focused on print’s relationship to domestic craft and interior design from 1830 to 1890.

Anya Montiel, a PhD student in American studies at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, has accepted a $4,500 project grant from the Center for Craft, Creativity, and Design through the 2016–17 Craft Research Fund. The funds will support dissertation research on government-funded basketry, pottery, and woodworking craft workshops in the 1960s and 1970s among the Florida Seminole, Mississippi Choctaw, and North Carolina Cherokee.

Klaus Ottmann, deputy director for curatorial and academic affairs at the Phillips Collection in Washington, DC, has been conferred the insignia of chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters by Bénédicte de Montlaur, cultural counselor of the French Embassy in New York, on behalf of the French government.

Betsy Redelman, a student pursuing an MFA in craft studies at the Oregon College of Art and Craft in Portland, has received a $3,705 graduate research grant from the Center for Craft, Creativity, and Design through the 2016–17 Craft Research Fund. The award will support thesis research on the neglected history of indigenous women potters in San Marcos Tlapaola, a small pueblo in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Margaret Samu, a freelance art historian based in New York, has been awarded the 2016 Mary Zirin Prize for independent scholarship from the Association for Women in Slavic Studies.

Maureen G. Shanahan, professor of history of art for the School of Art, Design, and Art History at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, has received a Fulbright Award for research in France from March to June 2017. The grant, entitled “World War I and the Colonial Legacy: Sites of Memory, Traces of Forgetting,” will support two projects: planning for a conference on the representation of the colonial subject during and after WWI; and archival research on a monograph, tentatively entitled Silence, Surveillance, and Psychiatry: Gaëtan Gatian de Clérambault and the French Colonial Subject (1914–34).

Andrew Uroskie, director of graduate studies for the MA/PhD program in art history and criticism at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, New York, has won a 2016 award from the Arts Writers Grant Program, administered by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. The grant will support his book, titled The Kinetic Imaginary: Robert Breer and the Animation of Postwar Art.

Laura A. L. Wellen, a writer and curator based in Houston, Texas, has earned a 2016 award from the Arts Writers Grant Program, coordinated by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. The grant will support a blog called Piedrín.

Soyoung Yoon, program director and assistant professor of art history and visual studies in the Department of the Arts at the New School’s Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts in New York, has received a 2016 awards via the Arts Writers Grant Program, supervised by Creative Capital and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. The funds will support an article titled “The Evidence of Things Not Heard: On Mendi + Keith Obadike’s Numbers Station.”


Exhibitions Curated by CAA Members

posted by February 15, 2017

Check out details on recent shows organized by CAA members who are also curators.

Exhibitions Curated by CAA Members is published every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

February 2017


Books Published by CAA Members

posted by February 15, 2017

Publishing a book is a major milestone for artists and scholars—browse a list of recent titles below.

Books Published by CAA Members appears every two months: in February, April, June, August, October, and December. To learn more about submitting a listing, please follow the instructions on the main Member News page.

February 2017

Mónica Amor. Theories of the Nonobject: Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela 1944–1969 (Oakland: University of California Press, 2016).

Robert Craig Bunch. The Art of Found Objects: Interviews with Texas Artists (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2016).

Tal Dekel. Transnational Identities: Women, Art, and Migration in Contemporary Israel (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2016).

Georgina G. GluzmanTrazos invisibles. Mujeres artistas en Buenos Aires (1890–1923) (Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos, 2016).

Sabine T. Kriebel and Andrés Mario Zervigón, eds. Photography and Doubt (New York: Routledge, 2017).

John LearPicturing the Proletariat: Artists and Labor in Revolutionary Mexico, 1908–1940 (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2017).

Jeff RosenJulia Margaret Cameron’s “Fancy Subjects”: Photographic Allegories of Victorian Identity and Empire (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016).

Maureen G. Shanahan and Ana María Reyes, eds. Simón Bolívar: Travels and Transformations of a Cultural Icon (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2016).

Lawrence WaldronHandbook of Ceramic Animal Symbols in the Ancient Lesser Antilles (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2016).


Artifex Press
, a publisher of digital catalogues raisonnés, is proud to launch their subscription service in February 2017. Currently available are catalogues raisonnes for Chuck Close, Jim Dine, and Tim Hawkinson; and in February 2017 they will release Agnes Martin and James Siena; later in 2017 they will publish Sol LeWitt and Lucas Samaras. Sign up for an introductory webinar about their platform, including a presentation by Tiffany Bell, Editor of their Agnes Martin Paintings catalogue and co-curator of the traveling 2015 – 2017 Agnes Martin Retrospective, which began at the Tate and just closed at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.

Don’t forget to also visit their booth (#1111) at the 2017 CAA Conference!

New in

posted by January 27, 2017

Wayne Franits reviews Genre Imagery in Early Modern Northern Europe: New Perspectives, edited by Arthur J. DiFuria. The eight essays “challenge” and “transcend” traditional studies on this topic “by exploring the complex, heterogeneous reception of such imagery among early modern viewers,” and they achieve this “noteworthy goal” with “varying degrees of success.” Read the full review at
Deborah Lewittes discusses the exhibition catalogue for Designing Home: Jews and Midcentury Modernism, produced by the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco. Offering “a fresh take on the popular topic of twentieth-century domestic design,” the “elegant” and “graphically stunning” book is “a work of scholarly importance” and “provides interesting cultural tidbits.” Read the full review at
Astrid Köhler examines Daguerreotypes: Fugitive Subjects, Contemporary Objects by Lisa Saltzman. The volume “distinguishes itself from most other theories of photography, both in content and approach, via a lucid analysis” that “brings together heterogeneous objects that share a distinctive relation to time, identity, and memory.” Read the full review at
Filed under:, Uncategorized

Each week CAA News summarizes eight articles, published around the web, that CAA members may find interesting and useful in their professional and creative lives.

Does Private Funding Threaten Museums’ Public Missions?

With an incoming presidential cabinet threatening to slash public spending, placing additional strain on institutions, one might well ask: How will the next generation of museums be funded? What changes in museum funding models are already taking place, both in the US and elsewhere? (Read more from Artsy.)

Some Advice on Building Conference Panels

Some of the best panels I’ve created have been with very senior scholars. Even if you are a junior scholar, you can bet that if your panel is well assembled and you craft your approach email with kindness and respect, it’s very likely that invited senior scholars may say yes. (Read more from Raul Pacheco-Vega, PhD.)

Study on Arts Graduates Provides Continuing Evidence on the Value of an Arts Degree

A recent study provides new evidence that individuals with degrees in the arts from North American institutions are extremely satisfied with their arts education, with no substantive changes across income levels and employment status. The report analyzes data from more than 35,000 arts alumni of all ages who responded to a fall 2015 survey. (Read more from the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project.)

Against the Design Thinking Meeting

The people who speak the language of design thinking are the cool kids. Not just the people with the awesome glasses and the black clothing. These are the people who have those awesome jobs with “innovation” or “disruption” on their business cards. (Read more from Inside Higher Ed.)

Artists Are Throwing Wrenches into the Art World’s Works

Even as one visible portion of the art world becomes ever more soaked in money, artists are picking up the ideas of first- and second-generation institutional critique and adapting them to the needs of the present. With increasing frequency, they are investigating, tweaking, and even striking out against the operation of museums, galleries, and the market as an integral part of their larger practices. (Read more from ARTnews.)

The Institution as User: Museums on Social Media

How does a museum talk? Its voice lives in wall texts, whether they deliver art history or gently admonish against touching work or using flash photography. Its tone has to be serious enough to honor the histories it was built to protect, and to convince visitors that the twenty dollars they paid to get in was well spent. (Read more from Art in America.)

Diversity in the Open-Access Movement, Part 1: Differing Definitions

Not only is there wide disagreement as to what “freely available” in open access really means, but not everyone in the movement even agrees that all scholarship must be freely available, or how quickly it should be made freely available, or what mechanisms are appropriate for making it that way. Since the fact of this ideological diversity doesn’t seem to be self-evident, it might be helpful to lay out some evidence for it here. (Read more from the Scholarly Kitchen.)

Strengthening Networks, Sparking Change: Museums and Libraries as Community Catalysts

A new report from the Institute of Museum and Library Services includes case studies and a discussion of conceptual frameworks that can guide libraries, archives, and museums that seek to spark catalytic change in their communities. (Read more from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.)

Filed under: CAA News, Uncategorized

Art Journal Editorial Board Seeks New Member

posted by January 24, 2017

CAA invites nominations and self-nominations for one individual to serve on the Art Journal Editorial Board for a four-year term: July 1, 2017–June 30, 2021. Candidates may be artists, art historians, art critics, art educators, curators, or other art professionals; institutional affiliation is not required. Art Journal, published quarterly by CAA, is devoted to twentieth- and twenty-first-century art and visual culture.

The editorial board advises the Art Journal editor-in-chief and assists her or him in seeking authors, articles, artists’ projects, and other content for the journal; performs peer review and recommends peer reviewers; guides its editorial program and may propose new initiatives for it; and may support fundraising efforts on the journal’s behalf. Members also assist the editor-in-chief to keep abreast of trends and issues in the field by attending and reporting on sessions at the CAA Annual Conference and other academic conferences, symposia, and other events in their fields.

The Art Journal Editorial Board meets three times a year, with meetings in the spring and fall plus one at the CAA Annual Conference in February. The spring and fall meetings are currently held by teleconference, but at a later date CAA may reimburse members for travel and lodging expenses for New York meetings in accordance with its travel policy. Members pay travel and lodging expenses to attend the conference in February. Members of all editorial boards volunteer their services to CAA without compensation.

Candidates must be current CAA members in good standing and should not be serving on the editorial board of a competitive journal or on another CAA editorial board or committee. Members may not publish their own work in the journal during the term of service. CAA encourages applications from colleagues who will contribute to the diversity of perspectives on the Art Journal Editorial Board and who will engage actively with conversations about the discipline’s engagements with differences of culture, religion, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, and access. Nominators should ascertain their nominee’s willingness to serve before submitting a name; self-nominations are also welcome. Please send a letter describing your interest in and qualifications for appointment, a CV, and your contact information to: Chair, Art Journal Editorial Board, College Art Association, 50 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10004; or email the documents or inquiries to Joe Hannan, CAA editorial director. Deadline: April 17, 2017.

Art Journal Seeks Editor-in-Chief

posted by January 24, 2017

The Art Journal Editorial Board invites nominations and self-nominations for the position of editor-in-chief for the term July 1, 2018–June 30, 2021 (with service on the Art Journal Editorial Board in 2017–18 as editor designate, and in 2021–22 as past editor). Art Journal, published quarterly by CAA, is devoted to twentieth- and twenty-first-century art and visual culture.

Working with the editorial board, the editor-in-chief is responsible for the content and character of the journal. He or she solicits content, reads all submitted manuscripts, sends submissions to peer reviewers, and provides guidance to authors concerning the form and content of submissions; develops projects; makes final decisions regarding content; and may support fundraising efforts on the journal’s behalf. A candidate may be an artist, art historian, art critic, art educator, curator, or other art professional. The editor-in-chief works closely with CAA’s New York staff.

The editor-in-chief attends the three meetings each year of the Art Journal Editorial Board— held in the spring and fall by teleconference or in New York, and in February at the CAA Annual Conference—and submits an annual report to CAA’s Board of Directors. CAA may reimburse the editor for travel and lodging expenses for spring and fall New York meetings in accordance with its travel policy, but the editor pays his or her own expenses for the Annual Conference.

The position usually requires one-half of an editor’s working time. CAA provides financial compensation for course release, usually to an editor’s employer.

Candidates must be current CAA members in good standing and should not be serving on the editorial board of a competitive journal or on another CAA editorial board or committee. CAA encourages applications from colleagues who will contribute to the diversity of perspectives on the Art Journal Editorial Board and who will engage actively with conversations about the discipline’s engagements with differences of culture, religion, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, and access. Nominators should ascertain their nominee’s willingness to serve before submitting a name; self-nominations are also welcome. A CV, a letter of interest from the nominee, and at least one letter of recommendation must accompany each nomination. Please mail to: Art Journal Editor-in-Chief Search, College Art Association, 50 Broadway, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10004; or email the documents or inquiries to Joe Hannan, CAA editorial director. Deadline: April 3, 2017. Finalists will be interviewed on the afternoon of May 4, in New York.

For more than a century, the College Art Association (CAA) has represented art historians, artists, museum professionals, designers, and others who think and care about the visual arts and its impact on our culture. We do this in part through direct advocacy for artistic and academic freedom.

Like many other Americans, we have closely watched the proposed changes to the federal government. Recent news reports reveal that the US President intends to propose the elimination of funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). This proposal is reportedly based in part on a recommendation by the Heritage Foundation that states, “As the U.S. Congress struggles to balance the federal budget and end the decades-long spiral of deficit spending, few programs seem more worthy of outright elimination than the National Endowment for the Arts.”

We offer our complete and total opposition to these efforts.

Since the 1960s, the NEA and NEH have supported artists, writers, museum professionals, and a wide array of scholars of various disciplines in creating new work and scholarship. The NEA supports thousands of cultural and educational organizations, and, in a few cases, individual artists. The NEH, which strengthens teaching and learning in schools and colleges—as well as the work of independent scholars—creates access to educational scholarship and research nationwide. In addition, the NEH is a strong supporter of museum exhibitions throughout the country. Combined, the budgets for the two agencies are less than $300 million. The organizational grantees generate hundreds of millions of dollars in matching support and countless new works of art and scholarship. These works and related projects are studied and enjoyed by millions of Americans in museums and other venues. The cultural sector of the US economy generates more the $135 billion in revenue and employs over three million people in small towns and large cities countrywide.

Given that the respective budgets of the NEA and NEH represent only a tiny fraction of the entire federal budget, their planned elimination cannot logically be seen as a cost-saving measure. Rather, it appears to be a deliberate, ominous effort to silence artistic and academic voices, representing a potentially chilling next step in an apparent effort to stifle and eradicate oppositional voices and cultural output from civic life. By eliminating the support for these agencies, the government undermines the unifying potential of the arts, culture, and education that encourages and nurtures communication and positive discussion.

CAA leadership is monitoring the possible elimination and/or reduction of funding for the NEA and NEH and how it may affect our members and the work they do. CAA will communicate and collaborate with other cultural and educational organizations and learned societies to determine potential future advocacy options.

We urge our fellow CAA members to contact their representatives in Congress to let them know the importance of maintaining a robust, national, publicly supported framework for artistic and academic freedom.  When you contact your representative, we ask that you let them know you are a member of CAA and together we are advocating for continued public funding for the arts. We also encourage you to contact the National Humanities Alliance and Americans for the Arts to become further involved.

Through our collective strength, we can ensure that public funding of scholarship and art making continues, free from political and commercial interference.

Suzanne Preston Blier

Hunter O’Hanian
Executive Director
Chief Executive Officer